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Everything posted by the_raven

  1. Someone already made this (or they were in the process). Check this thread right here.
  2. Oh man, why must there be so much CGI in the prequels??!

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. RJA


      Cinema is an art, it means that it is a place to test the limits too. ^^


      I like the fact that OT was practical, PT digital and ST is part of digital and practical. But don't be fool, ST are a lot more CGI than they assume it ^^ Just that in 2017, CGI are impressive and sometimes you won't see them.

    3. Jango40


      PT just looks Cheesy. Yeah, I know ST also uses a lot of CGI, but the fact they cleverly combine it with practical effects makes it look much more realistic. Has CGI really advanced since the Prequels? Yes, but if it was abused as in Prequels, it would still look cheesy. That some movies from late 70's - early 80's look more believeable than movies from late 90's - mid 2000's tells a lot. Not to mention they made some really retarded choices, like making all clone troopers CGI.

    4. RJA


      It is your opinion. Truly not mine.


      Considering the beauty of the rendering is something so subjective that nobody has the truth.

  3. funny how the blaster looks even smaller in this pic
  4. something tells me it looks better than the original (in third person I mean), and I'm not just talking about the texture quality here
  5. for some reason, it doesn't wanna work with JA++ and OJP
  6. my fav melee weapon in Star Wars Conquest (a mod for M&B)
  7. 6 didn't work and it casued a ton of lag. set it to 3 and it worked like a charm. thanks!
  8. the effects here actually remind me of some overrated modern FPS that tries too hard to look like it crawled from the 80's
  9. Saw Ep1 on TV earlier today. What can I say? It's rubbish, but was still somehow fun.

    1. Noodle


      I've always enjoyed the podracing scene a lot, it's in my opinion the climax of the film.

    2. GPChannel


      What can i say about prequels...

      Not the best SW movies,but i like them :)

    3. Domino5555


      The Phantom Menace is Citizen Kane compared to the Holiday Special.

  10. Well, I typed "r_" and hit Tab, got a wall of Cmd's and Cvar's. Typed "r_condump dump" and nothing seems to have happened. Ah, hold on, removed the "r_". Now it says "Dumped console text to dump.txt.". Here's what it says in dump.txt (I'm not sure you need most of this, but I included the whole text just in case):
  11. well, compared to the rest, it's indeed 'meh', but it's still pretty good
  12. great! now I can feed them off to the rancor without remorse!
  13. like I said, they didn't work for some reason what Catalyst Control Center?
  14. Well yeah, but it was at least lore-appropriate with Jedi\ Republic fighting the Sith. The Eternal Empire was entirely out of place, the devs were like "Ok, so the EU ain't canon anymore... Card-blanch to do anything we want!!! Let's add a faction from (can't remember who they resemble) and make it whoop the Republic's and Sith's asses! Oooh, and let's give 'em lightsabers too, but not red ones, because red lightsabers are for Sith and are overrated anyway! And let these new guys all wear white and look shiny and nice, but actually make them evil as phuck! Oh, and let's get twin princes who've been friends all their lives but now hate each other! And let's make the one in black to be the good guy! Because good guys don't wear white! But neither do all bad guys wear black! Yeah, that should break a few cliche's! ZOMG, we're lyek soooooo original!", and the backstory was that Vitiate founded that empire in secret because he wanted to reshape the galaxy and have everyone use both sides of the Force - which is utter nonsense since he was bent on consuming the Galaxy and the Force. A load of crap, is what it is! But anyway, we're derailing the thread.
  15. ooooh, looks sithy! me likey
  16. the_raven

    Vampire (Tobe)

    whell now, haven't seen this skin(s) in a while
  17. honestly, the idea is kinda stupid and unnecessary, just like that Eternal Empire in TOR but oh well
  18. come on, we're supposed to believe Tie Pilots use blaster rifles and are more badass on the ground battlefield than the infantry
  19. Ok, so I finally got to check it. Turns out, I didn't even know of the r_lodbias bit, and that it wasn't the issue with my game. Methinks it has something to do with anti-aliasing, but I still haven't found any way of editing it in the setup menu. Is there some console command for it? Here's a screen from my game (btw, the screenshot command doesn't wanna work! I had to use the scisors tool):
  20. It's nice, but in some places it sounds like an 80-90's game soundtrack, in others it feels like there's way too many notes (or melisms, or whatever), and sometimes it sounds like the tonality and/ or timing are wrong (though I'm no musician). But I can dig it, it kinda reminded me of expressionism in music (or something along those lines)
  21. his walking is funny btw, is the...what's the polite word?...eh, screw it, they'll just have to forgive me...the midget host - did he play Mini-Me in Austin Powers?
  22. Actually the attached pic is the same from the original post, I just used it because I'm having the same issue. My resolution is 800x600, not sure about anti-aliasing and anistrophy since I didn't see any options for those in the setup menu. Still, thanks for the reply, I'll tell you if it solved it
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