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Posts posted by the_raven

  1. Hate TOR but - the Sacking of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant?

    More from the Mandalorian wars?

    Something about the Jedi Exiles on Korriban?

    More from the Yuzhang Vong war?

    The canon Mandalorian-Jedi battle? (featured in the Murals in TCW)

    The canon Jedi-Sith battle on Malachor? (remains of which were featured in Rebels season 2 (I think))?

    The canon Mandalorian-Empire\ Mandalorian-Imperial Mandalorian war (to be featured in Rebels season 4)?

    Anakin killing younglings?

    Imperial troopers bashing Gungans?

    Something from TFU 1?
    Rosh-bashing? :rolleyes:

    General Howard likes this
  2. Probably it is. But Luke was "tempted" by the dark side aura....(dark cave on Dagobah).....since Yoda was his master very short and so was Ben....I'm guessing he just thought

     that "dark side temptation" COULD be good for students.

    Good for students that they should know what dark side feels like.


    I'm just guessing....

    Remember Jaden Korr and Rosh? They were all adults so to speak....Luke trained full grown people and Anakin at the age of 10 was "TOO OLD" to be trained.

    WHAT JEDI CODE, I'm asking you? ;)

    Well, didn't Luke disobey Yoda's 'advice' on the cave? Didn't Yoda tell him that it was too early, that he wasn't ready, and that he didn't need his weapons?

    Maybe Luke did indeed assume that being open to Dark Side temptation could be beneficial (after all, it can be, from a certain point of view :rolleyes:). But again, if you do everything properly (I.E. by the Jedi Code), students should be exposed to the Dark Side only when they are ready, and facing the Jedi trials.

    Jaden and Rosh were both trained in Luke's Yavin IV academy (not the space station praxeum-academy, for some reason :huh:), and what happened to them? Rosh was deceitful, overzealous, ambitious, and also cowardly, but Kyle didn't care, so Rosh fell to the Dark Side; Jaden was later also dealing with the Dark Side, died, and got cloned (if I remember the novels correctly).

    Anakin was taken into training because he was special, they believe him to be The Chosen One, so obviously they made an exception - and look where such exceptions got the Order!


    Luke passed on what he knows.

    He doesn't know that "feeling the dark side" is not good for young jedis.

    It was good for him so he passed that knowledge.

    He knew that he has to face "dark jedi" (Vader) to complete his training.

    Kylo Ren was probably faced Snoke and he was turned.

    He thought that there was GOOD in every "dark jedi".....Han payed it with his life.


    He even had a child (Rey is probably his daughter, saber called her, tears in Lukes eyes when he saw Rey and blue saber)...some people suggesting that Rey is actual Kenobi.

    I don't believe in that. It doesn't make any sense. Ben was trained by the "Jedi Code", right?


    Leia have a child (we can assume that Leia was not a Jedi only Force "sencer" :D ). Child named Ben aka Kylo Ren (stupid name Ben)....Han hated the "old fossil" and Leia never met him. They screwed it, right?

    Didn't anyone tell Luke that one man's trash is another man's treasure? What was ultimately good for him isn't bound to ultimately be good for everyone else. Didn't those damned ghosts tell him about it? Again, the temptation worked for him because he was special. I actually believe that it was him who's The Chosen One, and not Anakin.


    Who said Snoke is a dark Jedi? He may not be Sith, but he's still not a Jedi, not necessarily at least. He may have been one of those Emperor's Hands, or maybe something completely different (like a Nightbrother or whatever). We don't know anything about him as yet, so it's really pointless to make assumptions. On the other hand, who sends a student, no matter how talented, to deal with a powerful Force-user? Seems to me that Luke's a bad teacher.


    It's stated nowhere in the new canon (yet) that Luke had a child. The saber calling to Rey may have simply been the Force, or maybe she did it herself because she was looking for Luke (not like she couldn't do a ton of other things out of the blue <_<). I'm not convinced. And I literally just saw TFA on tv, and there were no tears in Luke's eyes. Her being a Kenobi is far-fetched, I agree with you on that. Though I remember seeing some fan-theory video on youtube where they spoke of the fact that Jedi weren't allowed to have families, but that it didn't forbid them to have sex in general, so Anakin, Luke, Obi-Wan, or any other Jedi - it could still happen. :D

    Ben was trained with the Jedi Code? We don't know that, do we now? As far as your posts here go, he was trained in Luke's personal experience, not the Jedi Code. :shifty:


    Leia was not a Jedi, but a Force-sensitive, that much is known in canon. She's got a child (Ben) and a husband (Han). Nothing forbade her to do it. In fact, it's probably because of this that she didn't become a Jedi.

    Ben isn't a bad name, Kylo is sillier, if you ask me. And what is Ren anyway? Did all Knights of Ren have the Ren 'family'-name? It's unknown yet.

    They probably named Ben after Ben Kenobi at Luke's request, his reasoning was probably something like: "Ben taught me to be a Jedi, without him we wouldn't have gotten to the Death Star to save Leia, and would ultimately not have stopped the Empire! Besides, Ben's not even his real name, so why not have a Force-user named Ben?"

  3. Probably because it is peaceful place.....at least it looks that way......nature, trees...waterfalls....

    And the "dark side aura"....probably because of young students...to make them feel or taste the dark side...to tempt them...to see who is "weak minded"....I'm just guessing.

    But ain't that like, against the Jedi Code? There are Padawan trials for this, you know!

    We don't know how powerful Luke Skywalker is.....

    We can ASSUME that he is less powerful than Yoda or Windu...

    You can wait episode VIII to see what he learned from Ancient Jedi temple....


    In episode VIII he is like 50-60 years old....that is a lot of experience since ROTJ.


    He can be even more powerful than Yoda...who knows (G. Lucas) :D

    Well, considering that the Jedi\ Sith by the time of KOTOR were "as children playing with toys" compared to the ancient ones (namely the Jedi Exiles that established the Sith 'religion'), it makes sense that Luke ain't as powerful as Yoda or Windu, and I'm not talking about Force mastery, I'm talking about actual knowledge. But I suppose the "Ancient Jedi temple" of which you speak could have taught him things, though it's strange the Empire didn't sack it like it did the rest.

    Killjoy likes this
  4. Note: I'm not sure it's the proper sub-forum, but oh well.


    So apparently someone remade\ is remaking the Serenity Jedi Engine from 2015. The (re)maker claims to have received permission from Serenity and to have fixed 99.99% of all bugs and crashes. Anyway, here's the page on moddb.

    Maybe someone already posted this, maybe the guy is even a member here (I don't know :lol:), or maybe it's a fake, but I didn't see any posts, so I figured I'd share because it's obviously down this site's alley.

    Discuss. :rolleyes:

  5. The hilt is missing, i know about the blade issue.

    as in, it's that tri-colored corner-shaped thingy or is the hilt outright invisible?


    also, what's that tri-colored corner-shaped thingy called by the community anyway? it's supposed to be a missing model or missing texture or something, right?

  6. Its possible, has been done, but there's only so much you can do without a code modification to unlock the restriction of the torso/lower sections of the animation. Right now it forces you to use the lower half of the STAND1 animation for nearly all of the other animations like that. So most of them end up looking even more derpy than they did before. I recommend trying out the Clone Wars Stances mod, they have some good gun animations.

    speaking of that mod, can anyone actually remove the terrible jumping animation? it doesn't work properly in long (lvl3) jumps

  7. Wait, you want him to have Boba Fett's helmet under the hood? Shouldn't the fabric hood be stretched by the helmet? In real life, I mean.

    Or do you want him to wear a Boba Fett helmet 'mask', like Revan?


    I'm no kitbasher, but I think making something like that should be fairly easy. It's times like these I regret I never bothered learning to kitbash :(

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