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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. You aren't missing out on anything in terms of SP campaign, the story is terrible. MP can be shitloads of fun, I used to spend countless hours playing online, haven't much lately though, all my favorite lugormod servers have went away. I may buy a server though, been thinking about it for some time and I figured just from people knowing me from here it may stay full. Will have to find someone who hasn't forgotten how to build in lugormod like me though to make a nice map. Real time map modding WITHOUT the need for a client side plugin FTW.
  2. ^You really gotta get out and play some MP, no one stays on 1 server ALL the time. As for collision, most things use a bounding box, using a models hull to compute collision can really kill game performance, best to do like they did for the Pandemic Zero engine (SWBF, SWBF2, TCW) and use a low poly colision mesh to compute collisions, or even multiple primitives, think cube man, it'll still be better than a bounding box.
  3. No, it's just that once you do that you have to re-weigh every model you want to use the new skeleton and you will not be able to play online. I wouldn't consider JA to be a pure sandbox game but it's much closer to being on than MANY games out there and doing things that break online compatibility turns JA into one of those cheap 1 time play through games that collects dust after you beat it 1 time. Not to mention the huge amount of community made models that will no longer work.
  4. ^See this is a good idea, fuck overhauling all the games animations, that's way too much work.
  5. You're just talking about something that DT is already attempting which is a retardedly huge amount of work especially for you since you have very little experience in this area. DT already asked for my help back when they started that whole JA recreation thing but I knew how much work it would be to redo the games animations and with only giving it a single second of a thought I said no, it's too much work with few rewards, I'll wait for better physics or just mod another game if I want it that badly which at this point I don't care much about it. Changing the skeleton breaks MP compatibility, ruining the game, you can try it but don't expect any help from me.
  6. I wouldn't use that skeleton as a base, use my custom rig instead, link is in my sig. Like I said, this can work but only to an extent, what may work ok for one character the clipping will be bad for another since it doesn't take the models dimensions into account, it's still keyframed objects and not actual physics.
  7. MOTOR=GATOR for animations in Softimage. Having actual physics is the only right way to do it, animating it with bones even with the help of a complex rig would still take loads of time to ensure it behaves right.
  8. Maybe put the lips back to the way they were but keep the eyes, the lips somehow got worse. The hands are right, you didn't make the amature mistake of modeling the thumbs out of the side of the hand, they come out of the bottom. You don't need those weird loops at the very tip, it's like you added a joint that doesn't exist in real life, you need more loops though on the finger joints, 1 loop wont cut it. The shoulders though probably should be retopo'd.
  9. http://wiki.polycount.com/ShoulderTopology You should look that over, with the amount of detail you're putting in I think you should make the polyflow follow the muscle lines better in the shoulders, the "bendy straw" method you are using right now is really only good for really low poly models since it makes for easy weighing and deformation. I personally build them more focused on proper anatomy. Something about the face looks off, like the proportions of the head. Eyes seem a bit too big and lips not quite as pouty as they should be.
  10. What mod is the server hosting? People do this all the time in lugormod, can be done in game through the console and made so that only the players marked as admin can use the terminal, no way around it.
  11. Check resources in the task manager, the flash player plugin inside any web browser that is required to run a youtube video is pretty taxing on physical mem (RAM), you may just be consuming nearly all the PC's resources. This belongs in tech support btw.
  12. Engine enhancements will come when the main coders around here get to it but there are many other things being fixed before any updating will be done. The only way you'll see engine enhancements is if either you or someone else comes around and decides to do it but the existing coders in the community aren't focusing on it atm.
  13. Well either lock it, prune it or make some parts of it that don't belong into new thread. People need to quit posting their questions here.
  14. You should tag this thread as solved, helps those who are looking for solutions to their own problems.
  15. ^Armor has ZERO shine in the movies. Very dirty and matte, lesson is that just becuase you can make a shader for something doesn't mean you should. Inyri's suggestion a few posts up was the best solution by far, only a small shine in spots where the paint has chipped and bare metal is showing.
  16. Where did I say it was bad? You can follow that tutorial to get your model working.
  17. You may have to use a spec map rather than the env map, that way you can just copy your original texture and adjust the areas only where you want there to be shine by making them brighter with higher contrast. Environment maps would only affect a certain area if you modeled it off on it's own, they always cover an entire object, if you find the image the env map shader uses you may be able to overlay it with your texture and make an alpha channel on areas you don't want it so that it doesn't affect it but not sure if it'll work.
  18. Iny, he's using max 8. =p I'll just leave this here... http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/39-how-to-make-a-lightsaber-hilt/
  19. You can edit the file to include better screens as they are very dark. I wouldn't add the face mask like the reborn_new, it would make them look too similar in a way, they're better without it, I like both your reborn skins btw.
  20. Yeah, I rigged that one up for him, it's a VERY good model, even if there was a perfectly rigged port I'd still rather use his because the detail is greater.
  21. Don't wait on a JA modeling tutorial becuase your human life span will expire before it happens, instead you do this. 1: Learn the software of choice (Softimage/3DS Max/Blender/maybe even Maya if it can export to dotXSI 3.5, older versions could) 2: Learn to model in that software 3: Learn how to take your model and put it in game which a lot of people here can help with There are thousands of tutorials out there, there is no such thing as modeling specifically for 1 game, modeling is modeling, first you learn it then you learn how to make the models work in game. Google and Youtube will get you started, also make an account at polycount.com, tons of info there as well as professional game artists to offer advice.
  22. ^I actually left the SWBF2 modding community because of that, I think everyone was told too much by their mommies that they were angels that were perfect.
  23. The other model is a port, not sure if it's still up for download since porting nearly got the community shut down years back over legal issues at filefront (now gamefront) and I wouldn't want all that mess happening here, best to make your own model. More fulfilling and you'll learn way more, each model you make will only be better than the last.
  24. It doesn't work, like for my AT-RT I want it set as a walker mainly for the way it behaves as an npc and if I make it as a mount (tauntaun) the character tries to swing a saber when firing the main cannon. If I set it as a walker class it shows no rider, I think there is also a command for that as well, to show the driver, not sure what it's called though. I can send over the pk3, just ignore the placeholder textures and the fact that the run animation is just a sped up walk animation since I lost motivation because of it not working properly.
  25. @@Corto since you're texturing something of mine I'll rig the model.
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