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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. No expensive software needed, JA character models and animations can be done with free software.
  2. On the 3 square panels there are unused vertex's, you can spot them becuse they are on the outer side of the object and the 2 edges they connect flow in 1 straight line, if that vert doesn't stick out any it can be removed.
  3. I managed to knock 99 vert's off the model, there are a lot of weird polygons though, is it Radiant that draws all those unnecessary faces? I'd probably just use it as a reference a build a new mesh over top of this one, it's pretty messy.
  4. What I meant was with 3ds max and Maya you'll struggle to get working models, Archangel has been working on a plugin for 3ds max but it still has some small issues it seems and not sure whether it works for all versions. Maya is a total mystery, been years since I've seen anyone attempt to get a working JA model from Maya. There is Blender if you can get the plugin to work and also deal with it's terrible interface. The compiler from JA takes a native Softimage format which is what makes it so easy, I also have used custom bipeds that I made in Softimage for animation without issue. Only was saying that if you know Softimage it helps a ton since it's the most sure fire way to make a model/animation work in JA properly.
  5. On MB2, the saber dueling is terrible, they dumbed it down to give other classes a better chance, swings do seem slowed down quite a bit, no one is that slow and predictable in real life, especially when their actual life is on the line.
  6. Man that Slave 1 model looks horrid, check my youtube channel, I may make that one into a map object for JA.
  7. @@CaptainCrazy it's good to know Softimage for this engine since it's what the devs used and it can guarantee working models and animations with the only issues being if you did something wrong. Even the free Mod Tool version can be used.
  8. I disagree completely, I wasn't upset like many when LA shut down, the best star wars games were made when 3rd party developers did the work, this series is one of them. TFU wasn't good, it had good graphics but that only counts for 5% of what makes a game fun, story, gameplay and most of all replay value are WAY more important.
  9. I use only single saber, medium style, I might switch styles but only to keep the opponent guessing and avoid having a predictable pattern.
  10. Show a wireframe before you start unwrapping, I bet there are tons of points that can be removed without changing the shape/volume at all since in one of your previous screens I could see tons of optimization that could be done. I'm intrigued by modeling out a map and just placing everything in radiant, flagging objects then compiling since the tools in radiant are far inferior to Softimage in terms of building geometry. Are you able to get proper bounding volumes of the exported models?
  11. Poking is gay, makes it too easy, it's fun to beat pokers without resorting to it, they get very mad.
  12. I kinda like not having absorb visible to other players since I play lightside while every kid out there plays dark and it catches them off guard very often when they try to grip. Maybe rename it to lightsaber style just so there is no confusion since so many single idle animations are called stance mods.
  13. Underworld probably went along to become 1313 since it was about boba fett in the coruscant lower levels.
  14. I would like a continuation of the JK series picking up after JO and completely ignoring JA's terrible story. People complain mostly about Rosh but Kyle in JA bugs me just as much since he's NOTHING like Kyle from the other DF/JK games. Also, where the F is Jan?
  15. Yeah, even the hardest bot vs a human player would be like as if Tyson fought a baby.
  16. Archangel, adding a NPC with animations is exactly the same as adding a vehicle to the game, it's not hard at all, the only code side which is small is the class type and how it behaves. You can do it without coding but you're just limited to how it works and behaves in game. The export and compiling process is the same as a vehicle for the model and animations.
  17. Yeah I think adding a saber style would be a very popular one.
  18. Yeah, I take it you weren't around when gamefront was close to being slapped with a lawsuit and shutdown by bioware for the ported KotOR models? Even if the developers didn't care pulling models from console games can prove to be quite difficult, takes someone with a LOT of coding knowledge to reverse engineer the formats to a workable state and even then a lot of data is generally lost.
  19. It's looking really good, maybe one day you'll do some sublet work for me. =p
  20. ^Yeah, that's even a problem with the base hilts, the right hand is holding them in the middle where it should be more towards the top so that when both hands are holding it half the left hand isn't off the end of the hilt holding nothing. It's an easy fix though, especially if there is no *parent tag, just move it down in the Y axis and re-export. Not using a tag_parent (*parent) makes it so that 0,0,0 in global space will be the point where it bolts to the hand.
  21. Hows about I start up my home hosted server and we have a duel, private of course with no force other than jump?
  22. There are at least still lugormod servers, you could join that, the building seems similar but with lugormod you get a whole lot more.
  23. The main thing people tend to not think about when making weapons is that they'll never be seen as closely in game as they are in a 3d modeling program so they go overboard with detail. I'd definitely keep it under 500 vertex's, an 8 sided cylinder would be my max for the base starting point, let the textures do most of the work when it comes to detail.
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