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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. Why take the time to do this? I owned the console version of this console, it's terrible to the point in which I'm sure no one is playing it.
  2. Unfortunately animating the heli ability isn't possible without code changes since there are no bones or animations for sabers.
  3. That girl just destroyed every bit of no talent, electronic music in this thread.
  4. ^This. They're not really WIP threads, there's no works in progress being shown, just a new kitbash every page or so.
  5. You don't bind it to the torso, you can have up to 4 bones influencing a single vertex through bone weights. Similarly to how say the elbows and knees are weighed you need to do the same with the hair. You need to look up some tutorials on envelope weighing in Blender. Those frankenstien tutorials don't really teach you anything at all.
  6. We need our own discord channel much like how JKG has.
  7. Finally, some recognition on this problem, it's true that new comers come on here, request something only to be told it's already been done and that they have to dig through a massive WIP thread to find it because the file isn't even hosted on this site. So there is even another issue here, most of the stuff can't pass approval to be hosted on this site so an external link is needed so people just checking the downloads section wont even find what someone else told them existed.
  8. My main thing is this, I want to view the models as they would look in game to reduce the need to fire up the game to see how things will look. Marmoset costs money, updating the tools we have is free, time consuming but free. I'll probably fondle more with either integrating the render engine into an XSI viewport to make a .fx shader that mimics the games shader.
  9. minilogoguy18


    A lot of shooter games use this, it would be a nice feature. I don't see how it would be cheating when all players would have the feature. SP is kinda irrelevant since it's so easy without it.
  10. After probably throwing it out there for some time now @@Archangel35757 has agreed to help develop a plugin for Softimage Mod Tool that will allow for MD3 export. In the future I hope to get import eventually but it really isn't necessary to the actual artist. He's done pretty much all the work so far, I'm just trying to follow along the best I can and I'm sure I'll be the final test mule for this. So far it shows on the top menu and has a dialogue box but isn't writing an output file just yet. Hopefully some other people find this useful, I know I definitely will.
  11. I tried to do some googling but my terminology probably wasn't right. I was trying to find if there was an open source modular option to do this. Sort of like how we've added in a different render engine, same would go for collision/physics.
  12. @@Psyk0Sith, since you have the high poly and low poly would you be able to bake all the maps out needed to set this guy up for PBR? Reason I'm asking other than needing it once he's in game but @@Archangel35757 and I want to make .fx shaders for both Softimage and Max to be able to mimic what the model would look like in the game engine.
  13. Would it also be possible to add the MD3->GLM feature that MD3View has? I always used to find it useful for weapons to just load the MD3 world/view model then convert to GLM.
  14. ^This. An update to ModView would be best because of all the Ghoul2 specific features.
  15. Couldn't we just set the lowest LOD as the models collision like it already does with weapon detection?
  16. That was talked about before but not really pursued, any reason?
  17. I kinda wanna pick his brain about this http://download.autodesk.com/global/docs/softimage2014/en_us/sdkguide/examples/Addons/XSIGame/netview_XSIGame.htm Rather than booting up the game to preview models why not just run OpenGL2 in a SI viewport?
  18. Like I posted in another thread but it probably went right over peoples heads, there is so much frankensteining going on with old models that they're pumping all these "new" models out using the old render engine with probably no idea that it's all going to be outdated very soon.
  19. A single tear just rolled down my cheek...
  20. No, the problem is that the 2 games use a different skeleton. Jedi Outcast had more bones, it had all the joints for the hands and had a bone for each toe. JA had no toe bone and only 2 fingers (excluding thumb) with only 2 joints each. AFAIK the JA gla file has all the sequences that JO had plus the additional ones JA has (dual sabers, staff, kyle boss and tavion boss).
  21. Probably need one for modeling too but it's generally not too far off, it's just textures and shaders. There are so many things being frankenstiened right now and the people doing it aren't realizing they're building stuff in 2017 using 2004 tech, they're way behind, the renderer for JA is undergoing a serious overhaul and being thrust over a decade into the future. The stuff being made now will work in the new renderer but it's not going to look so great when put next to the stuff being worked on to go with the new render engine.
  22. I'm trying to learn right now, hard to find the time with work and other things going on but I'm desperately trying to figure some of it out to try to get MD3 support for Softimage.
  23. The best you could do is request this small edit be made for OpenJK, it's the game engine that's going to replace the base vanilla game. Not a whole lot of people run the original game engine anymore.
  24. Hapslash is the name of a modeler, not a term for slapping parts of models together. >_> It's like there's a chop shop opening up on every corner around here.
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