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Everything posted by RebelChum

  1. Aren't all of the water shaders that come with the game already opaque?
  2. This is great! I love the howler models. How on earth did you make those?! Are those blades of grass in the flowerboxes outside the lower elevation temple models? They looked good. Playing this map with r_dynamicglow is a must if your computer can handle it. Makes the lanterns, windows, and water look great! Love the look and feel of the map. Five stars!
  3. I think that the problem is that in order to pull off a convincing looking Dagobah the vegetation and tree canopy needs to be extremely dense - something just not incredibly feasible in JKA without destroying the user's frame rate. Maybe it could be done if it was just Yoda's Hovel and the immediate surroundings.
  4. Just make sure to change all the moves to the pull stab animation in the .sab file
  5. RebelChum

    New Year Dojo

    That would've been a good idea! But I guess the map was more made for MP. A single player ladder edition would be cool.
  6. RebelChum

    New Year Dojo


    New Year Dojo - for the Chinese New Year JKHub Event A small dojo for training with the sword... or one of them laser swords. Fully stocked with more health and shield packs than you could ever need and a gong if you feel like epicly announcing the start of a duel. Training on your lonesome? Deploy the target pole and you can practice your moves. Or just do /npc spawn rosh. Just remember if you're the last one out to turn off the lights - or if you want do a low light fight. The only reason this project was done so quickly for the event was most of it was already put together! I originally had planned to remake the DV Dojo for the School of War/Riddle of Steel community. Come to think of it, this is the first map I have ever uploaded and released publicly. So I hope everyone enjoys. Please feel free to leave feedback! Gametypes Supported: FFA, TFFA, Duel, Powerduel Bots Supported: Yes Installation and Use To install: Extract the .pk3 file from the .zip file and place it into your Jedi Academy's gamedata/base folder To play: /devmap newyear_dojo or select New Year Dojo from the map list
  7. So essentially in the newgame_first.menu you just set the g_char_model to one of the .npc names and the player will inheret the scale from the .npc file?
  8. Hmm, per this other thread - https://jkhub.org/topic/4385-cheatcommand-help-scalesize/ - I guess it doesn’t work. If you do /playermodel jawa in SP you become short per the .npc file, right? I wonder if it’s possible to force that command for a different npc via scripting.
  9. So it seems that the only way to make the protagonist taller or shorter is to adjust the height of surrounding NPCs? Or is there an entry in the .npc file that governs “player”? Isn’t that entry typically used for fakeplayer cutscene duplicates? How did you get it to work, @@Ramikad ?
  10. Concept: Possibly have the main character in an SP mission be either shorter or taller than the default value. Is there a way to define the modelscale of the player in either the newgame_first.menu or via icarus scripting?
  11. I don't know if it's common but it has happened to me before.
  12. They're not... going down the wrong way under the terrain, are they?
  13. Try r_fullbright 1. This may not remove shadows from models but it's worth a shot.
  14. Still lacked the freedom of movement granted in JK2/3. Was closer to TFU than JKA what with the attacks preventing you from moving the way you wanted to. JK2 and 3 were unique because they essentially isolated your arms and legs to different systems.
  15. See, she just committed multiple hit and runs and never stopped to exchange insurance information. DARK SIDE CONFIRMED.
  16. Honestly surprised this didn't happen sooner.
  17. What exactly did she do after leaving the Order? I feel like it would be really easy for someone who leaves the Order in this particular era, to end up falling to the dark side simply by virtue of using the Force to their own ends at the expense of others. Think about it, in the Order your daily meals and credits are supplied to you on a silver platter by the organization. What're you going to do suddenly launching yourself into the Galaxy with no real life experience in working for a living and no prior work and education experience? Makes it really easy/tempting/onlywaytosurvive to end up using the Force to either steal what you need from others or since having the Force is your only qualification you're going to be approached to do some possibly nefarious tasks. Even if you roam across the galaxy as some sort of freelance "I'll defend your farm from the mean pirates" type person you're probably eventually going to lean towards the slippery slope of using your power purely for the purposes of cajoling, conquering, and otherwise putting yourself above others.
  18. Very cool. Would be awesome to see as a full authentic or normal MB2 map too.
  19. Tried the whole "Open with..." thing when you right click? Keyten may be right in saying that you might have to open it with some other archiver.
  20. Any errors at all? How are you opening it? (As in, are you using pakscape to look for the file and open it, or have you associated all .pk3 files with pakscape so they can just be opened with a double click?)
  21. Make sure to edit those settings in the .ini. The default settings make JO unplayable it's so dark lol! But yes, all praise to @@eezstreet for creating such a thing. Who would've thought it was possible?
  22. http://jkhub.org/files/file/1484-qeffects-pro/ @
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