I'm looking for a map which I forgot the name of... the only thing I can really do is describle it to you. It's a small island map with elevated terrain. But it is NOT farcry of the jedi by Sith J Cull. It's daytime with sand all the way around the island and the really distinct feature it has is a metallic tunnel that goes through that hill to the beach on the other side. The tunnel has pipes in it as well as a flickering light or two. Other than the tunnel I feel like it may have had a wireframe tower with one of those emplaced guns on it. As I recall it was pretty high quality so it had to have been done by an experienced mapper. So far I've ruled out Sith J Cull, Darth NormaN, Scizco VII, Shadow Stone, and LivingDeadJedi. I've been racking my brain and scrolling through map lists trying to find it.