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Everything posted by RebelChum

  1. Lol, I don't deny that VoiP would be cool. But some of the stuff people type on MB2 is pretty hardcore. Questionable content quoted in the spoiler. Not to mention I wouldn't look forward to hearing a bunch of 10-12 year olds cursing at Mandalorians and teamkillers.
  2. If you have problems with bots getting stuck on doors that open slowly or more artistically, you could make it so the bot route has an extra point back a bit so they like... run forward and backward to give the door extra time to open.
  3. That's possible, It'd be a simple matter to throw a test square map together consisting of a default trigger_multiple with the player use function. Spawn an Alora and see if she hops about holding her hand out in front of her.
  4. Bots are essentially players, so they'd trigger clientonly type triggers. However bots never perform +use so they would be incapable of toggling triggers or opening doors that require +use.
  5. Cool screenshot! Is it actually working or just a conceptualization as of right now? Also, the button on the right says Sing Your Clan In. Is it suppose to say Sign? Hope so because I don't have that great of a voice, I can tell you that right now. A very intriguing idea. If it's not a modification, are you going to have a staff for event moderation for events and "credits"?
  6. The idea of combining VOIP with Moviebattles 2 terrifies me.
  7. Set the affinity for the JKA process only to CPU 0 in task manager.
  8. I've only ever got to play hydroball on a 1v1 basis. I could see having a team based game be a lot better though. Could form pre-established teams for some sort of ladder?
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