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Everything posted by NumberWan

  1. @@IrocJeff @@DT85 This episode has quite a lot to catch, not without drawbacks, surely, but in general I think Rebels receive positive reviews. I am still very impressed with the eulogy, spoken by Obi Wan Kenobi in the end, when Kanan meditates. This was the moment, which made me come through the memories of Jedi Knight series, Episode IV and others like Rebel Assault and Shadows of the Empire (for me they are still pretty much canon )
  2. There is an untirely new portion of rumours or even true news... =) Character from the Original Trilogy. I might remind, that a few months ago I published a list of possible recurring characters from OT and the Prequels, who survived the Galactic Civil War and has all the right to appear in the new film. So now they say, that some will do return. Daisy Ridley character and one from OT (possible plot spoiler) I guess it's a very good sign, that a lot of things in Episode VII draw either influence or inspiration from the original artworks by Ralph McQuarrie.
  3. Nice job. I wish we can see other models - the characters specifically - as well.
  4. When I read today's news and rumours I was for the first time VERY-VERY shocked. I must say, that only a few things in the Galaxy would make me react like this. Below is the description of what I read on SW underworld. Beware the spoilers, because this time they are really intimidating. Not to say some are close to true plot of Episode VII. New-new characters (with appearance description). Main Villain (I don't believe it) Why I don't buy it (regarding the previous spoiler section) Max Von Sydow role revealed (curious!) About Silver Stormtrooper (McQuarrie influence noticed!) (NEW) One of the planets has a name (spoiler as it is) There are also presumably photos from Ireland set, but most claim them to be fake. It is said however that:
  5. They also released a few mini-episodes, which take place before the first episode. As I said, for the most part the series seem to be enjoyable. I would really like to know, what you think about it. Don't forget to post here you opinions and impressions after watching it.
  6. So... A new sub-era for Star Wars began (or is beginning for some of us). SW Rebels showed the first episodes, and I guess this means, we must change the name of this thread as well - to Star Wars Rebels. What can I tell? Without spoilering in the very first sentence I would say, that it would be wise to compare it with Clone Wars, to be specific - with the CW movie and the first episode. I must say - they are sooooo simple, naive and even dull compared to the Rebels. I mean it. About the plot (spoilers). Imperial feel (possible spoilers) Reference to Episodes IV-VI and I-III (minor spoilers): General Visual overview (graphics): Music (it will be about music only, so I am not sure whether it's a spoiler or not): Humour (nothing particular to spoil). One more important thing. And this is not a spoiler. Not about the plot of Rebels anyways.
  7. Time to try Rebels. Let's hope it's worth all the waiting. :)

    1. Onysfx


      Don't be suprised if the dialog is a little...childish? It's Disney XD after all.

    2. NumberWan


      I guess, that's not a surprize after all. But there are other things, which we can see. For instance in the background. Or a strong reference to original films.

    3. Stoiss


      it was not that bad at all, it didnt follow the TCW ways, but i think it can be a part of the star wars cartoon collection on my HDD :)

  8. Watched an episode from Mystery Science Theater 3000, "The Robot vs. the Aztec Mummy" (1950s) starring a character Commander Cody. Ж)

    1. IrocJeff


      A lot of Lucas' ideas from Star Wars came from this time, his youth, so i wouldn't doubt that could have been where he got Commander Cody from.

    2. Bane_Ross


      MST3K is my favorite show, ever!

    3. NumberWan


      @IrocJeff I feel it's more of a coincidence in this particular case. However you're right, that he borrowed names, as well as ideas and details from other stories and legends. But quite wisely.

  9. @ It's an often question, when you see a massive project made by a team, and moreover, when it was made by a single person. It applies to many things, which became iconic or survived long enough to be loved by its fans. I guess, it's imagination of @@Kualan and practice, as well as support of friends and fellow SW fans, which make him feel - "I can create another story". Now, that the Clone Wars are over, the Tales must be taking a move to its logical completion as well (anyways you can create new plot endlessly). I wonder, if Kualan plans to create new stories later - for instance set at the time of Galactic Civil War, and something like 40 BBY, or 70 BBY (the problem is in the models only, new droids will be needed, troops, etc).
  10. Some more news on silver armour. Be careful. I hear, that Anthony Daniels completed his shooting in Episode VII. I guess 5 months is enough (and okey) for C-3PO to appear in the film. I wonder if R2-D2 is also done. I am asking, because the difference in scenes might mean, that the two might have been split again as it happened in Episode I, Episode IV (briefly) and Episode V.
  11. Just completed watching the new episodes of Clone Wars. This arc was better than what we see in Season 6 imho.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Onysfx


      Click on the link, you can find the episodes below the video.

    3. NumberWan


      Yes, Star Wars website is the only source. Surely the quality not as good, but keep in mind - it's an unfinished version, etc. I feel, that it's high time the shows get rid of the "seasons schemes", and just release episodes without any planned project. This is how they can complete these episodes with Utapau and make another great story.

    4. Onysfx


      Agreed NumberWan.

  12. Silver helmet was rumoured long ago, but it's not a usual element in the Imperial army. It's more like special forces or something.
  13. It is said, it's genuine. Of course it can be a fanmade stuff, but yet they say, that the helmet is based on the sketches for the film. And it's an actual helmet. But the hood won't be used. Not sure about the other parts seen here. The blue screen is also clearly seen in this pic. As far as I remember SWTOR uses a different design - close to Episode III to be precise. Other helmets include bizarre concepts, forms. Or are based on those seen in KOTOR series. This helmet looks like the one (white) before.
  14. In the past I spent a lot of time on Half-Life (1) and modding it, then SimCity 3000 (and also modding it). Then I played Age of Empires II, but it was a smaller period.Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds was my favourite for quite long. I was also a fan of Sin and later Deus Ex (which I replayed several times, the last being a year ago, including playing mods of other people). The latest is actually Mass Effect 1 and especially 2 (my favourite). SWTOR was like 1 year, but later I decided not to prolong my account. Difficult to count hours, etc. Because I usually don't play on Steam. Rarely on Origin. But when I have fun and enjoy the time playing, why do I need to know the hours to understand that?
  15. BIG Spoiler here. A photo of an actual thing from Episode VII. This one has been rumoured long ago, when G.Christie was announced to appear.
  16. So strange to hear, that More Clone Wars episodes might be released very soon. And something about count Dooku and Episode VII...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bek


      I like to think that NumberWan is the chronicler of Jkhub, just like Master Dorak.

    3. Onysfx


      More Clone Wars episodes? Really? I must spread these rumors...

    4. NumberWan


      I think that was Star Wats Underworld. Or one of SW pages on FB.

  17. @@IrocJeff I would rather see GOG would release Rogue Squadron. It looks as if Lucasarts are the only ones too stubborn to allow a side company release their old classics. If you look through the list of games there... I've already bought several, and they all run without any tampering with code, DLL, INI files or whatsoever. =)
  18. I will be jumping up to the ceiling, when they release Roque Squadron, which will be working on Win 7. =)
  19. I read the issue as well. I can't wait for the next part. I really like some scenes, and it's cool to see other planets revealed. Is there any article, which explains, when events of the comics take place (like 21 BBY or 20 BBY, etc)?
  20. At different age I was interested in various things. When I was 10 or so, it was mysterious Darth Vader, starships battles and Luke's adventures, which applied to me the most. With the release of Rebel Assault games and later - Dark Forces I and II I was very much fond of deeper Star Wars, which would become a personal experience. These EU stories added the idea, that the Galaxy in SW is much larger. Episode I showed a new perspective to me - I saw Star Wars not just like "space", but also as time. It was a good example, that the world is changing, and that it's full of different cultures and point of views. I really like that Episode I shows exquisite clothes of characters and elegant palaces, and other things. It's like in real world - some countries are futuristic and modern, while others preserve traditions and unique way of life - there is beauty in both. It was with Ep. I and II and I started to compare Star Wars to real-life events, history. So Star Wars for me is also an analysis and a way to think things through. The whole saga is also a good example of very good design. For me it's more of a visual art. KOTOR 1 and 2 opened a more phylosophical approach - one of my favourite. I did remember Episode V deepness, but it was KOTOR, which introduced the stronger idea of generations. And their connections.
  21. One helpful alternative for modders would be the rule "one model - one NPC", which means, that if you want to create R2-H8 droid for instance, you don't have to create a new folder R2-H8 and a file R2-H8.npc Instead you make a R2_H8.skin in R2D2 folder, and a script, which sets this skin for R2 model. No need to create dozens of rodians, grans, humans (like Jedi_HM).
  22. @@DarthStevenus To tell the truth, I see no other (optimal) option. I guess, that by "shrink the NPCs" you mean scaling down the models. We've discussed this one with lost of people here, but unfortunately JA allows to scale NPCs only through npc files. Scripting command SET_SCALE doesn't work in Single Player.
  23. You can use sky_portal to make this trick. Create a room with a window outside, make a sky wall there. Then create a second room completely covered in the same sky texture. this room should be placed at some distance away from the first soom with NPCs. Place a Star Destroyer or any other object in the Sky room. Place an entity, which is called sky_portal. This small box will work as a camera, which will show the Star Destroyer on the sky nearby. You can also add all other things in the sky room (like the large hangar, where SD is stationed). You'll have to try yourself to understand, how it works. The best angle, the size and other things.
  24. There are several scripts, close in function to what you are asking. One of them blocks all the weapons and powers. The Player can't jump too in this instance. Another one is (also) used on Nar Shaddaa in Jedi Outcast. Should you try using any weapon, Kyle would comment, that he can't use it ("I don't want any trouble... Yet!"). Surely this second script is not linked to the fact, that Kyle says something. It's rather that the script checks whether you try to use them or not and that you are not allowed to activate them (perhaps by another script). I came to a conclusion, that a phrase "this can be possible merely through code-tampering of the game" sometimes might prove wrong. Scripting bring amazing results sometimes...
  25. Screenshots here are another proof, that JA has so much replayability as well as potential. Just look - a game from 1990s - the Dark Forces - was just a root for a large tree, which eventually turned into a huge and spacious forests. Surely with the fans' help, but still. I mean, that JA is far from DF2, but the memory of that game still lives with even such minor details like this axe. But that is a discussion, for another time, perhaps, as Kreia would put it.
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