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Everything posted by NumberWan

  1. The previous rumour about Luke Skywalker's apprentice seems to be wrong. It's about Lupita Nyongo's part in Episode VII. I find it interesting, that there are such code names for places and characters in TFA like these: Sun Terrace Rose’s Room Walk-in freezer Map Room Passageway “Dusty” Back Room Pier (overlooks the ocean) The Cliff Face
  2. It's a wonder, that currently all of my shows are scheduled for 2015: Star Wars Rebels, Walking Dead and Game of Thrones. The only latest thing I watched as series is the Over the Garden Wall.
  3. A new character is soon to be revealed - Captain Phasma. Who is he? Or she?
  4. I am pretty sure, that at least two of the characters have different names. No, I mean, that the revealed names are true, but two of the characters still have second names: The earlier spoilers revealed more names than the latest five, btw, though they are unconfirmed. And... wait, isn't that a weapon from Episode I The Phantom Menace in Episode VI??? (careful, character's name also here)
  5. This reminds me of the time, when JO was released and a bit later JA came out and people started making more and more models, which became quite iconic themselves, and are used even now many years later. It seems that JA has the second such period, when people make new models, trying to cover all the possible characters from films and EU. This model of Leia looks great and would be appreciated by modders and fans alike.
  6. Did you know, that the Chiss Bartender from JO and JA also appeared in Tiny Death Star game? :D

  7. @@GPChannel There was one guy, who voiced all the lines of Kyle Katarn in Russian. @@DrXann We planned from the start, that DP would be at least in two languages. A few people offered their help with translating the mod into Spanish, German and French as well. A group of fans also offered a complete English voicing as well.
  8. It seems some things in SW are going back to canon, like the Lepi species for instance.

    1. Kessno


      Where did you get that information?

    2. NumberWan


      I saw a new Marvel comics, that has the above mentioned species. The same happened to Dark Trooper and death troopers, which are part of the canon again.

  9. @ SWU reported this one, I even ignored the news for a while. It will be next year anyways.
  10. To tell the truth, I am most thrilled to learn, that there would be "an invisible villain" (Andy Serkis presumably), who would be behind everything in Episodes VII-IX, whilst we also have a major character of the same status on the side of the good guys (Max von Sydow). I watched through several scenes of Episode I to see if there might be a hint, though most likely either of these two is not in the films. And if Plaguies is most likely not to appear in Episode VII, then what if
  11. There is already a description of his role on starwarsunderworld.com: I really hope that their won't be one evil side, rather two different enemies to the protagonists. It is also somehow soothing to hear that most names we hear (like Kira) might yet be different (so... I would enjoy seeing Jaina instead). We'll be watching a new trailer with the release of Avangers in 2015, it seems.
  12. @ I don't think Max von Sydow plays Kanan. The types are different somehow, and it would much more interesting to see another face here. And the rumour was saying (though it's a rumour only), that: Somehow I missed one more hot spoiler from the same source: Interestingly, these spoilers are mostly about things, that can be filmed in real studio, sets, while we have no info on battles, unusual cities, locations or strange creatures and larger starships - I guess, because that's the work for Visual effects department and CGI, so they aren't ready just yet. Have you read the article about Andy Serkis having two roles in Episode VII?
  13. Acording to Galactic News One, there is quite the story... Some people voiced the most unexpected idea here on forum. It might be true, and we've got 2 surprizes. Read at your own risk!
  14. Wow, Kualan, that's really a nice work there! I am glad you've shown us another of your talents. =)
  15. There is a "crazy lens" version in the web now. i actually laughed (and wondered what would "lava" sword haters would say in this occasion) Also according to theforce.net, the voice in the trailer belongs to...
  16. @@IrocJeff Indeed. The concept suggested that everyone could have such a weapon, even stormtroopers (who had white blades). I old version of Episode IV I always had the feeling that on the Millenium Falcon Luke didn't have blue lightsaber, but rather white or navy one (I actually like the Navy color of a lightsaber). I think it actually is the old weapon. I agree with @@Circa, that the saber might be not using a crystal, but some unknown substance. And while Darth Vader, Palpatine and others had proper crystals, I think they are rare. Probably Palpatine was the last to know the secret of synthesizing such a red crystal, thus the new villain had neither time nor idea to make a proper classic blade. In any case Star Wars introduced lots of strange weapons, like plasma balls (they just look funny), Padme's stun baton (The Phantom Menace video game) and Ezra's strange yellow "blaster". Some were cool though, like Geonosian sonic blaster and "light-gloves" seen in TPM game as well. Funny thing, someone corrected the Canon section of Dark Troopers on wookiepedia, so that John Boyega presumably has the part of one in Episode VII. Definitely a hoax.
  17. I would rather see our great modellers making new models rather than updating the existing ones even with flaws. So many characters in Star Wars remain uncovered in JA (oh, and yes, this game will live eternal life, because it's simply great, surviving many others, like it has already done).
  18. I compared the trailer of Episode VII with previous teasers-trailers of Episodes I-VI. Funny that even such small videos reveal the general atmosphere of the story: IV trailer introduces an adventure with aliens and evil Empire, it's like a true battle against evil; V re-ignites the traditions of the now favourite story and is deeper and darker, dealing with major conflict - not of the Empire and the Alliance, but of the ideas; VI trailer prepares the audience for the final and most important (at the time) step further - this is a pivotal moment for Darth Vader and all others; I - re-introduces the Saga and makes everyone feel agitated - lots of unfamiliar faces, but classic SW traits are present, we see bright Republic, Naboo and even Tatooine at its best - the Galaxy is stable and prosperous II - the trailer (with similar music as Ep VII) shows the Republic at its might with darker motives and unclear coming events, which are the real Menace from Episode I. III - Even darker theme, which means both that we are to see the showdown of all pawns in game and the inevitable, which would make "the circle complete" VII - With all the events and characters having reached their logical stage of moving ahead, we now see that troubling times are coming with no prior tools to deal with the problems now - Rule of Two, Jedi Code, Senate machinations, Balance of the Force or even the Chosen one are no longer a formula to resolving anything - they played their role in due time, but no longer.
  19. @@Jango40 While I see it the same way, I can't ignore the fact that this "hatred" towards the new saber is also an impetus for creative ideas, just like the positive reviews. Sometimes people act of course like some "starpyors" denying new things for sake that they are new, which automatically means they are in bad taste. About the little robot also seen in the trailer, there is a concept and schematics, which explain how he moves.
  20. @@Archangel35757 I actually hope you're right. I like more the possible scenario we discussed about 2 weeks ago before Jonah appeared in the rumours. There I speculated, that the Sith is a Sith, while Adam Driver's character is someone else, who becomes the new villain by the end of Episode VII. People, who haven't watched the trailer, were like asking - "Are Luke and Leia there?", I also sked myself why haven't we seen any of the classic heroes. Perhaps the intention is to show the new guys, without drawing too much attention to what we already like and and admire. Meanwhile, a possible concept for Imperial Tie Pilot was revealed: There are also several drawings of what we've seen in the trailer. One being: About the saber - I don't pay much attention to this item right now. There are other things that I enjoyed in the video. But with the love/hate disputes over this weapon, I thought, what if the saber was a weapon of the ancient Sith, which was also a "key" for that larger weapon, mentioned previously? I mean, what if the evil guy disguised it to be a mere saber with strange "decorations", while in reality it's what ignites the superweapon?
  21. @ I agree. When all this acquisition happened, I thought that Lucas wanted to get rid of certain responsibilities, so that he had more time for more creative work, while the newly appointed people don't actually answer for what we see in Star Wars - they are faces of the company, not the franchise in most situations. Having watched the trailer one more time, I tried to understand what actually happens in each seen. Boyega's character in the desert Little orange droid in the streets Stormtroopers Daisy Ridley character on... X-Wing Villain The last scene with the Millenium Falcon proves that this desert planet might be under influence of the Empire.
  22. I wonder if the lightsaber serves two purposes: one is to fight of enemies as any classic lightsaber, the second function is ritualistic - the main blade turns off, leaving two smaller ones on, thus this weapon serves as a hammer-like dagger to crush the skulls of enemies at your mercy. As if this guy was a Prosecutor. I definitely like this shot:
  23. @ Yes, we actually thought, that there must be some sort of a "catch" here, as one droid and Revan were saying in Ragnos tomb on Korriban. I saw on other forums people doubting such a weapon could exist at all in Star Wars, though at the time it was merely a concept.
  24. @ The moment I saw the trailer I started comparing the planets in the video with both the rumours and the films. I guess this is a new planet. Maybe it's a region on Dagobah? However the film might already have one or even two familiar planets besides that. We seen a desert planet here (possibly Tatooine? rumours suggested so), a water world with mountains (one of many mentioned - the one with dark tower (concept art), the city lagoon (another one) or Mon Calamari) and an ice forest (it might be a vision by the way!). The small droid runs in the street revealed first to the public, as you might remember. Some call him the next generation of droids after R2. but there was a picture of other astromech droids, which don't look like classic R2 or R5 units. The scene with stormtroopers makes one feel that they are larger than ordinary troopers from classic films. Like 1,9 meters high. The music is close to classic Episode VI motive when Luke prepares for his "jump" into Sarlacc pit - curious how this scene turned out eventually, because this particular music can be heard during Episode II trailer, when camera also switches between scenes on Geonosis, Kamino and Palpatine's red office on Coruscant. About the "lightsaber" - what if it's not such weapon? If it's a relic, then probably it uses some sort of energy instead of a crystal, and being simbolic in its nature, the weapon has additional ports for this energy to be shown - both as a blade and two side mini-blades, thus making sort of a notorious weapon, recognized in the past by people as a simbol of "butcherer" of the Galaxy, who wiped out lots of worlds and nations long before the Clone Wars.
  25. Hey, I enjoyed that! =) deginitely it's not much, but more than I expected. I was hoping to see Gwendoline Christie somehow and Adam Driver. But seeing Daisy Ridley - I really like her look, it has so much to do with classic concepts. And the music... It also touched certain my feelings as of a fan. I am almost speechless. =) For the most part it showed what we already know from concepts. As for the lightsaber - I guess there will be an explanation. What if these are relics like the remainings of the previous Sith Lords lightsabers. Or maybe the blade can switch crystals, which ignite different red blades, one being good against a Jedi Knight duelist, while the other suitable to strike a fellow Sith?
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