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Everything posted by KDR_3XILE

  1. I wonder if we can expect similar pieces of work from Disney....
  2. Holy shit, that is a great effort...But it's the Sithstalker...Not StarKiller lol, I was hoping for a really good model of him in something like the Jedi Ceremonial robes or one of his outfits...
  3. What?....You saw nothing >.>
  4. I'm not sure why but when I first looked at the face, I saw George Bush.... Keep the work up, Star killer has never really been done well...
  5. He is an Elitist amongst a group of Elitists, fighting against other Elitists. My take on TOR is that it is accommodating towards a specific group of gaming types, if obviously focuses on the MMO aspect and all other gamers will likely be disappointed. As far as it's take on the StarWars genre, I don't think it lives up to what it should be. I played the game for a week, enjoyed it at first but by the time I hit level 15 I was incredibly bored. Not because I lacked the abilities that exceed that level but I found the gameplay to be very similar to World Of Warcraft, which I love playing but TOR didn't bring anything new to the MMO scene. That said, I'm not going to troll those who do enjoy it. If it's your kinda game, go nuts and by all means enjoy it. Maybe then the people who made it won't be so embarrassed by the result of their works after being forced to bring out the F2P version. Happy gaming everyone.
  6. You have not much changed, Gep. You are imposing your opinions unto others speaking as if your truths are the only. It's been some time since the two of us held a discussion though I wonder if you aren't still able to look at something with a non-biased perspective. People will continue believe what they want to believe, as it is their right and decision to do so, provoking them will not change that, it will only bring you down, my friend. Food for thought.
  7. Ping in ::JEDI:: was up at 400 tonight. Yay me!
  8. The Closest thing I'll ever find to a New Zealand server in Jedi Academy. Need more aussie servers...
  9. How many chances can one person get. Let us hope history does not repeat itself. Welcome to the Hub. You've already lasted longer than I would have suspected.
  10. Shares a striking resemblance to Minilogo's Avatar... Am I talking about the model or the IRL pic...Who knows. Interesting model however, who'd you acquire that from ?
  11. KDR_3XILE


    Welcome to the Hub!
  12. My Windows 7 Desktop. Nothing all to special, just some imagine stuff and what not.
  13. And I'm still being thoroughly impressed by the Content that I see coming through JKHub, I mean, this map looks awesome, I'm very pro-'this map'. You've done/You're doing an amazing job here, As Azatha's said already, even I can think up reasons for Rp on this map and so many other uses for it. Love the detail, the lighting and I've always been a huge Doom Fan. Very impressed, No quarrels with this one!
  14. Welcome back, bro.
  15. Welcome and Enjoy, Rage!
  16. This actually has me really interested, which, in all honesty, duel maps really don't take my interest what so ever. The only one to ever catch my eye before this one was Duel of Fates or whatever it was called. I really like what you've done here with this small dueling map. It's got awesome lighting and I would assume be quite a catch to play on. I might even use this map later on in my time in ::JEDI:: for a small side plot. You've done an excellent job here, I'm very impressed.
  17. KDR_3XILE


    You would miss me to much...And the Clan would miss 40% percent of it's activity. Lmao, I joke.
  18. KDR_3XILE


    I couldn't forget our badass Lightsaber instructor, lol. *Pets* Good dog (y)
  19. KDR_3XILE


    Who are you again? .... Sup Bro!
  20. Welcome Aboard!
  21. Welcome to the Hub!
  22. Looks very interesting, I'd like to check it out some time. Has a unique feel to it and think it'd be cool to host a trial of sorts or something, coming from an rping perspective, I think people could get good use out of this. I like what you've done here, great job!
  23. A species I've never seen in JKA before, I really like how original the skin is compared to others, it looks great too. You've done a wonderful job, well done!
  24. Welcome. Just out of curiosity, what does TFF stand for ?
  25. I think you should use this signature. I would lol XD
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