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  1. Version v1 (JK2)


    This is my Kyle reskin for JA ported to JK2, with a couple small changes where necessary. The RGB skin and whatnot are absent since JK2 doesn't support that. The mixture of JK2 and JA sounds in my JA skin is gone too--it's all vanilla JK2 sounds here. In the future, I'll just make and release JK2 ports of my JA reskins simultaneously, when possible.
  2. 230 downloads

    Technically a New Republic trooper, but , semantics. There were quite a few parts of the Rebel skin that didn't look great, so I did what I could to improve them. I also made no-vest and RGB skins, made a fancy unique and high resolution eye texture like I usually do, and included both rebel soundsets from JK2. The two rebel NPCs in the game now use those sets instead of the rebel_pilot1 set. Since Jedi Academy is ten in-universe years after the Rebel Alliance reorganized into the New Republic, it made sense to me that their military would look at least somewhat different. So I took some creative liberties with the uniform to suggest some evolution in that time, taking other appearances of New Republic troopers of about the same time into account while not straying too far from the original idea.
  3. 364 downloads

    This is my reskin of Jan Ors for Jedi Academy, adjusted to work in Jedi Outcast. Unlike my previous JA-to-JK2 ports, the more prevalent use of RGB tinting on this one made a 1:1 port less feasible. As a result, I had to make some minor changes to make it work in JK2.
  4. 464 downloads

    This reskin of Jedi Academy's Tusken Raider adds extra dirt and grunge to the textures while the team skins are recolored to look more natural while still appearing clearly red and blue respectively. It will overwrite the existing Tusken model in the base game, team skins included. Since I made this for Jedi Academy, I took advantage of the fancy effects it has and JK2 lacks: specifically RGB tinting and dynamic glow from specular shaders (though admittedly those effects are on the subtle side here). That said, I recommend you have Detailed Shaders and Dynamic Glow enabled. The game is plenty old by now--I'm confident your machine can handle it. I've found that turning off Detailed Shaders still shows the RGB tinting, though it covers entire textures instead of using the alpha channel as a mask. It works, but it doesn't look great.
  5. 432 downloads

    This reskin of Jan Ors for Jedi Academy tweaks her colors and fixes minor issues with her model without departing from her original design too heavily. It will overwrite the existing Jan in the base game, team skins included. The changes are admittedly not too dramatic, akin to my previous Bespin Cop and Mon Mothma reskins. Since I made this for Jedi Academy, I took advantage of the fancy effects it has and JK2 lacks: specifically RGB tinting and dynamic glow from specular shaders. That said, I recommend you have Detailed Shaders and Dynamic Glow enabled. The game is plenty old by now--I'm confident your machine can handle it. I've found that turning off Detailed Shaders still shows the RGB tinting, though it covers entire textures instead of using the alpha channel as a mask. It works, but it doesn't look great. If you'd like this reskin for Jedi Outcast instead, click here. The map seen in a few of the screenshots is Kejim Storage Room by by Yzmo.
  6. 201 downloads

    This is my reskin of the Bespin cop for Jedi Academy, adjusted to work in Jedi Outcast. Same as with my recently-posted Mon Mothma reskin, it's identical to the JA version, only the specular shaders don't produce dynamic glow and the RGB skin is omitted.
  7. 217 downloads

    This is my reskin of Mon Mothma for Jedi Academy, adjusted to work in Jedi Outcast. Aside from removing the extras that only work in JA, it's the exact same reskin. That said, the icons still use JA-style backgrounds (which were made by Ruxith here on JKHub). The hologram of her that appears in the opening cutscene (after the opening crawl and the Raven's Claw flying towards Kejim) is untouched, since that appears to be one of three ROQ files (the ones used for pre-rendered cutscenes) and I have no idea how to edit those. For the record, loading the JA version in JK2 doesn't crash the game (I deliberately didn't include the model.glm primarily to avoid unnecessary redundancy), but the shader parameters that JA uses to assign dynamic glow to stuff aren't programmed into JK2, resulting in errors if the model is loaded. Her dress uses one of its two specular textures (the one to make the necklaces shiny, so it's entirely black save for them), while her mouth and eyes use their specular texture, making her eyes look a little creepy. Likewise, her boots are mostly black, save for a pair of brownish accents here and there. Moreover, the JA model includes a sounds.cfg written for JA. The vanilla file has her using "mp_generic_female" instead of "mothma". There is actually a soundset in JK2 called that, but the way sounds.cfg are written in JA is different than in JK2. JK2 wants "chars/mothma/misc" followed by "f" on the next line to indicate Mon is a woman and it should read "[player name] killed herself" and so on when applicable. JA's syntax just needs the name of the soundset folder within "chars". As a result, JK2 reads "mothma", looks for a folder within sounds called "mothma", doesn't find it, and therefore leaves the model soundless. It does properly read the "f" on the second line and adjusts the death messages accordingly, though. In short, it doesn't do any harm if you use the JA version in JK2 beyond making Mon Mothma look kinda freaky. So if you feel like messing around, give it a whirl.
  8. 202 downloads

    Did you know they're canonically called Bespin Wing Guards? JK2 coined the term "Bespin cop" and JA kept it like it did a lot of player models from JK2. Nevertheless, "Bespin cop" is quite ingrained in my mind from all my time playing JK2 and JA, so I'll be referring to them as such here. This is a reskin of the Bespin cop for Jedi Academy, cleaning up his uniform and adjusting its colors to be closer to canon without outright making a new model. This will overwrite the existing Bespin Cop in the base game, team skins included. Like before, the readme has a complete list of changes. Since I made this for Jedi Academy, I took advantage of the fancy effects it has and JK2 lacks: specifically RGB tinting and dynamic glow from specular shaders. That said, I recommend you have Detailed Shaders and Dynamic Glow enabled. The game is plenty old by now--I'm confident your machine can handle it. I've found that turning off Detailed Shaders still shows the RGB tinting, though it covers entire textures instead of using the alpha channel as a mask--it doesn't look great. I also have a JK2-compatible version available here, if you prefer.
  9. 214 downloads

    A reskin of Mon Mothma for Jedi Academy, in the same vein as my previous reskin of Kyle, although the changes aren't as drastic this time around. I primarily wanted to clean up her appearance and add fancy shaders. This will overwrite the existing Mon Mothma in the base game, team skins included. Since I made this for Jedi Academy, I took advantage of the fancy effects it has and JK2 lacks: specifically RGB tinting and dynamic glow from specular shaders. That said, I recommend you have Detailed Shaders and Dynamic Glow enabled. The game is plenty old by now--I'm confident your machine can handle it. I also made a JK2-compatible version, if you'd like. It's not particularly apparent in the screenshots, but I gave Mon's eyes a similar specular shader to what I gave Kyle last time.
  10. Version v1


    A reskin of Kyle Katarn for Jedi Academy, revising his color scheme and design into something I think is aesthetically pleasing. This is most definitely not my first attempt at making a reskin, but it is my first time actually posting the end result. It will overwrite the existing Kyle in the base game, team skins included. In short, I made Kyle's outfit mainly black and white, with the accoutrements (shoulder pad, bracers, armbands, gloves, belt, boots) made a consistent shade of brown. In long, check the readme in the zip file for the complete list of changes and/or look at the screenshots. I made this for Jedi Academy, as it takes advantage of JA-specific effects like RGB tinting and dynamic glow from specular shaders. That said, I recommend you have Detailed Shaders and Dynamic Glow enabled. The game is plenty old by now--I'm confident your machine can handle it. If you'd like this reskin for JK2 instead, click here. The changes not apparent in the screenshots are: Kyle's textures were cleaned up via waifu2x-caffe before editing to improve visual fidelity The addition of a second armband underneath his shoulder pad His pants have white stripes down them Several of Kyle's sounds from JK2 are included, replacing JA ones
  11. I make machinima-esque videos with Jedi Academy on occasion. To create a more cinematic camera (for lack of a better term), I use the command "cg_thirdpersonvertoffset" to lower the camera to a more reasonable height for "filming". On a map with cheats enabled, I used to use the keys "kp_slash" and "kp_star" to switch between the default camera height (16), and the lowered camera height (-12). In OpenJK, with the commands still bound to their respective keys, nothing happens. Num Lock doesn't change anything. The rest of the "kp_" keys appear to work fine. Since "cg_thirdpersonvertoffset" requires cheats to be enabled to be changed, doing the same thing on a map with cheats disabled reveals that "kp_slash" is treated as the same key as "slash", while "kp_star" still doesn't do anything. The issue appears to be the keys, not the commands. I can change the vertical offset by typing out the command in the console without any trouble. I primarily "film" in singleplayer, but the issue is also present in multiplayer. I'm running Windows 7 Home Premium, 64-bit.
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