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Everything posted by Daedra

  1. Has he left forever? I mean, will he ever come back? I remember helping him with the torso texture for this model, is he uncontactable? Edit: Just checked out his profile. Looks like he's not coming back and it would be pointless messaging him if he will never come back to read it.
  2. It's easy. Just get that naked model from here: http://jkhub.org/files/file/1903-sp-monk-robe-pack/ Frankenstein the stormtrooper head onto it and edit the texture of the pants to blue. Done
  3. That's why I made them. When I first got Jedi Academy I was so saddened I could not spawn or play as Darth Vader. I found JKHub, got myself the Darth Vader mod, and boy was I happy! Until I noticed the voices were cuts from the movie with background noise/music/effects. A model isn't a model without a complete clear high quality soundpack. Even if they are frowned upon by porting rules they certainly are not illegal and I will continue to complete the Kylo Ren soundpack and try to make a EG-5 Jedi Hunter Droid soundpack.
  4. Alright, I can look into it. Edit: Downloading that game on PC. I will take a look and see what I can put together for a soundpack.
  5. You could always use the textures of it.
  6. Daedra

    C3PO All Episodes Pack

    I never said there was a problem. Just stating one already exists based on what was being asked.
  7. There was already one in Disney Infinity but nobody has ripped the model from there yet.
  8. Just use DT85's Stormtrooper model. But someone has to make that stun baton thing.
  9. Lt. Claim is someone who would probably do it since he ported tons of SWTOR models to JKA. He has an account here on JKHub and also has a workshop here: https://community.moviebattles.org/threads/lt-claims-workshop.60/ Good luck contacting him though.
  10. It's a good reference for the gun also, even as a reference I am glad it can help out.
  11. @@Kualan @@Barricade24 The Phasma here might help you. She has her own gun too. Download: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/17zja4pabtiuv/The_Force_Awakens
  12. New models from The Force Awakens Pinball game: Download: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/17zja4pabtiuv/The_Force_Awakens
  13. New models from The Force Awakens Pinball game: Download: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/17zja4pabtiuv/The_Force_Awakens
  14. I've looked into it, this droid doesn't really have a voice, he has some attack sounds but he doesn't actually speak any words. I can PROBABLY obtain the attack sounds without too much trouble, but I can't promise anything until i've looked at the game files which the character is in. Also to mention this character is supposed to have 2 lightsabers. You will find them both in Star Wars The Clone Wars: Lightsaber Duels for Wii.
  15. Is this character an official Star Wars character? If so what is his/its real name? I can probably try to put some sounds together.
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGOUfkua4Dg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqiS83QnrpI
  17. Nice work! P.S. Let's keep that project we're working on a Secret until release, going to be a fun release for sure.
  18. There's a new Star Wars pinball game that includes a model of Phasma. It would be a bad idea to port the model, but I can try to scavenge any voice clips from there (if there are any). So far there's none in Disney Infinity, unless they release a new DLC with Phasma then I can attempt to obtain the voice. The only official source so far is the talking Phasma action figure (and the lines from the movie). The options are limited for now.
  19. I should have a soundpack made for your version of Kylo Ren by the time it's ready. Keep us informed on the model.
  20. Already being worked on and already requested. Being worked on here: http://jkhub.org/topic/6462-knights-of-the-fallen-empire-twins-arcann-and-thexan/ Been requested before here: http://jkhub.org/topic/6094-thexan-arcann/ This has already been requested for a second time which has been locked here: http://jkhub.org/topic/6708-arcann-and-thexan-from-knights-of-the-fallen-empire/ Next time use the SEARCH FEATURE. @@Barricade24
  21. Alright. The only reason I asked is because the version I have is only allowing me to play the "demo" of The Force Awakens playset, which is the reason the game continues to close itself when I reach a certain stage of the demo, which is not allowing me to continue to record Kylo Ren. I asked if you purchased it on steam because I could have logged in and downloaded it through your Steam which would have the content unlocked so I could record it then un-install the game. But since you didn't obtain it through Steam, I am officially stuck until a torrent gets released which includes the DLC of The Force Awakens.
  22. The version of Disney Infinity 3.0 you purchased with The Force Awakens content, is this on Steam PC?
  23. I believe the new Starkiller model Xeby is releasing is going to include my soundpack, the TFU2 Dark Side version. That should turn out to be good.
  24. The hard part is obtaining the recordings. The rest is easy but time consuming. Recording took me 3 days, Editing took me 4 days. If someone on JKHub or another modding site was creating a new character and needed a soundpack, these would be his/her first choice. And if any user can find use for them, they can use it as long as credit to the uploader is given.
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