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Everything posted by Ruxith
This bug happens in modview, it should be fine in-game. It's just the transparency of the hair.
It was a bit of clever (some would call it lucky!..) specular shading to make it look more 3D/have more depth as the lighting changes on the mask I didn't think anyone really noticed it as it was subtle, glad you spotted it. This animation on the face for Rorschach though is very cool, haven't seen something this smooth in terms of skin shader animation effects.
Your textural wizardry intrigues me each time Ashura, these kind of smart timesaving tools/techniques are really cool. Looking forward to see what skins you come up with Barricade
Awesome, can't wait to see what you come up with!
If they aren't turning off via "<model name>,*off" inside the .skin file, then you have missed one of the areas that you need to rename the model part in blender; so the name you're giving it in the .skin file isn't actually what it is called. You can check by opening the list of model parts inside modview and you will find their real name, or cross check again in blender for your step-by-step tutorial and check you have renamed them properly.
Make sure you get the hierachy correct, and include the new model parts in the .skin file otherwise it won't work correctly. In regards to simple commands to work around blender, there's going to be hundreds of people on youtube/forums who have compiled a starter guide to zooming in and such. Most of those things you figure out anyhow.
There's a good model that surfaced surrounding the MovieBattles community. Maybe download the mod and have a look there. This one:
A pretty good Durge model already exists @@Zappa_0 (not talking about the clone wars version from the cartoon pack). This is what it looks like, it was from somewhere on moviebattle's forum or the pk3s about a year or two ago I think. If only you were as much of a skin hoarder as myself then you would know! (I have no idea who made it though, anyone know?)
Love seeing your WIPs man
@@Jeff https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/11320011/HS-Mohc_2.obj
Look how happy he looks in his new colourful outfit
@@The_CrY interesting find about the weequay's extra hair, it seems there's a few sneaky hidden model parts in the base player models. The saboteur has a visor that was never implemented also (which @@SiLink found a few years back). The solution for you in this case, is to change the model part's name to simply not have "_off" at the end. Do this for head_l_hairshoulder_off, head_r_hairshoulder_off and head_r_hairbackoff. Adding this on the end makes model parts invisible, which is why although in the .SKIN files it has a texture path, but is invisible when in-game. One of many model tweaks they must have made last minute with JKA. Do those changes to the tags see what he looks like FYI it's like an old saggy predator looking thing xD having his hair on both sides looks a lot cooler though.
It's not really that hard to convert a model made to work in mb2, to work in "normal" jka again.
He's actually quite a well-known modder for jka, or atleast he was. You could try contacting him: (Taken from one of his readme's of a released skin on jk3files) Alternatively i'm adding a new twi'lek head onto the jedi_tf body currently. I like what he did with the cybernetic lekkus (they are lekkus right? xD).
It was more saying that porting into jka doesnt involve any real "hard work", which is a lie as weighing models isn't the simplest process (unless it's just a helmet as mentioned). It wasn't anything about the artist/creative side, as did say.. porting content shouldn't be considered an artist's role but at the same time it's still not a 2 minute process. But it's fine this topic has reached it's end so I won't intervene anymore here.
Damn Chalk not again, I thought you let it go! xD I don't think anyone who ports content into JKA generally considers themselves for that specific piece of content as an "artist", those that do are just being egotistic because they're putting something into JKA which doesn't exist yet and at that stage where they're simply proud of themselves, just like in any situation. Porting still isn't a 5 minute job though, if it's just something that has 100% weight like a helmet then fine I completely agree with where you're coming from, but for me it still gets treated the same "technically" as any other model, in regards ONLY to the weighing process; aligning the model to the jka skeleton, assigning correct weights etc. It's a 50/50 thing for me (if we're still discussing all of this), so long as those who post ported content don't claim the model creation as their own work. There's still a lot of man hours that go into putting a model that isn't scaled/posed correctly to JKA's skeleton and making it playable in-game.
It doesn't have a chain in the reference pictures because it's not a cape, it's something like the jedi robes but without the sleeves after the elbow. Just with your version, because it doesnt have the top arm sleeves it just looks weird hanging over his shoulders like that.
You need to add something like dooku's chain to go along the middle so that cape doesn't look like it's floating
Need an idea for next picture/artwork
Ruxith replied to ShenLong Kazama's topic in Art, Media & Technology
That doesn't look like fire to me.. xD -
XD yeah I guess patience really is a virtue now hey! Hopefully I can find some time to get back onto releasing the things I promised soon. I also have a few new stuff I started that I haven't gotten around to finishing aswell, ffs rux. Working 6 days a week sucks!
Ashura recently released a base male & female base mesh on jkhub which you could possibly use? Unless you're planning on creating a video where you show the process to creating your mesh and putting it into jka; to then providing it in the source files for when people view it and start creating their own.. is that what you're saying? Essentially creating a basic/generic model from scratch for jka, and recording the process, then providing the source files. Most people are using blender atm afaik, simply because of the frankensteining files, but the other half are using 3DS Max.. isn't softimage kind of obselete now? Don't hold me to that I don't know enough about all of the modelling programs xD
Everyone has to start somewhere, fortunately for people nowadays it's been made far simpler, as they've been given a head start with 3d models for jka. You can't blame them when it's all been handed out on a plate, making frankensteining very straight forward. But atleast the majority have started expanding into learning to do more with the models than simply swap objects and maintain weights. They've used frankensteining almost as a template, a guide to enable them to edit their own models and weigh objects themselves. It does have it's positive side too from all of this. I get why you're mad, but it's not entirely their fault. I just see it as a positive thing as it brings more creative minds to the table. So many communities i've been in over the years where the only creative people are those making forum signatures, or changing the colour of a texture for a skin. This atleast opens the doors a bit to see how creative people can be when they have free roam. I see frankensteining almost as a sandbox for 3d modelling, like garrys mod in a way. By no means would I ever rate someone who only does frankensteining to that of a 3d artist but I like to see what people can come up with and the ideas people have that many of us would have had years ago when frankensteining and editing models was a chore in itself.
I think you forget that this is a community website, not "specifically" an artist website like polycount or the like. If people want to post content that they are creating/modifying for the game in the "Art, media & technology" section then who are you to tell them that they can't, or that their post HAS to be tagged as ported content as if they're doing something wrong. Do you think you're above them or something? You still get compliments and criticism on your work when you post WIP of your models, and if you requested the more knowledgeable members of the community (3d Modellers/artists) for critiques on your work then you would receive it. I don't really get why you have been making such a big deal out of everything lately with this ported/frankensteining topic. If anything the ease of being able to "frankenstein" models together recently has given a lot of people in the community a reason to create content rather than simply sitting back and wait on others. People are now able to communicate clearer together about possible mods and ideas rather than just requesting it and expecting someone to create a model from scratch for them. More people are now able to create customised models for jka, you need to see the positive side of this situation. If you want to tell everyone off for making a model they want to use in the game simply because you think it's insulting for you, because you've given yourself the title of an "artist" as you've decided to bite the bullet and create the 3d models from scratch, then I think you're hanging around on the wrong forum. As I said, if you want critiques then ask for it, but don't go giving all of the guys who are learning frankensteining or then deciding to go further, to learn weighing and adding a 3d object onto their model from outside of jka a hard time and saying that it insults YOU. If anything it's a starting point for them to actually learn the basics of 3d modelling. If you haven't caught up on things lately, there are people who you'll be classing under the "frankensteining" group that have started editing meshes, uv's etc and actually beginning to do some of the more complex tasks. Maybe they are now artists too. xD sorry i'm just fed up of this kind of drama, people ranting because they are upset about something minimal. Fair play to you for wanting to create the 3d models from scratch, but I think it's just unfair that you are making such a big deal out of this and trying to discredit people who have learnt to frankenstein, weigh 3d models into jka and learn the whole process. You forget, these people have also had to learn their way around the 3d applications too, it's not like they just click a button and it's all done for them. They do still have the same level as respect that they did have for people like yourself, Psyk0, DT, Ashura, Scerendo etc who do create fantastic models for jka and in general, it's just that frankensteining gives everyone else a little bit of creative freedom to design something that they want to have in jka themselves, something we couldn't do all those years ago unless it was just editing textures and shaders.
Back in the day I think everyone was reskinning either one of the jedi's or the shadowtrooper model for things like spiderman, ironman, venom etc (though i'm probably wrong again). Atleast nowadays we can do frankensteining a lot easier so head swapping/adding parts has become a lot easier for the "less able" who can't actually create the model parts we require ourselves. I would have said using the "jedi" (model/jedi) model would be a good starting point, then you can search for other existing models to add certain items of clothing, armour, or helmets and accessories that you require and then retexture them, add shaders etc. You'll also find a lot of the male jka skins use the same mesh so a lot of the existing textures can be used for your project.
Don't tell me you have one of those ugly goatee beard things xD (doesn't even deserve to be categorised as facial hair!) I like the hoody idea