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Posts posted by z3filus

  1. We need more tutorials in general. In text format. 

    This website is the number one go-to page for files and information about Outcast and/or Academy. As such we should have as much information available as possible. That's the only thing that troubles my mind year after year; talented people show off their skills but never really care to share their knowledge. How do area portals work? How to use the 'hint texture'? How to make a fountain or a waterfall that actually looks nice? How do I create a new HUD? I would run out of space here if I wrote down all the questions. My point is that if all we do is brag with our projects, then this website is pretty much a private fanclub for a handful of people. 

    So perhaps we could have more interviews? From the authors of the latest HOT files for example. How long it took to make the map/model. What programs did you use, What inspired to create this file. So on and so fourth. Just a few juicy lemons here and there to squeeze out that golden knowledge so others might also contribute once they've learned some new tricks. 

    Raisinbrand likes this
  2. 6 hours ago, dan992 said:

    what do you want with super heroes in  a star wars game? wtf

    In Star Wars we have this thing called the Force that gives people, oh I don't know - certain abilities, some considered to be unnatural.

    Superheroes and their abilities generally speaking, are not that different. Levitation, mind control, acrobatic fighting etc. 

    JustJordyn, HUM-3154, Omega and 2 others like this
  3. On 9/5/2020 at 2:12 AM, Lancelot said:

    AngelModder has a life outside of this community, like all of us do. And we should respect that. 

    On 9/5/2020 at 11:21 PM, Lancelot said:

    After all, it's just a hobby, not a full-time job.


    There's absolutely no reason to go on the defensive here. You also don't get to passively silence anyone by demanding respect for any authors privacy or pace of work - because no one is demanding or pressuring AngelModder to do anything. But the fact remains that this project has long since come to a point where all we can do, is to ask - wait and hope. And doing so shouldn't lead to a Staff member waltzing in saying: "have some respect, sit down and wait patiently".  That's basically what happened here. And there's a meme about it which you may have seen (hint: will ferrell).

    So we don't need a fire extinguisher because there is no fire. ? All's good.

  4. So I was wondering if creating terrain with EasyGen is still a thing - or is there perhaps another (easier, more preferred) tool slash method?

    Say for example, if one was to make a race track or.. a desert with big rock formations and maybe a cave. What would be the smartest way to do this? 

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