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Clan FJA

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Everything posted by Clan FJA

  1. peu de temps ? un projet à plusieurs nécessite beaucoup de coordinaiton... et la coordination demande beaaaaaaucouuuuuup de temps. :D :D ah ouais d'accord ! Excellent le coup du "Cette map là vous intéresse ? Ben faites la vous-même !"
  2. Je prends ce post pour un troll de ta part. Donner de l'argent pour que les gens moddent comme veut le faire Valve ? Sache qu'une récompense n'est pas forcément matérielle, surtout dans le milieu du modding où les gens ont l'habitude de donner beaucoup sans toujours recevoir. Cela peut prendre la forme d'une pièce grandiose avec une dédicace aux contributeurs (comme sur academy_v3). Il y a des tas de manière de montrer de la reconnaissance. Là, la meilleure tournure pour ton projet aurait été de lancer une map "spéciale JKHUB" libre opensource où chacun peut y contribuer, et où les choix sont fait par la communauté. N'y vois rien de méchant mais là, j'ai traduis ton projet comme étant: "Je veux faire une super map pour mon clan la meilleure mais j'ai pas les compétences pour donc je demande aux autres de faire pour moi mais c'est quand même moi qui suis l'architecte global qui leur dit tout quoi faire". Modb est rempli de projets avortés qui n'ont jamais dépassé le stade alpha car ils étaient lancés et surtout dirigés par des gens qui n'avaient pas les compétences et espéraient que d'autres gens intéressés et compétents viendraient faire à leur place.
  3. Here is another map : http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Back_to_the_Roots;110535 It's a classic map but there is a way with stormtroopers, like a little sp map.
  4. I can't access the page. I think he has updated his mod and we must wait moderators to check the mod. ask to the author: http://jkhub.org/topic/5775-epic-challenge-mod-ii/ He posted several links on our forum but they don't work anymore. I thought he was dead,... but not
  5. Hello ! No no ! The Japlus folder must be in Gamedata/ and NOT in Gamedata/OpenJK/ : Put Ja++ files into Gamedata/Japlus/ It should be ok. If you want to run a server, use a .bat with start openjkded.x86.exe +set fs_game "japlus" + exec server.cfg The server.cfg is a notepad file with all your server config (grapplehook and other things) and is put into Gamedata/Japlus/
  6. You should try this : http://jkhub.org/files/file/1978-epic-challenge-mod/ It was designed for SP but it seems that maps have no scripts or other special sp things so it should work in MP too.
  7. You're right That's why I play only several "village" mods and no more base/japlus. Ok, see you again in a few months to ask/answer the same questions
  8. Hello ! I think you speak about mp maps designed for basejka (and other japlus-like mods). I know two other coop maps for basejka and japlus-like mode : http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Multiplayer_Role_Player_Level;99230 http://jkhub.org/files/file/820-multiplayer-role-player-2/ If you want a specific coop mod to play sp map with friends, I recommand you Zykmod : http://jkhub.org/files/file/2306-zyk-openjk-mod/ Players don't need the clientside to play. It brings an account and class system a little like in Lugormod and boss are hard. Sp maps can be played in mp with npcs and some special quests. There exists OJP 1.2 too but the gameplay is totally different from base (a little like MBII) http://jkhub.org/files/file/1972-openjediproject-v12-fixed-g-by-fja/
  9. there is a lot of advertisement topics here about RP communities and other. Just take time to watch each of them http://jkhub.org/forum/30-communities/
  10. and thank you for Ouned masterserver ! with JKHUB, MBII and Ouned masterserver, we are ready for the day Raven masterserve will close Long live JKA...
  11. It's just curiosity. It's not an attack or a critic. I saw in one hand : a lot of servers and players with some bugfix, and a large modding community, and in the other hand : just some servers and some players with some opened bugs and a little modding community... => I was curious to read your preferences. Maybe, the reason to keep 1.00 is because there is not japlus and other admin abuse community ? But people can open basejka server too with 1.01. Maybe the reason is just because even you give an update, there are always people who refuse the evolution and prefer to keep their old system (Windows XP... I love you )
  12. ok, I,ve found them (stupid I am) Only fix of exploits and issues. I heard that there are real differences of saber gamplay between Outcast 1.00, 1.02 and 1.04 but it seems there isn't any change between JKA 1.00 and 1.01 except bugs fix (i agree that lock-on rocket launcher after death is very cool )
  13. Hello Iburidu ! I never played with 1.00. What are the difference between the two ? What is the advantage to continue playing 1.00 ? I am curious because until now, i have thought that patchs (for all games) added features and fixed bugs.
  14. Yeah, ok.... I was angry and I'm sorry, but you continue to write OJP in place of OpenJK... I wrote "install OPENJK, it will secure your server" and never "install OJP...." I wrote several time that OpenJK is not OJP and I wrote to install OpenJK. First, Make a difference between OpenJK and OJP and THEN we could help you properly. If the company can only put base or OJP enhanced, and don't want to install JASS or anything else, I suppose they will not install OJP basic. Give us more information about what you can do on your server: - can you only change the server.cfg ? - can you add or remove pk3 files ? you said in another post that you re-installed JKA, so I understand that you can upload pk3 on your server (assets1.pk3 and others); so you should be able to put JASS on your server. Razor, please a link for OJP basic ? The last I can find is 1.0 on gamefront. Temporary solution : - keep the base JKA (no OJP) on your server. - in your server.cfg file, add these lines : set sv_allowDownload "0" seta sv_allowAnonymous "0" seta sv_floodProtect "1" set g_AllowVote "0" It should shut some hacks. And then, if your server is hacked yet, come again.
  15. yeah I'm sorry for my post but it was mostly because we already give advices in another topic and it seems that he did not read us. I did not quote OJP basic because it seems that it is no more up-to-date and I wouldnot to confuse him. OpenJK, JASS do the same thing without changing the fs_game. It seems that RazorRace's team is now only dedicated to the enhanced version and has stopped basic version. The author complains about wanted to fix his security problems but it seems he did not try our advices. On the other topic, he said he has re-upload JKA's pk3, so he CAN upload his own pk3, so he CAN install JASS (JASS = JAZZ, it is the same thing), ever he can't change the exe. In the case he can use his own exe too, then he can install OpenJK. because he don't stop speaking about OJP 1.2 (enhanced) and complaining he does not want OJP 1.2 gameplay... I wrote this angryful post. I'm sorry for that. But now, he knows.
  16. STOP TROLLING !!!!!! I ALREADY ANSWERED YOU IN THIS TOPIC !!!! http://jkhub.org/topic/5622-need-advices-and-some-help/ OJP 1.2 IS A GAMEMOD WHICH ALTER GAMEPLAY AND NOT A SECURITY FIX !!!! It is not designed to be used as a security fix for basejka !!!!! OpenJK IS A SECURITY FIX for BaseJKA !!!! In the case where OpenJK does not work (maybe due to your hosting service which forbid altered exe), then try JASS (see the other topic). OJP 1.2 IS NOT OPENJK TAKE OPENJK AND NOT OJP 1.2 OPENJK : http://jkhub.org/topic/2220-frequently-asked-questions/ Download : http://builds.openjk.org./ OpenJK is a base gameplay with all security fix ! So STOP BORING US WITH OJP 1.2 IF YOU DON'T WANT OJP 1.2 GAMEPLAY !!!!!
  17. ... jkhub should add a "donation" button to give money to modders. 15% for JKHUB, 10% for Caelum, and 75% for the modder. Or 15% for JKhub, 35% for the modder and 50% for Caelum... finally, Valve's idea is very good !
  18. After the "pay more for the complete game" (= DLC), the "pay more and make yourself the complete game" ! I fear that, as the DLC and day-one patchs, futurs games will be less and less complete because "players will complete with mods". Just look the first release of Sims 4. There was a lack of features, because developpers thought "we don't need to make that, since fans will make a mod for that". I think in a future time, editors won't need anymore developpers, only fans and modders to make games how to make money with 0 investment ! Long live JKA !!!!!
  19. thanks you the problem is not the program, the problem is my computer (old XP with a graphic chipset for desktop which has difficulties to run games). My JKA can not run higher than 640x480 with a capture program (and 800x600 without... yes, in 2015, some people play in 800x600 )
  20. Made with Movie Maker XP... don't laugh please Click on the picture to watch the video Watch BftR Trailer 1
  21. French topic and download : http://french-jedi-academy.forumactif.org/t396-battle-for-the-republic-v2-0 Battle for the Republic V2.0 is now available. Many changes have been made, reason for which we have done an new complete release named V2.0. For those who have already BftR V1.0, we advise to delete the complete folder of the game to replace it with BftR V2.0. Don't worry, all of your config/keyboard settings remain preserved. BftR is only accessible by forum members and can not be public released because it contains stuff from JKA base assets and from other authors from the JKA community. BftR is a package of skins, maps and stuff used with OJP and OpenJK. V 2.0 Menus : - new typeface. -menu texts fixed - Modification of the "create" menu. Now, it is no possible to create a dedicated server from the game menu because OpenJK is not programmed for that. You must use the dedicated exe by clicking on the file "Server Battle for the Republic.bat". You can always launch your own solo game with bots from the menu. - added a "MasterServer" line to switch between several Masterservers (Ravensoft, JKHUB, Ouned) - Fixed the display of customizable skins names. - Minor improvements. Gameplay : - Fixed coop crash bug and npcs textures. - Fixed vehicules spawn crash. - Fixed an saber sound loop. - Fixed bots without textures. - Overhaul of npc sounds. - Overhaul of droids. - New stances for Juyo, Dual and Staff. - New HD sabers. - Flags are now semi-transparent. - Jetpack is no more allowed for Capture the Flag games. - Minor improvements. Server : - Updated server configs. Coop now launchs Alzoc3 map and masterserver is now updated on Raven masterserver. Classes : - Change powers of the Guardian because Drain was bugged. - The Scout has no more frags and he has now the clone blaster in place of the droid blaster. - The Pyro has no more frags but he has now the droid blaster. Maps : - Siege mode is now available with Republic/Federation teams and three maps: Geonosis, Mygeeto and Nabo Theed. -Added maps: Naboo Theed - FFA, TFFA, Order66, CTF Naboo Hangar - FFA, TFFA, Order66, CTF Mygeeto - TFFA, CTF Ocean - FFA, TFFA, Order66, CTF Mos Eisley - FFA, TFFA, Order66, CTF Geonosis - FFA, TFFA, Order66 Federation Ship - FFA, TFFA, Order66, CTF Hangar over Coruscant - FFA, TFFA, Order66, CTF Mercenary Battle - FFA, TFFA, Order66, CTF Yavin Valley - FFA, TFFA, Order66, CTF Coop : - Fixed minors coop bugs. For example, some missions will not more impose their weapons/force config to you. - "Bakura - Facilities", "Kril'Dor - Sabotage" and "Korriban - Final Battle" are now fixed and playable in coop mode. - Fixed buildings of "Corellia - The Train Bomb". - Fixed the crash bug of "Vjun - Incursion" - Added the Alzoc3 Enclave map. It contains a lightsaber training room and a weapons training room. Several masters will offer you various missions, allowing you to automatically launch a coop map from Alzoc. - Added two coop maps which take place on Olosys from the "Privateer" campaign mod. You will help the Delta Squad to deliver the city from the Federation.
  22. Tu gères supra ! Qu'est-ce tu deviens ? Je t'ai envoyé un mp sur fja y a plusieurs jours ^^
  23. There are : - OpenJK, which fix all troubles for JKA - OJP V1.2 = OpenJediProject V1.2, which is a mod for Jedi Academy and which alters the gameplay (like MBII or ForceMod III). - OpenJK V1.2 DOES NOT EXIST !!!! ------------------------------- The fact is that original JKA has several possibility of hacks : hackers can modify the game's files and crash your server. Your computer is not affected and you have no virus. There is no hackshit, just the possibility to modify the JKA server and the JKA files. OpenJK fix all these troubles. Hackers will be not longer able to crash your server or modify game's files. ------------------------------- Caelum hosting service is not 16€ per WEEK but 16€ per MONTH. Yeah it is more expansive than 44€ per year, but you can install all mods you want and Caelum help you to fix all problems and to install mods and securities you want. ------------------------------ One question to Caelum : can we take part-time servers ? For example pay only 5€ per month to get a server running only during the Week-ends ?
  24. What you said : - You run a basejka server (JKA 1.01 without modification) and there are people who hack your game. - Some people speak to you about OJP and JASS - you have or you want to get a server in a firm. You sounds like you have not all power on your server configuration. What I understand : - If you run a pure basejka server with bugs (callvote and other), I deduced that you have not high skills in modding and server configuration. So you need something that is easy to use. - if you run a pure basejka server, I suppose that you want to run a basejka gameplay and not a modified gameplay. - Warning, OJP = OpenJediProject ≠ OpenJK What you need : - You need OpenJK, because OpenJK fix all hacks and is easy to use. It is the best choice. - If your server firm don't allow you to use OpenJK exe, you can also use JASS but it need little skill to be correctly used (if you can correctly read a "readme", it should be okay). What is OpenJK : - Info : http://jkhub.org/topic/2220-frequently-asked-questions/ - Download : http://builds.openjk.org./ - OpenJK is a new exe which replace jamp.exe and jampded.exe. Run Openjk.x86.exe and OpenjkDed.x86.exe in place of them. It fix hacks and it is compatible with the most recent OS. I recommand you to use a "start openjk.x86.exe +set fs_game openjk" in a .bat file, because OpenJK mod is a little best than base (some additionnal fix). It does not modify the gameplay. What is JASS : - JASS is a plugin for jamp.exe and jampded.exe. It runs before the original jampgamex86.dll to add plugins. There is a protection plugin with fix and a anti-ddos plugin. The gameplay is not altered. The anti-ddos plugin is a software anti-ddos. That means it is the JKA server which will ban IP. It can not protect against real hard DDOS but it can avoid little ddos which crash the jampded.exe and not the OS. - download : http://jass.ucoz.net/ - the advantage of JASS is that you can install it even your server firm don't let you to use a fixed exe (OpenJK for example). Some friends used it for Japlus with VeryGames which don't let people to run their own exe. What is OJP (OpenJediProject) - OJP is a mod for Jedi Academy and it alters a lot the gameplay. Saber system and weapon system is very different. Players need OJP to join an OJP server. I suppose you want that everybody can join your server. So I don't think OJP is for you. Yes, OJP fix some hacks but all recent mods do that. - original 1.2 download : http://www.desura.com/mods/open-jedi-project-enhanced - OJP with assets fix : http://jkhub.org/files/file/1972-openjediproject-v12-fixed-g-by-fja/ - another fix for OJP (only use with Desura version) : http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=214119 - Version 1.3 is in development but has many bugs. I think that will help you EDIT : Sorry, after receiving death threats from someone called C***** the best choice is not OpenJK but CAELUM HOSTING SERVICE !!!! http://jkhub.org/topic/5401-the-periodic-gluttonous-hosting-thread/
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