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Clan FJA

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Everything posted by Clan FJA

  1. When I started, I asked for some permissions but the emails I tested didnot work, and I had no response (a lot of authors are no more in JKA and have changed their emails). So what I think and I do now : I do not ask any permission but I put as many readme files I can and I assume I can not public release my modifications on website like JKHUB (except stuff that are entirely from my own work). That should be not a problem if I share modifications of stuff from other authors with some of my friends only for a private use. If really an author don't want I add his map/mod to the mod of our clan, he has just to tell me and I will delete his content. So I think : if you do your mod only for you and your clan/friends, you can. If you want to public release your mod on website like on JKHUB, you must see if the mods you use are opensource or ask permission to the authors. Oh, @Circa, I use your Prequel Music Conversion in BftR, are you okay or should I delete it ?
  2. I remember you can modify .sab files to add tavion and desann styles in basejka. Maybe dual and staff styles too for a single saber. it is a serverside modification.
  3. Hello ! The 1.3 HUD is available here : http://jkhub.org/files/file/1972-openjediproject-v12-fixed-g-by-fja/ Sorry, I am not an OJP dev. I just make some assets fix (coop and other things). On our forum, we use BftR, a modified OJP with a Clone/Droids total conversion and other surprises.
  4. Battle for the Republic V3.0 Battle for the Republic V3.0 is now available. Many changes have been made, reason for which we have done an new complete release named V3.0. For those who have already BftR V3.0, we advise to delete the complete folder of the game to replace it with BftR V3.0. Don't worry, all of your config/keyboard settings remain preserved. http://french-jedi-academy.forumactif.org/t434-battle-for-the-republic-v3-0 V 3.0 Game : - Overhaul some vehicules conversion - Jedi trainer on Alzoc 3 has been fixed and now attack properly. - Fixed lightning level 1 and 2 visual effect. - Added an option to switch the HUD in Setup, video. - New pistol model. - Added pictures of powers, weapons and gadgets in the skills selection menu. - Added a "Respawn" button in Pause quit menu. - Added a slide in the Pause menu to allow looking around when in meditate position. - Fixed a possibility to crash a coop server when the player use some special skins. - Modified animations of Makashi, Juyo, Dual and Staff. - Added new hilts. - Other minor improvements Classes : - Replaced the TeamHeal power of the Guardian by the Pull Power. Maps : - Added "Trade Federation Escape" for FFA, Order66, TFFA et CTF modes. - Bots don't run anymore into containers on the map "Hangar over Coruscant" Coop : - Added 7 new coop maps : "Trade Federation - Negociation" from Chronicles Demo "Yalara - Detention" from Nina Mod 1.5 "Tatooine - Cantina" from Nina Mod 1.5 "Torukia Prime - Operation" from Nova Unit Mod "Bandomeer - Project Launcher" from Project_RocketLauncher "Ambria - Base Attack" from RPG_BaseAttack "Geonosis - Survival" BETA VERSION. NOT TESTED. - Added a day/night cycle on: "Alzoc3 Enclave"; "Yavin - Crashed on Yavin"; "Tatooine - Mos-Eisley Trap"; "Tatooine - Tuskens Attack"; "Bakura - Facilities"; "Kril'Dor - Platforms Sabotage"; "Coruscant - Capture Crime Lord"; "Dosuun - Federation Trap"; "Korriban - Final Battle"; "Tatooine - Cantina"; "Bandomeer - Project Launcher"; "Ambria - Base Attack" - Other minor improvements A trailer which present 3 coop maps : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4Xbj09jZQUaOFI5TXA4d3lNaFE/view?usp=sharing
  5. today, I was searching for a new force icon pack, and I found that on Filefront : http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Cow;50282 :D I think yours will be better
  6. I know this map http://jkhub.org/files/file/303-ffa-desert-hoth/ but I can't remember if it's real snow or just fog on Hoth. Nice for FFA.
  7. The gameplay will come out as DLC.
  8. Nice ! each galaxy is just a new gate, each gate is just a new step, each step is just a new journey...
  9. Clan FJA

    Zyk OpenJK Mod

    Very nice mod ! Can you add more details and explications on the JKHUB presentation ? Just "This is a RPG Mod with levels, skills, quests, a racing mode, admin commands, and more." is a little lazy
  10. you can make two different pictures : one for the splash screen, like your new splash, and one for the unknowmap_mp (which appears before the map starts to load). This one with more light and several blured pictures.
  11. Version 1.2


    *********************************** *** Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy *** *********************************** *** OJP New Map Assets *** *********************************** DESIGNED FOR OJP : https://jkhub.org/files/file/1972-openjediproject-v12-fixed-by-fja/ Name: ojp_newmapassets.pk3 Author: French Jedi Academy Clan (Delta 4-0) Website: http://french-jedi-academy.forumactif.org/ Date: May 2015 Credits to OJP Team for their incredible OJP mod OJP Team : E-MAIL: briarbear7@gmail.com WEBSITE: http://www.lucasforums.com/forumdisplay.php?f=542 ************************* *** DESCRIPTION *** ************************* THIS FILE IS DESIGNED TO BE USED WITH OJP : http://jkhub.org/files/file/1972-openjediproject-v12-fixed-g-by-fja/ It adds more fix to coop maps in OJP: - Skycrappers on t1_rail are now displayed but they don't move. - t1_fatal, t2_wedge and kor2 are now completable - fixed a crash bug on vjun1. - fixed an important bug which allows any player to crash the game by using special skins during cinematics (due to the player npc). The player npc now uses the jan model. - other minor improvements. Now the game should run properly these maps with "seta g_autoMapCycle 1" and "seta g_gametype 5" (some maps can bug with g_automapcycle 0 at the restart) yavin1 yavin1b t1_sour t1_surprise t1_fatal t1_rail hoth2 hoth3 t2_rogue t2_wedge t2_dpred vjun1 vjun3 t3_rift t3_hevil t3_byss taspir1 kor2 THERE ARE STILL BUGS !!!! MY GOAL IS JUST TO MAKE these MAPS COMPLETABLE WITH OJP. CINEMATICS ARE STILL BUGGED AND OTHERS THINGS CAN BE DIFFERENT FROM ORIGINAL SP. My goal is not to fix cinematics. It's a lot of work and it adds nothing to the gameplay. If the file does not work, try to rename into zzzz_ojp_newmapassets.pk3 ************************* *** INSTALLATION **** ************************** - Put the "ojp_newmapassets.pk3" in your gamedata/ojpenhanced/ folder. ***************************** *** DESINSTALLATION *** ***************************** - Remove the "ojp_newmapassets.pk3" from your ojpenhanced directory. **************************** *** QUESTIONS ******* ************************** Why when I use your mod, I have not the Gunship of the screenshot on t2_wedge ? -> The gunship is not a part of the mod. THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY ACTIVISION, RAVEN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS.
  12. 1) if it is not in "Commands", the only way is to bind in the console. The other solutions are : - editing the menu to add the hook command - make an autoexec.cfg inwhich you put the hook and jetpack binds. 2) this is the ingame's setup menu and not the main menu's setup menu. There is all setup to change a lot of things : fov, color of shield, chatbox,.... A really nice work from Razor.
  13. can you give us more details ? What is the map ? the project ? What do you want to do ? What is the targetname of the npc spawner ? Maybe there is a conflict with other entities or scripts.
  14. so... it can be a spawnscript which make the npc become invisible Try again with a spawnflags 32. The npc will do nothing but we can know if it is the spawnflags or not which is the problem.
  15. I replaced Rosh with that : http://jkhub.org/files/file/2062-rodian-in-jedi-robes/ But he still looks stupid and boring
  16. I think you put a wrong spawnflags. Try with no spawnflags
  17. http://www.moviebattles2.com/ Movie Battles II is a mod which recreate all battles of the movies, using an altered siege mod and altered gameplay (seems the website is temporary down, but they are still active). They have an active community. However, their maps are not designed for CTF but you can try to convert them.
  18. Yeah ! sometimes, I troll, it's my weakness But you can see i gave him a link and answered his questions
  19. maybe try a cfg with cg_thirdpersoncameradamp 0 +jump; +attack; //(the button is not +jump but i forgot the real name) wait 300 cg_thirdpersoncameradamp 0.3 and bind "button" "exec yourcfg" Don't know if it works.
  20. nice work a little too dark. Maybe a little lighter, with several scenes in the corners, like the old splash screen but with a blur.
  21. 1) jkhub => tutorials => searching bar http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/148-icarus-scripting/ 2) yes, just remove the "use" which spawn rebels in the script, but it can affect other entities. Or remove entities on the map. 3) Except if your last post was three month ago, use "edit" button in place of post three times. 4) take an avatar picture. People without that are like ingame "Padawan" for me.
  22. don't understand why people give difficult solutions when modifying the npc file is so easy. first, try to change the npc file. If it doesnot work, the easier second way is to ask someone (or do yourself) to modify the script(s) which give Jan a weapon. With a piece of luck, there is only one script that is used to give jan the weapon on all maps. Using entity modding (agent Jones) is not efficient because you must do that for EACH map -> lot of time and complicated. Why people say "use a hammer" to kill a single bee ?
  23. http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/146-the-basics-of-npc-files/ Try this : Jan{playerModel jansurfOff "torso_vest hips_chaps torso_computer head_goggles torso_comp hips_belt"surfOn "torso_augment_off hips_augment_off hips_torso_off"saber kyle saberColor blue weapon WP_SABER saberStyle 1 saberStyle 3 saberStyle 2 FP_HEAL 1 FP_LEVITATION 2 FP_PUSH 2 FP_PULL 1 FP_GRIP 0 FP_LIGHTNING 2 FP_PROTECT 2 FP_ABSORB 2 FP_SEE 2 FP_SABERTHROW 2 FP_SABER_DEFENSE 3 FP_SABER_OFFENSE 3 forceRegenRate 150 forcePowerMax 90rank ltreactions 3aim 3move 3aggression 3evasion 2intelligence 3playerTeam playerenemyTeam enemyclass jediyawSpeed 140walkSpeed 55runSpeed 200snd jansndcombat jansndjedi janhealth 200dismemberProbHead 0dismemberProbArms 5dismemberProbLegs 0dismemberProbHands 10dismemberProbWaist 0} don't know if it works for outcast...If jan still hold a blaster, that means there is a script that force her to take a blaster.
  24. Hello ! rdate is ok, the problem was geonosis. Strangely, date(2015,04,20) gives the 20 May 2015, and date(2015,03,20) gives the 20 April 2015.... So January is 0 and not 1... stupid trap.... Thank you all. Now, I just must find someone who can convert .ase into .md3 and I will be very happy
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