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Everything posted by Clan FJA
ForceMod III doesn't load correctly on Linux
Clan FJA replied to GyozaGuy's topic in Jedi Knight Tech Support
Hello It seems that this version of FM3 http://jkhub.org/files/file/1968-fm3av3/ has a serverside "so" but no client side "so" That means you can run a server on linux but you can't play on linux. You need a mac or a windows to play. -
Solved, found the tutorial, it was not in "Mapping"but in "Modelling" section.... http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/67-making-ase-models-with-gtkradiant/ big thank to NAB622 who wrote this tuto. Strangely, the tutorial searching bar doesn't find any result for "ase"or ".ase"
Hello ! I found some .ase files in the pk3 of a map. I opened it with notepad ans saw that it is a little like a .map file. I made some research on JKHUB forum and tutotials but did not find about .ase files. I tried to add a .ase with a "classname" "misc_model_health_power_converter" but it did not work. I would know if I can use them for a map with entity modding or if they can only be added with mapping. In the case it can be only used with mapping, could someone convert it into a md3 for me ? The map is http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Mercenary_Battle_V2;92772 and the .ase is models/merc_battlev2/starmap_armthing.ase Thank you
All informations about next Battlefront on the official EA Star Wars Website : http://www.eastarwars.com/ (I love the guy who made this troll, put sound on)
Single Player Maps Converted to Multiplayer Use
Clan FJA replied to DoctorJones's topic in Jedi Knight General Discussions
Oh yes, I completely forgot these mods thank you Eez Makermod : http://jkhub.org/files/file/2146-makermod-server-and-client/ Lugormod : there are several version on the net. You can play FFA and other things on SP maps. I remember I played a FFA on the Boba SP mission with Lugormod. Server-side mod which add CTF points on 3 FFA maps and 1 duel map http://jkhub.org/files/file/1969-ctf-base-flags/ -
Adoring Fan ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyHiIeBsc9E
Single Player Maps Converted to Multiplayer Use
Clan FJA replied to DoctorJones's topic in Jedi Knight General Discussions
yes Sp maps are modified in the way there is no cinematics and several scripts have been removed (for example, a lot of locked doors are already unlocked when the map starts) So it is not the same coop than OJP but players work together to complete the map. -
Single Player Maps Converted to Multiplayer Use
Clan FJA replied to DoctorJones's topic in Jedi Knight General Discussions
I forgot to say that Zykmod and OJP Basic can be serverside only. No clientside required, even if Zykmod clientside is useful to choose your skills. You can implement them on your server and all your people can play. You can play all sp with Zykmod : there are no cinematics, just npcs, some scripts and some special quests and boss added by Zyk. You can "rush" and have a lot of fun OJP Basic coop and OJP Enhanced coop are the same. The only difference is the gameplay. A lot of sp maps have bugs and are not playable. However, contrary to Zykmod, maps are "real" sp maps with cinematics (bugged) and objectives. I think I will release a new patch for OJP coop maps in a few weeks. Even I play OJP Enhanced (and Battle for the Republic), I recommand you Zykmod because you have 1070 members and that impose you several constraints : - I found no bugs, some people hate bugs, and bugs often need the presence of an admin to be solved (map restart, ..) - gameplay is same than basejka, a lot of players hate when the gameplay change - admin system (OJP have not) - clientside is not needed (but useful), so all your 1070 members can play without dl a specific mod - add a RPG system (can be desactivate i think) with XP, that is really fun and each player can personalize his skills. If you absolutely want a "pure basejka" without RPG and other features, I recommand OJP basic, but there are some little bugs in sp maps. The problem of OJP enhanced is that it can break your community into 2 communities : one which stay on "basejka/japlus" and the other on OJPE. -
Single Player Maps Converted to Multiplayer Use
Clan FJA replied to DoctorJones's topic in Jedi Knight General Discussions
these mods allow to play Sp map with other players : Zykmod : http://jkhub.org/files/file/2306-zyk-openjk-mod/ Add a account and RPG system, with several class. Actually developped by Zyk. OJP enhanced : http://jkhub.org/files/file/1972-openjediproject-v12-fixed-g-by-fja/ The gameplay is very different from basejka. Some little bugs. OJP basic : http://www.gamefront.com/files/4542170/Open_Jedi_Project_Basic__v0_1_0_ Allow to play SP map with basejka gameplay. Some little bugs. No more up to date. -
You answered. So it's not related to Star Wars but with a modern timeline. Thank you.
Need little tips about Weapons efx \ sounds (SP)
Clan FJA replied to Asgarath83's topic in Coding and Scripts
Hello for SP, i think it's in ext_data/weapons.dat (assets1.pk3) Open it with a notepad or something like that and you can modify several things. for MP, it's coded in the dll. -
nice project ! will play it. two question : - what about the "wolrd" ? Star Wars related or "CoD/Counter strike" related ? (I mean: Star wars Weapons and characters, or Modern weapons and characters ?" - what about JK Galaxies ? Do you continue to develop it ?
[Mapping Project] The Multi-Mapper Jedi Temple !
Clan FJA replied to RJA's topic in Mod Requests & Suggestions
ben je suis justement des membres qui ont apprécié ton principe de map, au même titre que ChaoticConundrum, Lazarus, Cerez ou lil_binger qui nous sommes intéressés à ton idée, et qui avons voulu en apprendre plus et proposer des choses. Sauf que l'esprit humain est fait qu'on attends toujours que celui qui a donné l'idée prenne les choses en main, commence et lance réellement le projet en posant les première briques (excepté les idées qui peuvent rapporter de l'argent, là tout le monde cherche à la mettre en oeuvre avec ou sans toi). Là en l'occurence, on attends juste que tu nous fasses ta/tes première pièce et que tu nous files le fichier. Et ce n'est pas moi qui risque de commencer puisque je ne peux pas scripter sans map... donc au lieu de crier que ton idée est morte et que je te harcèle, respecte notre volontariat et lance vraiment ton idée. Après il y aura tjs des gens pour le poursuivre et rajouter des pièces. à moins que tu n'ai commencé ton projet sur ton forum rp sans nous en informer. Auquel cas, je vois mal l'intérêt d'avoir posté l'idée ici. -
Big boss ! :winkthumb:
Go on your own forum to solve your problems. It's your conception of a Jedi, maybe it's not the conception Cerez has of a Jedi. It's RP, each player plays his character. There are normal jedis and there are mad jedis. If all jedis were calm, Anakin would never become Darth Vader. It is the case where the admin wants the player to play character like he thinks in a situation he decided and not like the player would. DM must know that players can act like they think and not like the DM thinks, and he must adapt himself. You don't like the way of Cerez to RP, it's all. She's not a bad roleplayer. She has a different sight of RP which don't reach your own sight of RP. It seems she tried to help and bring her stones. It was not the good stones for you. That's all. Don't bullshit her. I agree your were disapointed with your experience, and I like your profil's picture, but it's not a reason to bullshit them. Just write that you didnot like their way to RP and explain why, but don't write it's a bullshit RP clan with motherfucker admins. There exist an infinity of ways to RP, and they have all the same name : RP. That's the problem. Some people think that players must make their own RP while playing with others, choose the map and invent themselves stories (it's players that make the RP to evolve). Some people think it's the DM who must organise and put players in RP situations. They love their way to RP, and you don't like it. Maybe The_Raven will, maybe not. Don't bullshit them.
[Mapping Project] The Multi-Mapper Jedi Temple !
Clan FJA replied to RJA's topic in Mod Requests & Suggestions
peu de temps ? un projet à plusieurs nécessite beaucoup de coordinaiton... et la coordination demande beaaaaaaucouuuuuup de temps. :D :D ah ouais d'accord ! Excellent le coup du "Cette map là vous intéresse ? Ben faites la vous-même !" -
[Mapping Project] The Multi-Mapper Jedi Temple !
Clan FJA replied to RJA's topic in Mod Requests & Suggestions
Je prends ce post pour un troll de ta part. Donner de l'argent pour que les gens moddent comme veut le faire Valve ? Sache qu'une récompense n'est pas forcément matérielle, surtout dans le milieu du modding où les gens ont l'habitude de donner beaucoup sans toujours recevoir. Cela peut prendre la forme d'une pièce grandiose avec une dédicace aux contributeurs (comme sur academy_v3). Il y a des tas de manière de montrer de la reconnaissance. Là, la meilleure tournure pour ton projet aurait été de lancer une map "spéciale JKHUB" libre opensource où chacun peut y contribuer, et où les choix sont fait par la communauté. N'y vois rien de méchant mais là, j'ai traduis ton projet comme étant: "Je veux faire une super map pour mon clan la meilleure mais j'ai pas les compétences pour donc je demande aux autres de faire pour moi mais c'est quand même moi qui suis l'architecte global qui leur dit tout quoi faire". Modb est rempli de projets avortés qui n'ont jamais dépassé le stade alpha car ils étaient lancés et surtout dirigés par des gens qui n'avaient pas les compétences et espéraient que d'autres gens intéressés et compétents viendraient faire à leur place. -
Essential Files for Jedi Academy LAN-gaming
Clan FJA replied to NukeDukem's topic in Jedi Knight General Discussions
Hello ! No no ! The Japlus folder must be in Gamedata/ and NOT in Gamedata/OpenJK/ : Put Ja++ files into Gamedata/Japlus/ It should be ok. If you want to run a server, use a .bat with start openjkded.x86.exe +set fs_game "japlus" + exec server.cfg The server.cfg is a notepad file with all your server config (grapplehook and other things) and is put into Gamedata/Japlus/ -
You're right That's why I play only several "village" mods and no more base/japlus. Ok, see you again in a few months to ask/answer the same questions
Hello ! I think you speak about mp maps designed for basejka (and other japlus-like mods). I know two other coop maps for basejka and japlus-like mode : http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Multiplayer_Role_Player_Level;99230 http://jkhub.org/files/file/820-multiplayer-role-player-2/ If you want a specific coop mod to play sp map with friends, I recommand you Zykmod : http://jkhub.org/files/file/2306-zyk-openjk-mod/ Players don't need the clientside to play. It brings an account and class system a little like in Lugormod and boss are hard. Sp maps can be played in mp with npcs and some special quests. There exists OJP 1.2 too but the gameplay is totally different from base (a little like MBII) http://jkhub.org/files/file/1972-openjediproject-v12-fixed-g-by-fja/
there is a lot of advertisement topics here about RP communities and other. Just take time to watch each of them http://jkhub.org/forum/30-communities/