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The Unguided

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    Photography, 3D Arts, Music
  • Modding Interests
    Texture Artist
    General Modding
    Skeleton Rigging
  • Gaming Specialty
    Moviebattles 2
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    Windows 10

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  1. Glad you like it! The massassi warriors are available in Jeff’s files somewhere, they’re present here merely for the sake of the artwork
  2. Nice design but the mask should be much larger. Take it into account there's a head inside.
  3. Version 1.0


    Notes from Authors Once more I co-worked on these with Noob, - me kitbashing, him texturing - except for the Maul variants where Sweg did the kitbashing parts and Noob did the texturing. What else could I say? Let me present everyone's favourite meme from The Last Jedi, the animated shows of both 2D/3D Clone Wars and Rebels; - Ben Swolo (shirtless Kylo Ren from Star Wars Episode VIII) - Anagain Swolewalker (shirtless Anakin Skywalker during Nelvaan trials from Clone Wars 2003) - Fit Fisto (Kit Fisto underwater suit from Clone Wars 2003 / The Clone Wars 2008) - Darth Brawl (shirtless Darth Maul from comics, Clone Wars 2008, Rebels) Authors Jolly Noob Unguided Swagmaster Darth Tempust HapSlash Scerendo Lervish BioWare Team Skins: No Shaders: Yes Sounds: Yes Bot Support: No NPC Support: No LODs: Yes Tools used: Adobe Photoshop 2022, Blender 3.0, Substance Painter, Modview
  4. Version 1.0


    "There can always be two, no more, no less. One to embody power, one to crave it..." It was always my goal to see a modern version of Darth Bane available in JKA. Since what we know about his looks/design is pretty vague and varies from source to source I chose to go with a mashup of the old comics and the novels' description. And of course, there cannot be Bane without his apprentice Darth Zannah, and hers, Darth Cognus. This was probably one of the most challenging collaborations for me. Wouldn't have been possible without Commando04 whose work I found on Sketchfab. I converted Bane's head mesh to JA (lowered poly count, rigged) and did all the kitbashing work on the three models. Once more I can be grateful for having my friends GP Channel, EXE Noob and Dr. Chocolates making all the textures. Team Skins: No Shaders: Yes Sounds: Yes Bot Support: No NPC Support: No LODs: Yes Tools used: Adobe Photoshop 2022, Blender 3.0, Substance Painter, Modview
  5. Amazing. Do you have the jedi_knight.jpg texture in 1024x1024 resolution by any chance?
  6. Yes, they do. Only females have non-human-like ears.
  7. 579 downloads

    Finally we have non-ported versions of probably the two most notable dark side figures seen in the SWTOR trailers besides Darth Malgus: Sith Eradicator and Sith Imperial Trooper Mongol The Unwise created both models, I merely converted (posed, rigged) them to JKA. Noob did texture adjusments on both, mainly to correct the imperial insignia on the trooper's armor. Artworks by my friend Dr. Chocolates. Authors: Mongol The Unwise EXE Noob Team Skins: No Shaders: Yes Sounds: Yes Bot Support: No NPC Support: No LODs: Yes Tools used: Adobe Photoshop 2022, 3DS Max, Blender 3.0, Substance Painter, Modview
  8. The last pic of the action figure lol, awesome
  9. Looks good. Is the head mesh a port or custom work?
  10. Version 1.0


    I have seen an unfinished version of this model somewhere around here (without a DL link) when I was looking for it. So I thought I try to create one on my own nonetheless some pieces were lacking. Thus I asked my friend Mat Gaunt once more, who sculpted the helmet and the vest, the rest I kitbashed together. Authors: Mat Gaunt (vest, helmet) HapSlash, Raven (body) Unguided (kitbash, weight painting, LODs) LucasArts/Pandemic (sounds) Team Skins: No Shaders: Yes Sounds: Yes Bot Support: No NPC Support: Yes Tools used: Adobe Photoshop 2021, Blender 3.0, Modview
  11. Version 1.0


    Managed to kitbash a non-ported version of Dagobah Luke with Yoda in backpack. Originally made for MovieBattles II. Comes with a mixed soundset of ESB Luke and Yoda. Do or do not. There is no try. - Unguided
  12. Version 1.0


    Everyone's favourite meme from The Last Jedi. EXE Noob came up with the idea, he kitbashed parts of the original Kylo Ren to the topless body and I helped weight painting/rigging it. Sounds ripped from MBII - and beyond that from Adam Driver himself of course. Special thanks to HapSlash, Plasma, and Lervish for the original mesh pieces we utilized to make this gag real. - Unguided
  13. Ah, of corse. I always do. This time I overlooked the sounds. Apologies. Thank you sir! Yes, no ported model pieces on this one.
  14. 139 downloads

    I co-worked on this one with Mat Gaunt (also known as Mandalorian). We visualized Calo's outfit looking quite similar to JA's Human Mercenary. So I did a fast reskin of it, then he sculpted the head mesh from scratch. With some rigging corrections and edits to the body, it all came together. Thus, it is officially the first non-ported Calo Nord model out there. Also...watch out! I heard he can only count to 3.... and he's hard to kill! - Unguided
  15. Alright, sir. Good luck with your project.
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