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JV Order

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  • Modding Interests
    Texture Artist
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  1. I started modelling using blender a few months ago. After a lot of problems finally I could solve the unweighted vertex error adding automatic weights or so i though... (selecting the layer and the skeleton root + Ctrl+P=set parent to with automatic weights). But when I use the model in game this is the result: In blender: Now if you compare the movement of the bones with another model like the sidious model from mbii: MBII Sidious model My model: You can see that in the mb2 sidious the two parts of the robe seems to be linked, you don't realize that there are two parts. But in my model happens the contrary. How can I fix this?
  2. Working on a new Sidious model I had to separate the torso and the hips in two meshes, because It couldnt load in game (model.glm has more than1000 verts on a surface). But in game only load one part.. What exactly do i have to do? Here's the link of the unfinished .glm if necessary: https://mega.nz/#!rQInVYLL!5B-f4yCLIlbHSqQ4c33GN8Wchc9TlVmcsNobgZupTM0
  3. Currently I'm working on adding only TFU Anakin's hair to Toshi's Anakin But as you can see I'm having some problems when I try to export it and don't know how to fix it.
  4. Hey calm down. I just wanted to KNOW how to port, to do it by myself, for personal use. I would never upload anything illegal. I know that toshi's anakin is maybe one of the best models in JKA. All that I wanted was to experiment with models from other games, to improve my knowledge about blender, not to publish something which is not mine.
  5. I found an amazing anakin skywalker model from the TFU, and I would like to import it to Jedi Academy, of course, only for personal use. http://es.best-free-model.net/people-and-related-ware/beds-and-shkaps/anakin-skywalker-3d-model-41446/ I'm starting to modelling but I have no idea to import models (I use Blender). Thanks in advance
  6. I did what you said but it didn't work. It is also important to say that the hood and the label textures don't load in blender for some reason. ​What is exactly wrong? Any idea?
  7. Thanks a lot man, it worked! But there is one last problem with the textures, I think because of the hood: While the original model.... What should I do?
  8. My Sidious model with original shader: https://mega.nz/#!HUJk3Kgb!61MrVDFFvDaUYS1ctsmdheO1tqAtbg3oYptHeZ_3XLA Shader from Jedi Outcast Sidious model: https://mega.nz/#!2Q5iBThI!CbCYE4WbI-eVHefO-BX0fP0hyfBFBusHlF3nV7WVmhI I took the hood from a model similar to this: It's from the default Sidious model from Kotf (base folder/ assets8.pk3)
  9. Cull twosided is already added in the shader file from the other model (the one i used to the hood). It's noted that there are two different shader files: the one which comes with the original model (JVSidious), and the other from the other sidious skin that I used for the hood, which is also in the base folder. So In case I had to edit a shader file, which should I edit? Any other idea?
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