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Posts posted by Rooxon

  1. It's allright, let's limit ourselves to the sabers for JK Enhanced, or in other words, my recreated vanilla sabers, which would mean 5 dual sabers with their 5 single saber counterparts and the 12 single sabers availible in the game already, which besides the 9 SP sabers means the stinger, kyle's saber and desann's saber. This isn't such a long list, nevermind other mods, if the engine limits us to scripting like that, we would just state that this script works only with the sabers already incorporated into the game. What's more, any modder who would want this to work with his mod, can simply contact us and we could help him create another script for himself.

    So, @@therfiles could I count on you to help me out with this? As soon as you find time, we can add it to my last pack of dual sabers to the community for a test run and bug finding. What do you say? Also, we'd need to talk the details of my idea through a bit more, I think. We can do that in my Rooxon's WeaponsHD thread (availible through a simple click on my signature pic) or we can make a new WIP thread inside JK Enhanced. After all, it would bring some immersion to the game, right? Something to have fun with.

    EDIT: Allright, I think I'm slowly beginning to grasp the total concept of JK Enhanced and all it's parts, slowly! Though this would make a great addition to the game in any case, so... I'm asking anyone who could help, when you do have the time, add me on skype or write to me in a private message, so we can talk about this a bit more. Many many thanks, guys! If anyone sees this and comes up with additional ideas that would be great, you can write about it in my Rooxon's WeaponsHD WIP topic inside the JK Enhanced category. Or well, wherever you see one of my posts, just hit the signature pic down bellow ;)

  2. Allright, seems that my 3dsmax2012/gmax routine won't do the job after all... Well good to know, at least. Still, the playermodel bug isn't solved with this yet... No worries though, I've got the MD3 exporter now for 3ds max 2012 thanks to Archangel35757 pointing me to it, I just hope I can manage to get a scene file over with katarn's saber and the main two tags for the sabers, at least. I'll try exporting it later through there, though I will have to UV map it from start.

  3. Well I need to resolve this problem as soon as possible, I'm stuck in my development... I need to test the saber ingame to later do final fixes to the size, tag placement and so on... Also I told you, the same problem happened with the no-cd patch and without it also, I did later uninstall the whole game and installed it anew. The problem yet persists... I'd be really happy if someone could download the file above and do a quick test run if the saber even shows ingame, if it does, than something else is wrong with either JKA or not being compatible with Windows 8.1 Pro build 9600

  4. No I did not. Schould I try it? Because, nevertheless, I think something else is the issue here... and I've never heard of a solution to play with a certain mod, I'll do it right away but I bet that the problem will persist.

    EDIT: Allright they've loaded. @@Stoiss Now explain please, how come the playermodels load now and not before? I'd still like to get rid of this issue in the vanilla game.

    EDIT2: Something else seems to be the problem here, for real. I tried loading the Aegis I've done yesterday and my jedi is holding NOTHING in his hand. I double checked all paths right now, they seem to be correct, there was also no problem with the model in ModView or 3ds Max.

    Here, I've quickly put the test pk3 to my dropbox, If anyone can download it and try it out himself, it would be a big help. At least this way I'll know if it's still the game causing problems or my mod, might be I missed just a single letter in the paths, I'll go take a look at it once more now. LINK TO AEGIS SABER, to use with the console, type saber 1_aegis

  5. So, I installed my copy of JKA, updated it and applied a no-cd patch so I don't have to put it in the drive each time I play. (keep in mind I uninstalled and installed the game completely because of this also after that) but as soon as I load up a new start for SP, no playermodels are being shown whatsoever! And the crosshair is somehow bent to the left, it's really weird and this hasn't happened to me before. Can anyone help quickly? I'd like to test my mods and upload one of them already...

    Here's a screenshot:


    There's no Rosh, no Jaden, no rebel pilot or anyone else in the scene before that... and I have NO mods installed! Now it's a completely clean game + 1.01 patch, that's why this is weird. Could it be a windows 8.1 compatibility issue? And here are my specs if anyone needs them:
    OP GIGABYTE GA-Z97X-Gaming 5
    INTEL Core i7-4790K (4.00GHz,1MB,8MB,88 W,1150)
    RAM DDR3 16GB PC1600 Kingston HyperX (4x4GB)
    GIGABYTE Nvidia 980GTX 4GB OC
    SSD HyperX 3K 120GB
    HDD WD 1TB Blue 
    DVDRW LG SATA black

  6. Sorry for a bit late welcome, but I was away for quite some time. I'm glad I see people still joining in here, even though it got a bit quiet during my leave. Anyhow, once again welcome and feel free to partake in anything you see interesting! There's actually a lot of things going on, some of them have just taken breaks because of the new college year starting. That's at least what's happening in my country.

  7. I would like to ask someone who knows his way about scripting JKA to create a small addon for my WeaponsHD, I'm finishing the last pack, only 2 sabers left and I would like to incorporate this script with the next release of the Dual Sabers pack.

    So, the thing is, you know there are 3 levels for saber throw, right? First one just throws it, as soon as it hits the limited throw length, it returns to the jedi. Second level appears to enable you to hold it at that limit, and third goes like a homing missile into enemy npcs. Now, would it be possible to add return damage for EVERY hilt, when the jedi reaches level 3 saber throw? That's the script or code I'd need. IF POSSIBLE! so please tell me. If the player has saber throw level 1 or 2, the return damage mustn't be there!
    If this couldn't work, how about a script or keybind that you could hit once your saber IS ALREADY THROWN SOMEWHERE and it returns doing return damage, not just simply straight into your hand?

    Another thing is a script also (with the knowledge I have, it's not possible with just keybindings as it schould work for ANY saber the player chooses) that would enable the player that if, let's say he likes to play with dual sabers. But after a while, he might want some immersion and wants to change to dual-wielding sabers or even a single saber. So, the script would enable with a simple button press to detach the dual saber and star dual wielding it's single saber counterparts. But please keep in mind, it schould work really for ANY dual saber, I DON'T MEAN OTHER SINGLE SABERS INCLUDED! Just the dual sabers to have single saber counterparts, this script would also work nicely with the broken saber option already ingame, also if we could make it to happen more often. In this case, you wouldn't be able to put the sabers back together into the dual-saber until the end of the level.

    So it's a good idea I think, but I'm just a little bit afraid that it's not possible. Well, hope dies last so please, help me out a bit here buddies! Of course I will greatly appreciate any help I can get!

    Bek likes this
  8. @@Circa Aww hell, I'm motivation in person, mate ;) That's the last problem possible. Anyhow, model is done, I ported it over to gmax from 3ds max 2012, looking good, without any weird faces so far, a little screenshot for the interested ones with the progress:




    I decided to do it this way, UV map it, scaling and tag placement in gmax and modeling in 3ds max, as I reckon the gmax way kinda goes best with me. I was creating models there for ages, since I started modding (well besides 3dsmax 8, which I was very fond of too).

    And seeing now first-hand how easy it is to do complex models in 3DS max 2012, I'm simply stunned. I think I'll do them once more, it took me only a little less than an hour to do this one, so now I wouldn't even ask you the same question. I'd say some better looking sabers are on the way ;)

    Well, the quality of the finished work is quite satisfactory to me. What say you, buddies?



    Faults: Quick UV map, which can be noticed around the corners of the bottom and buttons, but it's allright since it doesn't look too awfull. This was mainly the thing I've done wrong with my previous sabers, which was a big mistake, I need to keep this in mind from now on. Also, in-game, in won't be noticeable at all, unless you zoom up really close. And I doubt anyone else will do this besides me for the screenshot once I've put it ingame. But I'll go over this tomorrow, it's already past midnight here and I need to catch some sleep before work tomorrow. One way around this could be using those straight lines instead of circles in photoshop but I thought to myself come on, what saber would have a blocky lights or buttons? :)

    EDIT: @@Circa @@eezstreet @@AshuraDX Here's another thing I thought off tonight, I couldn't really get that much sleep. Well, I NEED STAR WARS FANATICS, who have the history in their veins pretty much. So I was thinking, why don't we hit the limit for the number of sabers being choosable for players? I think for SP the saber limit is 15 hilts, right? So if we have 9, there's chance to add 6 completely new sabers the world hasn't seen yet in the JKA universe, but it'd be nice if they were accurately chosen to fit the purpose, which means, the owners of the sabers need to be people from the game or people who WOULD FIT REGARDING THE TIMELINE, into JKA. I hope I didn't write this too complicated. So, for dual hilts, that would be a whooping 10 new saber hilts added! Which would bring everything to a total of 30 saber hilts choosable and a little script, that would allow anytime to switch from the dual sabers to dual-wielding sabers (or a single one, if you turn left hand off). The vanquisher is the only exception up to now that needs a little more work, every other dual saber is basically a single saber, copied and mirrored to the bottom side to make two blade emitters. So it's child's play, really. Also, Tavion and Alora could get their own personal hilts, maybe also the cultists and we limit the Stinger only to Reborn's, for JK Enhanced, I mean.

    Bek and Mr.Zz like this
  9. Yeah I know you did, though some time has passed while i was absent, just to be sure, that's the reason i asked you. I know what you mean, there are many things that bother me also, from the looks to the port into the game, whether it be overall size or certain dimensions in the model itself. Also, i did play with the textures a bit back there, but I bet I could make them a lot more realistic now, thus better looking. I have to think this through good and than take an effort at it, I think.


    There's also the issue of me having a totaly new computer and the old disk being burnt to death. I don't have any of the original files for various programs... which leaves me a bit uncertain, as I think that recreating them from scratch again is my only option. What do you think?

  10. @@Jolly Yeah, I know, same as many other games. This porting from consoles is generally done very poorly, not too many firms make a good job out of it, don't they? 

    Now, onto my mods, I managed to keep myself away from games a little bit (allthough Skyrim just finished downloading and it's infinite modding possibilities make me shiver) and done those quick sketches, planning all the details I mean to model into the last pack:


    20141108151149.jpg The Avenger needs a bit more drawing but here I am right now.

    Now, the saber to the far right is the Aegis, a mod uploaded here on JKHub and was once a competition entry mod, don't know how well it made there though I got a message, or request if you will, saying if I'd recreate it. In gmax before my big break, I had quite some problems to do that right, now with cinema4D I already have the whole plan in my head how I need to model it. It's a little comeback mod I'll do, after that I will finally give you my last pack and start to update the previous! that's the plan right now at least, later I'll join in the pistol weapon recreations. But here's a catch I was thinking about; do you actually want me to do yet another new recreations of the first two packs or are their qualities acceptable for JKA Enhanced? @@Circa, what do you say? Because, if not, I will just download the mods from here and do some texture and small model changes (I think a GLM importer exists, so it wouldn't be impossible).

    Bek and Jolly like this
  11. I apologize for double posting, but this post is strictly another theme to talk about. Regarding my weapon mods! I watched a lot of video tutorials for the 3ds max, I think I'll also manage to find some way to export them after I finish. Well because let's be honest, I looked at my sabers and they're okay, so first I need to do the double ones to have a rough complete pack of sabers, after that it's update time and as I mentioned, I lost all my data in the storm. I have nothing and also downloading mods here and using them isn't good enough really. I needed the original save files for programs like photoshop and max. I'll start doing something as soon as I find time, gonna edit this post later on to keep you in touch with the progress! My lack of actually starting to work can be explained with the above post, just getting to know the beast :D Crysis 3 runs throughout the game at top FPS, haven't noticed a single lag. Also Assasins Creed IV, this computer is simply out of the world! :3 Though today I tried SW TFU and i got a little bit of a lag, probably around 40-50fps. Who would've thought!

  12. Allrighty, good to be back. Just a quick summary about my absence; A LOT of work to take care of at home, I worked more than I could really handle I reckoned at the end of the day :D far too many times actually, my record was 14 hours without pause, or 22 hours with one hour in the middle so I caught some sleep.. But the main reason is cause my comp went to the, let's say, computer graveyard because of a thunderstorm. Really, everything was about 10 years old in it and it seems it was it's time... Or because the lighting even inflamed all cables ends. Crazy, really it's awfull here in Slovenia regarding wheather the past few months. Now I've saved up in the mean time, and bought this little... hm... device? :D I call it monster actually, but never mind me, here are the specs:

    OP GIGABYTE GA-Z97X-Gaming 5
    INTEL Core i7-4790K (4.00GHz,1MB,8MB,88 W,1150)
    RAM DDR3 16GB PC1600 Kingston HyperX (4x4GB)
    GIGABYTE Nvidia 980GTX 4GB OC
    SSD HyperX 3K 120GB
    HDD WD 1TB Blue 
    DVDRW LG SATA črn 
    G3Plus with red LED ventilator lights!! :D

    And two pics for those who are interested, one showing the front lights, one the whole box:


    Now there's something I would like to ask anyone who'd be willing to help me actually quite a bit..I was asked to create the model of the witcher 3 wolf head, that one in the title release or something. I just can't seem to model it, I've given up... the face details kill me, everything else actually you'll see isn't a problem at all... well I've drawn my own concept, but this is the link to the video I mean. Best watch it from 0:22 onward, there the whole head is shown more or less from both sides, frontal and left https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxxI8CxTu3Y

    Here's my drawn concept, though it's pretty shabby:


    As you can see, the proportions aren't right at all comparing it to the video, I'm mostly concetrating on drawing just the important details right... or I try, most of the time :D

    EDIT: uhm, I forgot to mention this model needs something like a... circle or something, as it'll later be 3D printed and used as a.. uhm, the thing you wear on some thing necklace around the neck. A talisman or something, it's a birthday gift but I'd need it in like, 2 or 3 days, I'm totaly lost as its a bit hard, I admit, I used cinema4D which I'm not too familiar with yet. I'll try to get 3ds max 2012 as soon as I can, but I don't think I'll manage to model this by miself... I'm stronger in texturing now than I am at modeling, as I'm learning in more up-to-date programs.

    Exmirai and GPChannel like this
  13. I remember this part of the game giving me similiar problems in the past. Well, maybe we can evade this problem if I tell you about it now; if I had a double-bladed lightsaber or dual sabers before and after this menu, if I chose a single lightsaber or double bladed one over dual sabers, sometimes the primary saber stays "in use" in the first map that loads up. You know what I mean? Like, I was holding a double bladed saber and a single one at the same time. If we're gonna make double and dual sabers availible from the start, we might want to consider this problem needing a solution. Then sometimes the walking animation broke and sometimes the player wasn't able to move or do anything at all.

  14. Originals like out of own ideas, right? huh well I could really help here, I've done like tons of sabers already, might as well make 10 or 20 additional sabers or saber-weapons suited for this pack, just tell me any ideas or if you have wishes already. @@Circa, is there any plan on changing the SP story or let's say, continue it? 

  15. Well I'm wishing you guys luck with the plugins, I agree with DT85 that it works with noesis and it's not even in a particularily hard way. I'm waiting for my computer to be fixed (a storm took the graphic card and the charger yesterday.. I don't know if that's the right english word, the box that brings electricity to the computer) and after that, onward I go! I'll keep you posted with my progress and work on finishing the sabers soon, after that I'm gonna talk to others, see what guns are already in the making, and start with one that yet isn't. After that it's playermodel modeling time, allthough I'm a bit out of practice, I'll do my best.

    And @@Archangel35757 I'll be thankful if you fix the md3 plugins anytime you can, I'm just used to do it that way. 

    Archangel35757 likes this
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