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Posts posted by Rooxon

  1. Okay, first off, sorry for double posting but this thread is dead it seems, some people have been asking me for requests here and there but none for means regarding this project. Well, some things changed, the name and what more, but I've been wondering still... Specifically what sabers do we need now? Maybe I can find some time to work on them on my own.

  2. @@DT85 Yes, by itself your stormtrooper is top-notch, I'm just saying it's still similiar to the original... for example, take a look at the TFU stormtroopers, then DT85's one. Compare the models by itself, every detail on the armor, the placements of things, general look (the head is smaller on TFU models, comparing them to DT85's, the head seems a little too big for the body size)... if you want I can think on it a bit more and give a more detailed explanation on what I'm thinking about.

    And I don't want you guys to get the wrong idea, DT85's stormtrooper really is great if not the best one I've ever seen!

    Regarding the coding, who could help me out with that? If needed, I can quickly finish the models i've been working on before, even though I plan on redoing them once more in pure brilliance.

    p.s. running gmax and photoshop as of this moment, modding time's on!  ^_^ You can expect a recreation of the Aegis saber, which was submited once for a contest... A member of this community asked this as a request, I guess it's a good warmup to polish my skills before starting on my own mods.

    Well I've run into some issues. I've downloaded 3ds max 2012 student version, I hope I find all the plugins and I'm good to go.

    Thought I'd also post the concept of this saber... well I just had to make my own, nonetheless I'm making my own recreation and well if anyone's interested or want's to use it, here it is down below.







    Uh, guys, I have problems finding the MD3 import/exporters for 3ds max 2012, any help finding them or explanation as to why google, shockingly, can't help? And don't tell me I schould port them over to another program, it usually messes with the model or it's mapping... it also happened to me that it messed with the size, like made it a bit smaller or huge.

  3. @@DT85 You mean this one, right? http://jkhub.org/files/file/1695-dt-stormtrooper-rotj/ But I meant more like a totaly new model and textures for the stormies, one that would make the originals seem as a pile of junk... all of them, even snow, rocket and... that big one, i can't seem to remember the name this instant.

    EDIT: I took a look at your stormie, I'm sorry I jumped to a quick conclusion, I see now it's custom made. Though it still just resembles the original too much...it's not what I mean...I'm really excited to see the most frequent seen opponent remade...well, I can calm myself by submiting a mod request and hoping someone would pick the idea up and work on it, I could even help concerning modeling and texturing, weighting isn't my strong suit as I've done it twice or three times at most, the last time being years in the past.

    Anyhow, I'll try and bring this topic back to my sabers discussion. Has anyone any suggestions for me or ideas? If yes, throw them out, after all the released mods are for all of us. I'll try to work on your wishes as much as I can and add a few of my own. I still need to bring you the dual sabers, but I'll need some help with incorporating them into the game perfectly to my wishes, which includes making dual sabers to break more frequently, so that the single versions would actually be usable (as far as I know I haven't even once witnessed my dual saber breaking in half) and a few other ideas, like giving each saber a special trait... one would spin even when thrown and slung back, one would be a bit faster, one stronger... some would have parry, some break bonuses, heck maybe if it's possible I'd make a electric saber blade that is weak but would "paralyze" the opponent for let's say 2 seconds. Is this last idea even possible?

  4. I've been thinking of doing it this way, too. Anyhow, I've noticed I've been working on some things before my big break, could as well post some screens today. Or rather, I have the whole day off today and polishing my skills is on the plan. :) I've also got one saber request waiting, so might as well do it today, could be fun. :3

    @ looking forward to these mods! Especially the stormtroopers. Heck, now I just remembered... I'd really love to see a new stormtrooper model for JKA, the original ones are good, but I dunno. There always seems something off about them, something I don't like. Also, seems to me I didn't notice that my mod was mod of the month, though I am coming here and there to check mods and a few major topics :o Now that's some real motivation right there! Thank you Bek!

  5. heya, how have you all been doing?? Well I've had the most difficult time of my life yet comming it seems this summer, lot's of things are making my life hard, so I pushed modding JKA to the very edge of importance. First of all, my faculty life isn't going as it schould as I missed 1 exam, which I schouldn't have but besides this, I haven't even thought about modding further. Then I saw AshuraDX's submitted mods, after which I was stunned for a moment. Well as I know myself, I'm capable of coming to his level with my sabers. I think that taking some more time off, honing my modeling and texturing skills would be good, but since I was absent for so long already, I'll keep modding during this time and posting my mods. There's one wish I want to realize; To give my part to this community, which would be something special. Recreating better versions of the weapons is the start and I think I've been going at it the wrong way, until now, I've just made saber replicas in image of my own skills to only MY liking. As of now, I know the difference between what seems beautiful to me and what is stunning to look at, regardless of who you are. Which is what I saw in @@AshuraDX 's saber mods. 

    The shorter message here is this; I'm getting hyped up just thinking about having free time all the time, as it was possible most of my life up until now, but things change. Modding is more like a thing I remember to do once in a few days now. I'm still in the process of sorting things out in my life regarding job and home building, which doesn't leave me much chance to work for you guys. But that's okay to me, as I don't really take it as important as it will be once my mods are something that just leaves you jaw-dropped, so I'll just work on my thinking when modeling and the skills itself. ;)

    Please, reply and tell me your thoughts! If anything, I need your support. Might as well thank you for everything so far, even if it was only 10 people all together, it's something I get rarely in my life for... pretty much anything. I love you guys, this community, and JKA which has brought me here today!

  6. I know ENB works with at least DX9 and games that use d3d9.dll, but I hear a lot about rend2 being integrated. I also work on skyrim mods and I think I need to ask you this, explain it to me please. Would it be possible and if yes/not, why yes/not. Would rend2 enable the use of such graphic tweaks, and to name just a few, FXAA Injector, SweetFX and so on. Just try to imagine if we could give true metal reflections, nicer selective blooms and more vibrant colors. It'd be awesome. :3 Not to mention the shadowing system that is quite...well, poor if I may say so in JKA.

  7. Well, will do when I find the time. Well in the possible event that he won't continue, I'll go ask him if he can send those two models over to me. I might add a few loops and verticles to make it a bit more detailed but other than that, they look like amazing models.

  8. Sorry I tend to jump to conclusions.

    You don't need to apologize to me for such small things. I'm highly tolerant towards others, especially I understand that we're all human, we all make mistakes... Though your gut was on the right place, I'm from Slovenia and there's a known fact you couldn't even be aware of; Regarding our language, we're closer to russian than any other slavic country. So buddy, good guess nevertheless. ;)


    Now, WeaponsHD. Over the days during my absence I came to realize I have to redo a couple of sabers from the Single Saber pack, as they're just to low standard for the newer hilts I've created. Also other good models will get more details modeled in. That's from my perspective, but more than anything, I'd like to know what YOU folks think could be done to improve them further. So, shoot away. Please. :) This will be probably the final plan for now regarding saber hilts, when I'm done with those, I'm moving onto the guns, so help me construct it while I'm still "absent" from modding, so I have clear goals with them and this will enable me to finish them sooner and work faster.


    Oh and I almost forgot. @@Omicron, I actually love all those things you mentioned. :D I'm a musician, I like nature and all kinds of weather. Scotland would be a pleasing choice. :D Though I think I'll stick to Slovenia because of our family business, my sister graduated last year from Biology and is going to study Biomedicine further. So there's noone else to take over the bakery. And believe me, if nothing else, it's money. A lot of it, actually. If you don't believe me, just think about it. Everyone eats bread and it's a business that will never die. We're keeping it up already for 2 generations and I'll be the next boss or rather the third generation. :)


    This year it's gonna be a hell of a productive summer! :)

    Bek and Omicron like this
  9. London maybe? I live in the USA, but I hate it here(though that's no reason for me to hate the entire country) I may move to Connecticut when I get older. 

    Edit: Does living in Russia have any benefits?

    Well just to wrap this country-habitational problem up; I don't know where you got Russia since noone mentioned it I think but.. Ah geez nevermind, I've got family in Germany and Canada. I always thought about going there at least for vacation.


    And yes guys, let's return to my weapons. Now in a week or so I'm comming back to working more common than ever before, since I will finally have the exams behind me. Any suggestions, wishes you might have for me? For example, someone messaged me they find some sabers in the first pack aren't as neatly done as the later sabers I've done. You can be as specific as you want, I've got no problem about going back and fixing even the smallest things.


    And regarding blaster/gun weapons, @ was nice enough to write me a quick list of what's going on here and I see others have also started creating better models for them. Anyhow, I will do my versions regardless, I just thought this is something you would want to know, especially fellas like @@Circa :)

    Bek likes this
  10. oh well now that is really nice of you @, I did not think you keep a list :D thank you! Well just a few more exams and I'll be back and up and running fast like never before. I could do that last link you posted pretty fast, yes :D I've also gotten myself a 2012 version of 3DS Max and I'm learning really high-poly model making with the numerous new tools it's providing and I have to say I'm impressed by it's potential. I might even start doing a playermodel for a tryout.

    Bek likes this
  11. Hey, I'm still not gonna do and release mods for a short while, because I have exams nearly every day of the week. I'm checking back here and there, but I'm curious as to what is happening in the community. There are surely a few things I don't know, I'm particularily interested in the JKA Enhanced progress and other mods, is anything cool comming up?

    Also, it's more of a general question what's happnening, I mentioned JKA Enhanced only cause my weapon models are said to be part of it, that's all.

  12. Yeah rather don't, everything is wrong here, going from politics to wheather, prices for everything, a big unemployment percentage (no jobs), no money in the governments institutions, a lot of gymnasiums but it's very hard to actually finish any higher school.. in fact, it's hard to even come by the first year... kinda some soft hell alltogether, no joking. I just wish I could move somewhere far away.

  13. @@Rooxon ignore the desperate beggars for your mods. :P Attend to things that actually matter in life and return when you have free time. A few people don't understand that around here.


    I get where they're coming from, but they can't annoy the person who is trying to make the mod, they are probably busy or just don't have the time for it... 

    Yeah don't worry, I wouldn't dream of putting modding in front of anything else as things stand now. That SCHOULD be the common sense here yeah @ ... Well it's okay for now. But you know, actually now that I think about it, I like those "beggars" for one thing at the least. I love seeing my mods loved. :P



    Also fellow students, I welcome you to Slovenia if you want to go through hell with exams. First they let 20 people pass (so they can even take the exams) out of 128 students that are signed into IT. Then we have 5 Writing exams followed by their oral counterparts and 3 seminar documents to write... My head's gonna blow even before I read the books for the seminars, left alone the learning for the other subjects... Well the only good thing is that everything is more or less thought out when it comes to dates. But it's still a huge pain in the butt. -.-

  14. Hello guys! I need to post something urgent.

    First off, I want to explain why I'm away so much these past two or three weeks. From 11 of June until 16 of July, I have exams at college, I'm learning day-in day-out and this situation will remain until, as I said before, the 16 of July.

    Secondly, I got about 6 messages whether I quit my work, whether I won't be doing mods anymore blah blah blah.. Guys, I don't mean to be rude at all, but is this really the only explanation you can come up with? I have a life and I'm busy, that's all.

    And last but not least, I'm planning to work on my skills even more before I go around fixing and reworking my released mods. The sabers are finished somewhat, they need a bit more detail editing, after that I'll probably surprise you with a gun mod already when I return to my daily work here at the community. 

    I kinda miss you a bit, the urge to take a look at your comments as soon as someone posts it or so. I also love JKA and modding, so one more last message to you: I don't plan to quit modding JKA anytime soon in my life, as things stand now.

    Be well!

    Barricade24, Bek and Circa like this

    scr.jpg   shot0029.jpg



    New Desann's lightsaber, coming in Misc Saber pack update 0.6

    Today I've also fixed a major problem in the HD Saber Blades mod, many fixes on the Misc Sabers Pack and a few on the Single Sabers pack. I've uploaded updates to the first two, now Dual Sabers pack and the Single Saber pack update are on their way, will be done in 3 days at the most, just to keep you notified!

    Also, first page is updated with progress and information I can give you up till now!

    Bek likes this
  16. Welcome, I hope you'll enjoy this site as much as me and everyone else here! It's really astonishing, to me too at the least, to still be able to do things I used to do so many years ago, in my childhood. It's just... whooooaaaaaa, know what I'm sayin' ^^ 

  17. hehe well I think you could bring a lot of fresh energy to our site, it's full of resources. I think you can find everything you need to learn here, if not, post and we'll see what we can do about it. Also yes I agree with @@therfiles, take your time and write a full presentation explained down to the detail. Not just the story but EVERYTHING that needs work. You can click on my banner and see how I've done that, allthough I'm not searching for any partners, I've just gave the public knowledge on what I plan on doing.

  18. @@Circa Yes yes I've thought about fixing the position of my blades and make them all original-like and also, just for you, a LITTLE bit more pointy :D they're still not perfected out, if they were, they'd be at least version 1.0. Well today I finally managed to finish the tutorial regarding basic shaders I've been working on for a week or something like that now. I'm sure @@CaptainCrazy will be happy to take a look at it once it's approved. Now I'm off to work on the misc sabers pack today and later maybe a couple more for the dual sabers pack.

    That said, guys, now it's a little more than a month that I've been here. Tell me, what do you think of me? and even more importantly, of my work? I would really like to hear the thoughts of all of you who have contributed to me in any way, even if just with feedback!

    Bek likes this
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