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Everything posted by afi

  1. Oh ye, there is the mode that's called "True Jedi". It's cvar is "g_jediVmerc 1". I'm not sure if it's in JO though.
  2. Some kind of alternative offspring pop math metal http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIzy9r8ANEY
  3. Ye I agree, I thought that would be the actual function of the bar lol Besides that I think there should be an option to stick the bar to the top even when you scroll.
  4. Am I the only one who doesn't have a clue what's going on?
  5. Well at least in JKA it seems to be impossible to have no saber when force powers are active.
  6. Well actually I'm completely inactive, but when I play it's because of the ESL. The last time I played JKA without doing an ESL match must be ages ago. And MBII, but I didn't play that too often in the last 6 months. And I like the modding in this game.
  7. Games like Mafia 2 have these kinds of audio effects, but not in this quality. Impressive!
  8. Actually I also just started playing it again. On vista I had shitload of bugs and crashes and all my saves were broken, now on W7 it seems to be better...
  9. Two hours for me.After that I reinstalled my computer and lost my saves
  10. No, it's true. It's not hard to block sabers in base, if you have at least a bit of aiming and timing.
  11. Ye the lighting bothers me on the castle and the graveyard
  12. Bestest game soundtrack http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24SuF6PgOGw&feature=BFa&list=PL35AAC2E612AF722E
  13. afi

    Ingame Menus

    Thanks for the comments. I think I will make a second version that looks a bit better if I have the time.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXlKkzjkheg&list=FLIJfCswceh-QiuZ4v5QQ9ww&index=141&feature=plpp_video
  15. Not sure if serious.... Ehm... I meant therfiles question
  16. Ye, but pugmod is nothing EVERYONE should have Maybe someone should make a thread/tutorial about movie-making.
  17. Ok done ;D I'd suggest to delete all the spammy posts from this thread now as this is solved
  18. Just did so Edit: Don't approve the file yet!!!! I just recognized some bugs -.- Always happens when you already submitted the dem file D:
  19. Version 2012


    This mod is the ultimative lifetime-saver for people who have more than one server to play on. It allows you to open the serverbrowser-, the demo- and the create-a-server-menu while you're ingame. Obviously the serverbrowser is most useful, because you don't have to leave the server anymore to watch the serverlist. But the other menus may be also useful for some people. The installation is as simple as with every other mod: Copy the .pk3 file in your gamedata/base folder or the folder of any mod (e.g gamedata/japlus). Have fun >:')
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