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Everything posted by afi

  1. Afaik it should define the amount of memory the game is using from your computer
  2. Seems cool so far :'-) Looking forward for the JKHub SnD Tournament 2012
  3. Well that's my problem. I don't have any creativity when it comes to mapping. But when I have an idea then I usually start with some raw concept drawings.
  4. I'm not really into hud modding. Is it possible to add new items to the hud without a code-mod? I know that the items are hardcoded but on the hud.menu there is some item called ammo_tic5 even though there are only 4 ammo_tics defined. Someone please explain/help! :wacko:
  5. ... the MBII clan I'm in... Deranged Corsairs heh And I think the only reason why it's running siege and not MBII is cause of some siege event that I'm not aware of
  6. I would play it but there are no crowded european servers :/
  7. LOL Totally forgot about that... I feel stupid now The quake code says: As Cvar_Set, but also flags it as archived There are also setS and setU which do serverinfo and userinfo
  8. I actually managed to make it work again, but I don't know how... Suddenly it worked again after a couple of new installs But thanks for all the replys
  9. Aren't there cvars that are quite useless (or not even used) and so could be used (or abused) as a "custom"-cvar?
  10. L i n u x is from now on you-know-who
  11. Bought it in 2004 when I was in the USA. In Germany you can't buy this game when you're under the age of 16 (I was 12).... heh
  12. afi


    I'm a modder and I enjoy this page, I would just like to see some variety... Why not host an own cup or make some news about e-sport (there were recently big cups on ESL (even with livestream) and MBIItour and I bet not many here did know it) or make an interview with a good player (like one from mb2, ctf or esl) from time to time.
  13. afi


    Ye, I know that just three weeks or so past since the official announcement and that a lot can still change. I just wanted to provoke a bit and remind you people that there is a life outside the mods... heh
  14. Not sure how to begin with this... I really hoped that jkhub would become some kind of central place for all JKA players but instead it became just another modding-page, kinda as a jk3files-replacement. The whole staff only consists of modders, all interviews are about mods or mappers. I hoped this page would become something what jediknigh3.de used to be for the German community. Also after people claimed that they have hundreds of people in their clans and telling how small the competitve side of this game is compared to the "social side" I was kinda expecting more people to register here. I don't want to make everything bad... It's just that I realised I was hoping for something, that is most likely not going to happen.
  15. We kinda expected some more interest in this project :/ Only 1 of 100 people found this interesting enough to leave a comment, kinda disappointing tbh.
  16. I think the map is cool but you should add some zombie models 8)
  17. I'm afiNity and I approve this! B) Also we will abuse this thread from now on for a load of updates
  18. It works when you play offline. The problem is, that it uses timescale which causes stupid lags online.
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