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Everything posted by afi

  1. Thanks. The actual interesting part starts at like 8:30.
  2. 141 downloads

    The replay of one of the matches between Vintage and Jedi Knights in the JK:JA TDM Ladder featuring the players cmdkeen, kinetic, afiNity (pov), DeXo, broken and Spike.
  3. b16 all the way new****! I stopped playing when they ruined the wookies in the last build though. Btw: I still can't make this QEffects work. I've got a Geforce GTX 560Ti
  4. Well, not if it comes to the big wikis (aka wikipedia) where most entries get deleted when they are not important enough. And I think it would be stupid if everyone would enter his own name and write about his personal history D:
  5. I was just thinking... Would it be possible to make a room that's bigger inside than on the outside? Like... you have a small cube with one door on one side. But when you look/go through the door the room is way bigger. Possible? yay or nay http://youtu.be/VpeA66oUOok?t=27m53s Edit: I just found this. http://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1077425 Edit2: This pretty much sums it up, doing it with portals: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=2s4ySkR48cI
  6. The problem would be to decide which information/clan/player/mod is important enough to be in that wiki.
  7. This pretty much sums up all my fears: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRfOsl0nSnc
  8. I approve dat "history"-idea Edit: And a wiki would be awesomesauce tbh
  9. This would have been cool like 3 years ago when I was making most of my jka-movies. Edit: For me it doesn't seem to work... Is there anything I have to do with the .ini? (besides adding [jamp.exe] to it )
  10. Well... first of all you can crouch in the air, also some animations are different. I believe you can't move as fast to different directions (also less air control?)... also there is obviously no strafe jumping. The whole movement feels way slower and sedate.
  11. But seriously... strafe jumping in SP would be dumb. The best option would be the movement of the siege gamemode.
  12. Would it be possible to compile the xbox-version to run on windows? Also, does the xbox version have splitscreen working?
  13. Look at my hat. So much christmassy. Oh wait.

  14. I never figured how to make it not crash. I'm just curious now... we got some cheat-problems in the ESL. Is it possible to get information about... let's say edited/hacked sabers from the demo. Or: Are there information in a demo that are not shown with /configstrings?
  15. You mean 150 at one time, not in total. Right?
  16. My avast does not... Not sure if my avast is broken or everyones else.
  17. I just found this page with old Jedi Knight videos: http://www.jedi-knight-videos.de.vu/ Features some rare videos, like an ESL Pro Series match from 2002 with real-life interview. Me gusta >:'o)
  18. afi

    Levelshot Mod

    Yes indeed, but I doubt I'll be motivated enough to do so
  19. http://www.tape.tv/musikvideos/Coheed-and-Cambria/Welcome-Home
  20. I can't run it coz I get the NPC_LoadParms error... and I don't even have any custom npcs :/ http://s7.directupload.net/images/121107/l7hrf8c9.jpg
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