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Everything posted by Ramikad

  1. Otherwise (unless you're entity modding) you can set those NPCs to spawn at specific times or stages, and remove them once the player has progressed far enough from them (I think the behavior state for that is BS_REMOVE in Icarus).
  2. No idea about the differences. As for CLASS_WAMPA, I can confirm that the Wampa NPC uses it: wampa { playerModel wampa scale 150 weapon WP_MELEE health 800 headPitchRangeDown 30 reactions 3 aim 1 move 3 aggression 3 evasion 1 intelligence 5 rank crewman playerTeam TEAM_FREE enemyTeam TEAM_FREE class CLASS_WAMPA height 128 crouchheight 80 width 30 snd wampa sndcombat wampa sndextra wampa yawspeed 80 walkSpeed 120 runSpeed 300 hfov 100 vfov 90 dismemberProbHead 0 dismemberProbArms 0 dismemberProbLegs 0 dismemberProbHands 0 dismemberProbWaist 0 } I don't use any NPC tools, so the one you are using might be incomplete. You can still text edit the .npc file directly.
  3. Set the class to CLASS_SWAMPTROOPER (I think that's the name) and they won't drown underwater. I've experimented with the old DFmod changing the Dianoga to CLASS_WAMPA and switched Kyle's "grabbed" animation to one of the falldown poses, to reproduce the Dianoga catching Luke on the Death Star. However it would need more work in terms of animations, tags, and specifically in the DFmod, how Kyle would fight back after being grabbed.
  4. It would be possible to fix it by weighting the lower parts of the cape to the lower bones (torso and legs).
  5. You'll have to be more specific on the lightsaber import: does it return an error message of sorts? As far as the second error goes, you have to enter Edit Mode, select the seam edges (either in the UV editor, by selecting all the edges that form the UV islands, or in the 3D View, by selecting the same edges), and split them (there is an option to Edge Split in the Mesh menu in Edit Mode). That should do.
  6. Sure looks like it, but it might be a decoy.
  7. I don't know. I'd love to see epic dogfights, 16 vs 16, even with bots. It would be something different than the typical 2 vs 2 or 3 vs 3 dogfights I've always seen. "Red Group, Gold Group, all fighters follow me!"
  8. Well. After a lifetime of lies and obscurantism, I found out that my real grandfather is still alive. Ben, why didn't you tell me?

    1. dark_apprentice


      And I learned that I have uncle, just 4 years after he died...

    2. Cerez


      Wow... Why indeed.

    3. AngelModder


      Well you know telling a kid that the last time I saw there grandad he was bruning near a river of lava because I cut off his legs and arms just ins't some thing I look forward to doing...


  9. The Witcher series, the Trilogy of Thrawn, the Hand of Thrawn duology, Hands of Light, Light Emerging. I also randomly picked Doom: Knee-Deep on the Dead a long time ago and happened to enjoy it
  10. That's Newtonian physics in its purest: "To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction." Even with all the good will in the world you realistically can't expect a polite reaction when your first action was "You are hereby ordered to stop using my work IMMEDIATELY!", with a metaphorical lightsaber blade pointed at Dark Apprentice's throat. It's not a matter of life and death, dude.
  11. If I remember correctly there's no special compilation required. The gist of it is that when you switch cl_renderer to rd-rend2 the game uses .mat (material) files instead of .shader files. So you should prepare those accordingly. I'll have to dig into this myself too - @@AshuraDX might know more about .mat.
  12. This supercharged me while modelling my Umbaran Blaster Rifle:
  13. The problem is due to too much geometry involved when hitting the model and the weapon in their hands. OpenJK should fix it.
  14. Looks like I wasn't too far off from the solution
  15. I remember this being posted a long time ago by Circa.
  16. If I had to guess: - the static clouds are either flare-like textures, or effects; - the moving clouds seem to be cloud textures scrolling (tcMod scroll) on a curved patch; - realistically, the sun and the satellites seem to also be made of scrolling textures on patches. If that's not the case, they might be static textures on a func_rotating, perhaps mixed with a misc_skyportal; - I can't exactly figure out how, but the sky seems to be a mixture of a static night texture, a dawn / dusk shader which seems to show up twice per "day", and a day sky which covers the night sky, all of them properly timed to show up at specific phases (perhaps with an alphaGen wave w x y z shader?). I can't say if it's an actual skybox or rather patches in combination with a misc_skyportal. If I had to do it I'd probably choose the night sky as the skybox and the day sky as a dome-like patch. The real problem with such a day-night cycle is that the lighting is completely unaffected. It's less visible in this case because the facility is already artificially well lit, so you'd expect it to still be bright at night time as well. Rend2 would probably eliminate the problem, since it has a console command to activate a dynamic sun light which rotates, effectively creating the day and night lighting needed.
  17. For multiplayer, I think JA+ features saber holsters. For singleplayer, Jedi Academy: Enhanced.
  18. When in doubt, Meriadoc, always follow your nose. As for me, it was more gradual, and (as I wandered like a Force ghost on these forums) started with the information that Episode VII would've had featured different stories than the one we were all used to. But in the end, although slightly pissed that Kyle Katarn was no longer canon, I didn't really mind - no superior hierarchy can decide what I enjoy or which "timeline" I prefer.
  19. You mean having something closer to the MP flight system, weapons and all? As far as I remember OpenJK does something similar - weapons fire properly and with the correct effects, but the flight system is still a bit laggy, like in the typical SP. Or perhaps you mean having, for example, more ally and enemy fighters? I'm afraid that would require coding or some intricate hack, because although you can make it so that a vehicle shoots pretty much autonomously I was unable to affect it in terms of flight - you can set a minimum flight speed, but the fighter will keep flying on and as far as I know there's no way to affect its rotation, speed or making it track another fighter. For this to happen you'd basically have to start from scratch, unless you want to try some strange hack, like having a number of func_breakables with appropriate models and appropriate misc_weapon_shooter entities, all of it moving around a large map and somehow intelligently coordinating with other fighters and against enemies and / or the player.
  20. I've always just assumed that animation was a leftover from Jedi Outcast - I haven't checked, but I think some of the students might use it during their lightsaber training at the Jedi Temple.
  21. Why the hell would anyone choose CGI Mon Calamari over actual props?
  22. Ramikad


    Resident Evil VII. And probably other games that I can't remember right now.
  23. The blocky face in the second image seems to be caused by a high amount of UV splitting and seams. I'm surprised it works at all. Removing all duplicate vertexes (there's a specific Blender command in Edit Mode for that) as well as properly UVmapping it should fix it. As for the third image, that happens when the vertex or face normals are flipped: in other words, that basically tells the game that the mesh points to the inside, and should be rendered as if it was meant to be seen from within, so only displayed inside and not outside. I'm not sure if there's an easy fix for that, because Blender can easily flip the normals (either manually, or using the Recalculate Inside / Outside commands), but the times I've tried it never really seemed to go well, so I'm not sure if that simply doesn't work or if I've been doing it wrong.
  24. It was developed specifically for JKG back in the day, and never released. Not sure if the devs still have the map or the source files.
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