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Everything posted by MUG

  1. Whilst this is getting a lot of criticism, for a first head model, this is pretty damn good. As others have said, the only thing that really looks awkward is the back of the head/neck. Sure, there is room for improvement in other places, but nothing I would call major.
  2. Thing is, it's not a complicated multi-face brush. Its a standard 6 faced brush, its just distorted into an unusual shape and for some odd reason radiant sees fit to randomly add extra faces when I do so.
  3. Using 6 patches instead of a brush, with completely flat sides seems somewhat ridiculous.
  4. Noticed that rather than include a new .shader file that overwrites the console, you have included a modified version of the entire gfx.shader file. It would conflict with other mods far less if you included something along the lines of hydroballconsole.shader which only contained your new console shader. I also thought I would point out that by changing the value of cg_hudfiles, you can already get an almost identical minimal hud.
  5. So, I need an awkwardly shaped brush for a map me and Sef are working on, so I changed its shape by adjusting a couple of vertices, however the result of this gave me an awkward split across what should be a flat face. Is there a way to remove these vertices? or an easier way to get a brush of this shape without that problem? Another example of an awkward split face that needs to be one face: There are going to be a lot of these types of shapes in this map, so I really need to find a solution. Anyone?
  6. As Pope, this file offends me. Looks pretty decent however =P
  7. Having been a part of the testing, I can confirm that this is probably the sexiest JKA map there is. Looks extremely pretty, what with the snow, and the night time (exceptional lighting). I can think of no map that pays better attention to detail. Both the exteriors and interiors of the buildings look very detailed, and realistic. There are even cart tracks in the snow on the road (this is not just a texture, there is an actual indent in the snow), complete with curving track intersections at junctions. I could go on for ages, but in short, this map is very immersive and awesome to behold, so download it, and explore it yourself!
  8. Event page: http://jkhub.org/calendar/event/19-search-and-destroy-kak/ Post your skins if you might come!
  9. Basically, they effect the level of detail in your vis and lighting steps, as well as letting you set lots of other stuff. This i'm not an expert on, but basically, lets you set levels of detail which effects compile time and FPS Not sure, I guess one of the faces of a brush have got fucked up somehow. If its a problem, find that offending brush and remake it. .baks aren't actually compiled, they are just copies of the .map renamed to .bak. Its an automatic backup. This depends. There are different limits on each, but as a general rule, I would say faces, as brushes are basically a collection of them, and vertices are just their boundaries. Most compiling errors I have run into are related to having too many visible faces. Basically Caulk all non-visible faces and you will be fine. Short answer? You get 0 FPS. In the vis step of compiling, the compiler breaks the map up into areas, based on what other areas of the map you can see from them. Then when you are in that area, it only draws the brushes you can see from there, rather than the entire map, this saves FPS. Say I have two rooms separated by a wall, when I am in one room, only that part of the map will be drawn. If you set the wall to detail, the compiler ignores it when working out what can be seen from where, so the game will draw both areas. If you detail the entire map, the game will always draw the entire map. Basically, only ever detail...well...details. Anything that doesn't effect what can be seen from where (eg detail trims, chairs, small pillars etc. Not walls, floors etc) Hope that's helpful. Might want to get some answers about the flipped triangle and the different types of compiling from someone who knows more.
  10. deal.
  11. That would be most awesome and generous sir! Ideally a red channel and a blue channel if possible =P
  12. Honestly, I don't think it matters which service we use, one may or may not be better than the other, but I dont think anyone is going to be too fussed about quality here, we are just trying to find any working solution. So other than saying which voice software you don't like. Anyone know any way of doing this for free that would work, or anyone have a voice server of any kind we can use?
  13. Looks pretty cool sir. Make that a JKHub link and I will =P
  14. turns out, its hard coded.
  15. Nay, it will be with the search and destroy version. but I will prolly do a warm up on the ffa. I will post the map and details when I have a date.
  16. I personally would love to have some games with fixed teams. So we can actually have a good match rather than just random tactic-less punch-spam in a pig pile. I say we should play a few matches with semi-organised teams. We should do the random ones too though.
  17. Ah, I hadn't noticed that. It's prolly just a case of poking a Hydroball shader.
  18. Personally I would love a download of that first one in blue.
  19. Problem with that, is Hydroball is already happening at that time xD
  20. @@Malkav suggested to me that we arrange some form of team voice chat for next weeks Hydroball. Personally I think it's an awesome Idea, but not sure what would be the best way to do it. A single voice channel wouldn't work, as you would just be giving your enemy an update of what you are about to do. I would suggest something like teamspeak, but we would need a server for it. The free way of doing it i can think of is is groups on steam/skype, but i can see that being awkward when you switch teams. Any suggestions? or Indeed, does anyone have access to a voice server we could use? edit: Perhaps even some kind of general JKHub voice server would be neat.
  21. If you can do all of them, can you vote all of them? =P that way I don't end up excluding someone else by accident, because Thursday is 1 vote ahead =P
  22. For those who didn't spot the post, I want to host an event of this now and need to know when you can make it: http://jkhub.org/top...ch-and-destroy/
  23. Should be doable aye. Someone who knows what they are doing could even split the ring into 4 quarters and have them fade in and out like the 4 pips on the force bar normally
  24. Edit: Happening Monday: http://jkhub.org/calendar/event/19-search-and-destroy-kak/ So, as you have probably noticed, I am making a map which features the Search and Destroy gametype (like in CoD and CS) It's pretty much done now, and it would be neat to play it with a bunch of people. Here's the general idea: Clanmod is used to make the guns far more powerfull Two teams, each player gets one life per round Attackers win by arming a bomb at one of two sites, and stopping it from being defused before it detonates, or killing the Defenders Defenders win by killing the Attackers before they arm a bomb, or by defusing it. Rounds are lighting fast. After a round the players should switch teams. First team to win two rounds is the winning team. Interested? Tell me when you can play. (I have put all the evenings I am free as options). If people enjoy it, I will make more SnD maps, so we can have more variety, and maybe even make some other gametypes like control points from TF2.
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