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Everything posted by MUG

  1. Oh and, do you guys want to go again next week? or await the map changes? Dunno if they will be done in time for a week.
  2. Thanks for playing everyone, It was a lot of fun! I'll be making a few fixes to that map, mainly changing the time limit, and I will also be making a new one based on feedback from today. Here are a few screenshots:
  3. Server is up. We officially start in 20 minutes, but feel free to drop in now to warm up.
  4. Thirty minutes till we start! Server will probably be up shortly before that.
  5. I assume a personal preference thing to change how it looks in Radiant?
  6. Hi ho, good to see more modders switching to the Hub =P
  7. Tonight! Feel free to come along
  8. Saw this on reddit:
  9. Fun games everyone. Nice to see a few new faces. See you same time next week. I will let you know what server we are using closer to the day. Also, see you all tomorrow night for Search and Destroy http://jkhub.org/calendar/event/19-search-and-destroy-kak/ Oh and uh, the Hydroball World Cup is awarded to FSM, because he bribed me with noodles. Thanks for use of your server, @@Fighter !
  10. Server up now! kak.jk3.in:40000
  11. Starts in two hours: Coundown
  12. Aye, this is tomorow! fixed countdown clock and changed the port to 40000
  13. Today. Please note we are on a new port today, due to the usual server being down. KAK.jk3.in:40000
  14. Some jackass tricked my parents into switching to bullgaurd and their computer was boned within a week. Still haven't managed to completely clear that machine up since. Honestly, its a mystery to me as I don't tend to visit "dodgey" sites or what not, and any stuff i get from TPB is always from verified submitters. It is the first virus I had on the machine though.
  15. I can confirm that this file is 100% awesome.
  16. the rcon defaults to "" so cant be used. We already had a go at hijacking it xD. not that that would help, as we need to get it off base anyway.
  17. In fact I am seeing 4 servers with the same IP and different ports. My guess is the entire machine got wiped. Not the account holder. This is why I didnt want to accept rach's free server in the first place xD It'll be fine they said. you wont need direct control of the server they said.
  18. Aye, saw this a while ago. We have no access to the CP and the server is running default. My guess is the host company fucked up big time somehow on large scale.
  20. At the time I posted that, the server CP for Kak was showing this: However, the control panel doesn't even list Kak when I checked just now...as if either the server doesn't exist at all or it is no longer tied to my account.
  21. that would be the one i was reffering to xD
  22. If I went with one of these, what firewall can you offer me? I seem to recall the thing you linked me before filled my PC with bloatware and adverts.
  23. well to date I have had a grand total of 1 virus in the past 5+ years using AVG, which is free and, I'm told, awful. So what is a better free antivirus? If so it must be pretty damn good =P I'm not after something top of the range, I'd just like to know if there is anything out there worth upgrading to.
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