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Everything posted by MUG

  1. So, last week, the great FSM won the expensive-looking and shiny KAK Hydroball World Cup, seeing as no-one remembered to keep score, and I promised you all a chance to win it back from him. Yesturday, we had The Second KAK Hydroball World Cup and it is my great privilege to announce the winner: Click here for files and details!
  2. Starting in 30 minutes!
  3. well the ones in yellow mean that it couldn't load the jka logo for your console background.
  4. but but I swear i even used to have it
  5. iirc there is a mode called ja+ unlimited that does just this, among other things. Also ja++ maybe does it?
  6. Aye what Caelum said. Kak is intended as an event server, but atm JKG are borrowing it whenever we aren't hosting anything. Hydroball is no good without getting lots of people there at once anyways, so it wouldn't work with out organised play times.
  7. See you in just under 9 hours!
  8. Pro tip:
  9. I think we already have a server =P http://jkhub.org/calendar/event/14-the-second-kak-hydroball-world-cup/
  10. My guess is radiant decided it would be funny to corrupt your brush data. Rule one of Q3 mapping: Radiant exists just to fuck with you.
  11. MUG

    Updated MP Entities

    Moral of the story, backups. Hundreds of backups. This is just a portion of the backups I have lying around from the old cosmos map: Everytime you make any significant change. Use "save as" rather than save, and increment a version number. That way if something terrible happens to the current version, you only loose a few minutes of work.
  12. a far simpler solution would be to make the brush into a func_usable and simply target it to toggle it on or off.
  13. My suggestion is delete the offending brushes, save, compile, then re make them and re compile.
  14. was about to post this, the suddenly Sef makes his first post out of nowhere and ninjas me.
  15. Mm true, I just thought it would make a nice change.
  16. It would be neat if the background image changed regularly to feature shots of new community mods and the like, and perhaps a few neat ones from base. Just a thought.
  17. Was about to say xD
  18. Ah right, gotcha. In that case, i'd say it is indeed a problem with the shader. Paste the contents of the .shader here?
  19. Wait, you are trying to apply a custom shader to the terrain? or base yavin textures?
  20. only thing i can think of is that your map isn't saving properly and you are just compiling the old version that still has the shader not found textures.
  21. its on f now.
  22. Well, I got to 7% on the new version of the launcher before it crashes rather than 3% on the old one.....at least its an improvement...
  23. Here's that ffa teaser version: http://jkhub.org/files/file/1309-tatooine-streets/
  24. Ooo another of those lifts. I can confirm to you all that those lifts are the sexiest lifts of all.
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