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Everything posted by Bek

  1. Soo much metal here, how about something a little more mellow?
  2. I think this is in the wrong category. @@Circa?
  3. She was speaking a form of mandolorian, though it was just recycled lines from the Twi'lek language. There was almost no point to add her in the game in the first place. Moocha shaka baka... Yeah right..
  4. @@Rooxon you're computer isn't a beast... It's the chosen one!
  5. It's not so much the computer not being able to handle the model in the game, it's more of the engine having it's limits. The engine only allows so many dual wielding tavions with Kylo Ren sabers, even if they were super low poly.... ..And don't even think about letting them attack them you, if they all ignited their sabers the game would lag to no end...
  6. Nice! Thanks @@Syko A simple google search, trying to find this, didn't work.
  7. It's going to be super awkward to handle ingame, even if handled as a staff.
  8. Yeah, I've seen this vid before. Not sure who he is, but I think he is on Jkhub. I think.
  9. Can you show me where I can get that theme, or wallpaper?
  10. That lightsaber in the preview is like a baseball bat! Well I guess it stays pretty true to tfu .
  11. The model should show up on the charactermenu.I've used it before and had no problem.
  12. I think it's been done, check out Angelmodder's Darth vader
  13. The arbiter - looking awesome The marauder - reminds me wayy too much of Darth Maul's saber I honestly think it shouldn't be used. The Slicer - Love the idea, however I think the cross-guard should be a tad bit wider. The decedent - Never liked gold on sabers, try to make it an old copper look to it. Above all else don't make these sabers too shiny, give it wear and tear to it, like a Jedi Knight would go through. *Remember scratches give it character.
  14. Most of these options require me, going into my bios menu, I have no problem with this, but I'm unable to see my screen because my monitor thinks the computer is off when I'm on the bios menu. My monitor isn't a power saver or anything like that it's actually a Acer. I have no idea what to do, a friend said that I'm unable to see the menu because of a security feature for my computer, but I think this is unlikely. @@Syko @@Darth Futuza ?
  15. Why wasn't the DF1 mod completed?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Oobah


      Give more to the community rather then gating it behind a specific thing. Cause less people enjoy that specific thing or even know of it, content is just gonna get overlooked these days. There is still some old sites with old JO sp releases and skins that I wager most don't even know exist anymore.

    3. Tempust85


      Things I didn't like with the DF Mod are the copied over images (menu stuff for objectives) and some sounds. Afaik, everyone on the team has moved on from JKA.

    4. Oobah


      It's easier to copy content than make it all originally or whatever. I give them credit for how far they got but you see more unfinished projects in JK than finished ones. I say focus on ffa and learn through all the content you produce, then maybe do a larger project when you get the skills for it.

  16. I wish we could get this mod to follow a storyline..
  17. I think it's Slk_revan or something like that, you should get pakscape and look at the npc files to figure the name of it.
  18. This is very embarrassing to say, but I locked myself out my own computer... *facepalm Anyways I need to get back on by any means necessary. I was hoping that somebody here would have an idea to help me out. Things I've tried: - Password reset disk: Only works if you previously created one. - Starting Windows with command prompt: For some reason my monitor doesn't think my computer is on when I try this, so it just stays off even though my computer isn't. - Running Linux from a flashdrive. Not sure how to exactly do this, but this seems to be my last resort.
  19. Looks very elegant, reminds me of Zayne Carrick's master's hilt.
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