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Posts posted by eezstreet

  1. Jedi Knight 2 and Jedi Academy repos have been pulled officially by Raven. Raven will not disclose exactly why the repos were pulled down, in order to not draw further attention to the issue. The coding community is well aware of the issue and we've been proactive in eliminating any further concern with it. So far we have no word as to when they're coming back up (if at all)


    OpenJK is still up/unaffected by these problems, and we are uncertain what's in store for the source code. I'll let you know once we get an ETA or any further word.

  2. I was wondering too about commercial usage, surely if you "reimbursed" Raven in some way much as in how other companies license out an open source game engine I bet you could make a sell-able game, as long as it was good enough that people wanted to buy it. You'd probably also of course have to pay royalties to Disney for the Star Wars name. Hell who knows, maybe if it were good enough they'd back it but that's a long shot really.


    There's several problems with licensing out an engine from Raven for this particular purpose:

    1. Disney, as you mentioned

    2. The id Tech engine itself, which Raven doesn't have permission to license in such a way to us.

    3. Some of these are Raven Standard libraries, which are licensed under Activision oddly enough, particularly Ratl (Raven Template Library), Rufl (Raven Useful Functions Library) and Ravl (Raven Vector Library).

    4. There's legal issues with releasing the source as it is (50+ forkers of the original project had to clean their history and rebase their code because it was found to be illegally distributing some libraries, unintentional of course). This has been mostly taken care of though.


    How are guys doing it with say the Source engine? It's free but people are using it to make games and selling them on steam, perhaps a percentage of each copy goes to Valve?


    Possibly. Or they could be licensing it with money up front, which is more likely. You'd have to ask Valve about the specifics. Raven's code is based off another engine, which makes this a very tricky situation. Frankly I wouldn't even bother starting this up as a commercial project. Just seems silly, since there's far better options. This is more for learning/fun/maybe portfolio, idk, as Raven says.


    I'd imagine someone who could animate when it comes to projects like these would be in very high demand since there are very few of us in the community, and if you were to make all your own animations only someone with a ton of skill could do it in a reasonable amount of time, it took me many years to learn the things I know and I'm far from good. Really good texture artists are tough to find as well, especially ones who could UV map the model for top notch results, that way the modelers can move much faster.


    Depends on what sort of talent is brought back into the community.

    Tempust85 likes this
  3. therfiles: Yes. But its highly frowned upon, and you'd be profiting off of Raven's work, which I don't really approve of personally. Also, Star Wars copyrights et al.


    tl;dr. Not sure why you would, but yes.


    @@minilogoguy18: The rules here are a bit gray. Since mods can legally distribute a _humanoid.gla to suit a particular purpose, but can also edit an animation... Its a legal grey area for sure. It's technically legal to just snatch up a stance mod and distribute it. But is it really ethical...? No, not really, because you're stealing the other stuff in the GLA. I can't definitely say one way or the other.


    Textures, sounds, models, maps, and basically everything else is definitively off-limits though.

    therfiles likes this
  4. This is a thread to discuss all things OpenJK related, be they technical banter or otherwise.
    OpenJK is an engine enhancement for JK2 and JKA, which is designed to be "the ultimate source code" to base your mod projects and standalone projects on. It, like the rest of the source release, is licensed under GPLv2, so you must adhere to it (openly distribute your source code, and we don't have any problems!).


    Feature list (only slightly out of date):



    (note: OpenJK savegames and base savegames are not compatible with each other due to major structural differences)


    • JK2 and JKA are now playable from the same .exe file.
    • Can now read jagamex86.dll/jk2gamex86.dll from a mod folder (ie, set with fs_game)
    • Removed force feedback due to copyright infringement
    • Wampas are no longer affected by knockback [Jedi Academy only]
    • Disabled various useless warnings

    Bug Fixes

    • Corrected an issue where some models which normally worked in MP would not work in SP
    • Fixed an issue where /setforceall 3 would not allow you to cycle saber stances all the way [Jedi Academy only]
    • Fixed an issue where /setforceall 3 would not allow you to advance through the menus and remain stuck on mission select screens. [Jedi Academy only]
    • Corrected a massive parsing error which was causing lots of OOB (out of bounds) memory access
    • Improved/fixed Mind Trick Level 4:
      • The text that says "Press JUMP to exit" is now accurate.
      • First person weapon now displays correctly
      • Noghri Stick/Tusken Staff/Tusken Rifle fixed for first person [Jedi Academy only]
      • Imperial Pistol corrected for first person [Jedi Outcast only]
      • No longer switches weapon on the player when active
      • Improved the third person camera so that it's more consistent with the player. This does not affect droids, in order to maintain base consistency for certain missions in JK2.
    • No longer allowed to switch weapons while charging another weapon
    • Fixed light amplification goggles. [Jedi Academy only]
    • Fixed gamma ramping issues
    • Fixed various memory leaks
    • Fixed /cmdlist command, as well as the entire command sequence, which was totally broken


    • ICARUS can now set and read the values of cvars
    • Added damage/altDamage/splashDamage/altSplashDamage/splashRadius/altSplashRadius to weapons.dat, and removed Force Feedback related ones.




    • Adjusted several cvar defaults
    • Added support for multiple master servers on the client. The second one is defaulted to JKHub.

    Bug Fixes

    • Removed the following useless cvars: net_killdroppedfragments, com_blood, and com_hunkmegs
    • Corrected crashes on ATI cards
    • Raised maximum cvar limit from 1600 to 2048 (which fixes Siege-related crashes on JA+)
    • ICARUS now functions nearly identical to SP, except for SP-specific features (such as cinematics)
    • Fixed crashes from spawning Ragnos or Saber Droids
    • Fixed AI:
      • Cultist: All varieties except Destroyer and Commando. Some small bugs with Drain and push/pull variant.
      • Jawa: corrected walk/run sequence
    • Fixed a crash from spawning a YT-1300 vehicle, and from piloting invalid vehicles in general
    • Fixed freeze when server does a map_restart while client is loading the map
    • The game no longer spams "r_maxpolies or r_maxpolyverts reached" in certain circumstances
    • Corrected a buffer overflow in RCON code
    • Cheats now work properly when playing back demos
    • Corrected an issue where shaders were wildly inconsistent with SP. As a side effect, the detpacks now flash like they do in SP.
    • Corrected timescale frametime issues with negative or very small timescale.
    • Various security fixes:
      • Fixed clients being able to change IP via cvar
      • Corrected people spoofing clients with print packets
      • Corrected servers spoofing clients with connect packets
      • Fixed an issue where typing in certain commands caused a total map refresh, allowing people to bypass various ingame limits (such as the MBII respawn limit)


    • Demos can now be recorded to AVI format
    • HUD corrections:
      • Allowed non-hardcoded HUD elements to be drawn from .menu files
      • Removed color tinting from team games (looks bad)
      • Corrected an issue where the HUD would show up while dead in Siege.
      • Correctly displays infinite ammo for the pistol when g_hudfiles is 1
      • Correctly displays melee when g_hudfiles is 1
    • Added minimize command
    • r_mode can now be set to -2, which uses your desktop resolution
    • Added screenshot_png command
    • Reintroduced r_mapOverBrightBits cvar from Quake 3
    • Updated the JPEG library.
    • Interpolated NPC movement, so they don't have stuttery movement
    • Corrected a minor visual issue where the Stouker Concussion rifle was improperly rendered in first person.
    • Greatly smoothened the look of first person animation.
    • Fixed Stouker Concussion Rifle and Bryar Blaster Pistol animations [Pure OpenJK games only]



    New Features

    • Modular Renderer, which in the future will be able to be exchanged for other renderers (such as ioquake3's rend2, or XreaL)
    • Linux Support
    • Visual Studio 2010/2012 compilation support, and CMake support
    • Console improvements: changed keycode (Now `, instead of shift+`), added more controls (shift+page up/down, mouse wheel, ctrl+mouse wheel), and increased the buffer.
    • Added fontlist command

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed widescreen causing black screen
    • Fixed unusual resolutions causing game crashes when creating a local game
    • Removed CD checks
    • Removed anti-piracy code (CL_PacketParseEntities)
    • Cleaned up the code (in general)
    • Corrected an issue where ICARUS could potentially overflow and corrupt the memory
    • Removed CPU detection from the code
    • Corrected an issue where viewing the OpenGL config screen would crash the game due to having too many GL extensions on your video card
    • Removed warnings about DirectX being out of date
    • Fixed issues with mouse not being properly released when not fullscreened

    Please do not ask about:

    Renderer-related stuff, we're well aware that the renderer is crap
    Gameplay-related "suggestions". OpenJK isn't a gameplay enhancer.
    What's possible with the engine - because <em>anything</em> is possible with the engine source.

    Fork it now!

    General Support/Discussion Channel:
    irc.arloria.net / #JACoders

  5. I wonder how much of this could apply retroactively to Voyager Elite Force. If I remember right it uses either MD2 or MD3 character models, but the scripting, BSP structure, and overall AI should be largely the same.




    More info -- http://eliteforce.gamebub.com/skinning.php

    Also, several Elite Force source files (READ: not the full source) were previously released by individual Raven folk. See this (scroll way down for Elite Force stuff). It'd be cool to merge Elite Force and Soldier of Fortune stuff in. http://eliteforce2.filefront.com/developer/Raven_Software;115


    Also, SOME source was released by Ritual Entertainment for Elite Force 2 (also a Id Tech 3 game). Might be interesting to have a fork that goes that route.  -- http://eliteforce2.filefront.com/developer/ritual_Entertainment;1513 It's not much, but hit helps.



    ***EDIT #2***


    Could I also make one request and ask that the Jedi Outcast mulitplayer gametypes be ported to JA (if they haven't already been - I haven't been an active JK series player for years).

    OJP added the JK2 gametypes back in. This is a mod thing, and isn't something we're going to actively support (OpenJK isn't a gameplay changer, it's a general game improvement suite)


    Getting the source to work with elite force is a brilliant idea, i loved that game so much.


    Eezstreet, quick question.  Is OpenJK built on top of Open Jedi Project?  That had years of bug fixes in the already released portions of the game so would save the community a lot of effort :D.  Man, the opening up of the source is so exciting!

    No, it's built off of modbase, which is better in terms of bugfixes, since it's had all of the OJP fixes, plus more. Not to say it isn't compatible with OJP though, it most certainly is. And I hear there's a new version of EoC which uses SP code as well.

  6. http://github.com/eezstreet/OpenJK


    ^ Switch between JK2 and JKA using a different fs_game and changing the value of com_jk2. 95% finished, just a S_FindName error and strip -> stringed conversion needed.



    OpenJK is going to use roughly the same principle as this. Its just jasp.exe heavily decoded to use JK2 style DLLs. No effect on game play whatsoever, but it does add dynamic glow.

    Based on that, I think it's /definitely/ possible for you to play JKA using JK2 qvms. The QVMs contain the code that people often complain about in terms of game play.

    therfiles likes this
  7. No. Don't use Visual Basic. Use Microsoft Visual Studio C++ instead, because it's C++, not Basic. Two totally different languages

    Please read this (ignore the links at the bottom), and this, specifically the part on Microsoft Visual Studio.



    EDIT, and to get the latest version of OpenJK, go to https://github.com/Razish/OpenJK and hit the button that says "ZIP". You can also hit Clone in Windows to download a clone of the repository, if you're using the GitHub official app.

    ChalklYne and therfiles like this
  8. OpenJK is still the exact same game. We're working to keep the game as unchanged as possible, aside from the bug fixes and slight aesthetics. I think the only two major changes are the removal of the .str system (in favor of something better), and allowing JKA and JK2 to be able to be run on the same executable.


    @@Teancum: The Xbox code is relatively useless, and serves absolutely no purpose being in the files. I'd say remove it, as it can't be compiled anyway.

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