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Posts posted by eezstreet

  1. I remade another texture. This has literally been the hardest and most time consuming texture I have ever made. It took about 2 and a half hours. 


    Original (512 x 256) :




    Mine (2048 x 1024):




    Unfortunately though I literally found no place where this texture is in-game. There's another one that's a lot like it and all of the maps use that (mapd2.jpg). As of yet I can't find a map that uses mapd1.jpg. If someone finds a map that uses this texture, tell me and I'll make an in-game screenshot.


    Used in a few glass panels on kejim_post, and some other imperial installations. Check the red and green areas in kejim_post.

  2. Here's what's new on the repo...



    • SP code now compiles and works (for the most part) under Linux and Mac.
    • Fixed an issue wherein, after using /playermodel or SET_PLAYER_MODEL in ICARUS and loading the game afterwards, the skin or the model would be incorrect (This fixes several bugs with a few mods, such as Escape: Yavin 4 but doesn't affect the base game very much)
    • Fixed an issue where an enemy Jedi knocking over your sentry gun while you yourself were notargetted would cause a game crash.
    • Fixed an issue where using /playermodel rockettrooper2 and taking off using the jetpack would cause the game to crash


    • Nightly builds are being compiled by a bot, and their links will be made available soon-ish
    • Fixed the opening logos and fade-ins [sP only] not playing correctly on non 4:3 resolutions (showed up as white instead)
  3. The problem lies in the actual move itself. The move involves twirling a saber around and becoming disconnected from the hand. It's hard to get the fixed position of the tag for that instance.

  4. A straight-up music mod is different from a full mod. A full mod tends to implicate that the people did work that involved other things besides ripping out music, slapping it into a PK3, and calling it their work. It's more about credit than legality when it comes to that.

  5. Wow! This is some great progress you guys are making! I'd like to thank you all for your hard work and taking the time to do this.


    One question, real quick. What is this about?




    That's awesome! Can I just use the set command inside of behaved, or is there some other way I need to do it?

    Yup. Just do a set command on cvar_YOURCVARHERE. Note that toggles using ! don't quite work yet. Also, I don't remember if get works properly, but I know for sure that "set" does.
    therfiles likes this
  6. You don't need to conform it to the player skeleton at all, just give it it's own GLA. The only thing is that it can't be explicitly named _humanoid if the bone counts don't match (will cause a game crash under certain circumstances)


    p.s. I like the prospect of your mod. Sounds really awesome. What direction are you thinking about taking it? (high fantasy/gothic fantasy?)

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