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Posts posted by eezstreet

  1. What's the NPC's name? You might have to set them to CLASS_UGNAUGHT or CLASS_JAWA in order for it to work properly, not CLASS_PRISONER. Also if you're replacing an NPC, keep in mind that ICARUS can assign NPCs weapons (examples: NPCs in the bar on ns_streets, prisoners on artus_detention, et al)

  2. This isn't how it works :D

    Know all those popup windows on sites like Facebook? They're not real buttons either, they're just hidden and when you click them they show up.

    It's all a lie, man, IT'S ALL A LIE!

    My point is, the link is probably in the page source.

    It is. As it turns out, you can just avoid the countdown, that's what I'm getting at here. It says "If it does not, click here". The "here" in the link can be extracted with no real issue.

  3. Hmmk. In a nutshell, it would just download everything off the site via some HTTP transfers. Preferably done on a loop, each iteration being a file. Brownie points for making it multithreaded. The best way I can think of doing it multithreaded involves chucking all the downloads into a queue, and then assigning each thread an index in the queue.


    You'd need to parse the JKFiles page for the div tag (or...shudder...table tag) that contains the download. It follows a fairly generic setup, and what you're looking for is the page link to Filefront. From there, it sends...something to the client to invoke a download prompt on the browser. You'd want to intercept this and make it chuck all the .zips into the queue.


    The main thing we need to do before the big pull takes place is put in some kind of blacklist of files, to prevent files we don't want from being downloaded. But before the big download takes place, you'll want to try it out on one or two files first anyway.


    That's the basic gist of it anyway.

  4. Ghoul 2 is a proprietary format. I can't think of a single company besides id Tech that's given out any sort of proprietary format.

    Back when I used to be a Diablo II modder, every single tool was made by the community. Course, it's more populous in general, and the audience of the original game was for more mature people, but my point here is that if they could do it, so can we.

  5. As an aside, if we got the single player SDK, that would help immensely since it has the structure of the void pointers that were used in multiplayer to type the ghoul 2 instances properly. This would give us a lot of leverage. So please, someone, talk to LucasArts about releasing the SDK for SP, Raven has it packed up for both JK2 and JKA!!

  6. Do it, and I'll give you a waffle. No, make that two of them.

    the only thing is that Ghoul 2 has dismemberment and skins and stuff. You'd need to readily support that. Not to mention you'd lose mod support pretty easily. But if you converted GLM models to another format on the fly...


    tl;dr, there's no point at all really in using a different format without losing a ton of feature support.

  7. Thanks for the tips. ;) Yes, this was created from scratch more or less using two different cloud textures, some radial blur, the JK shape, and a lot of glow.

    I think the JK logo itself needs redone, since it doesn't quite match what the logo should look like. I should probably play around a bit with the color/glow of that layer, and reduce the masking of the glow (so it stretches out a bit farther)

  8. Wine isn't a porting program, its a Windows emulator. As such, it doesn't work properly for all apps. Sorta like how the Xbox 360 can't run all Xbox games (it uses an emulator). At any rate, @@Xycaleth did write a nice GLM viewer for windows that could be ported. Mac ports of JAMod/ProxyDLL/whatever is something I've been wanting to do. IDA can load Mac modules and bins, so the reverse engineering aspect should just involve porting some crap.

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