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Posts posted by eezstreet

  1. Why? Worst thing that could conceivably to happen is a cease & desist.Where'd you get the saber code?


    I'm worried that my efforts would be wasted, is all. Disney is historically more lenient iirc with these kinds of matters.


    I don't reveal my sources, as that would endanger people's jobs.


    This game is old as fuck, I say hack it til it's unrecognizable. I couldn't see how anyone could possibly care anymore.


    It's just SW themed SoF2.

    Raven I think is concerned with Ghoul 2 being more or less ripped from them, but only in a vague sense, and as a previous post of mine has demonstrated, they don't really care and to an extent support it. Raven has been quite helpful in fact.

    Funny you should mention SoF2 and JKA in the same sentence, especially pertaining to anims. A lot of the SoF2 anims (most glaringly, the death ones) were ported to JKA, and the code still references the ladder animations (and you can replace them for all new anims too in SP (!!))


    Note: Random level generation was ported from SoF2 to JKA, and with a little trickery, you can get it to work in SP. MP requires code edits but a former Raven employee got it to work apparently. Too bad nobody's taken advantage of it yet. (Hint. For coders: See MAX_TERRAIN. See the terrain ent and how SoF2 does it)

    Master Ridley likes this
  2. Two things recently happened that make SP modding far easier, especially in the case of sabers:

    - The Mac binaries were discovered to have the symbols preserved in them (which makes mapping FAR easier, since you can see the exact names, arguments, and even some variable names... I'll explain in a moment)

    - w_saber.cpp was recovered independently from the main source forks


    The Disney acquisition has me nervous about hacking further. Reason being that the source code can be recompiled in such a way that mods are more possible with fs_game, making whatever proxies I can do completely obsolete.

    My advice: wait until Disney releases Episode 7, and then pester Disney for it. Raven Software has the source code packed up and ready to go. The transition from LA->Disney muddies the waters, but chances are good that they'll release it if things go good.


    Speaking of code edits, I've been able to do simple ones so far, which increase in complexity. Most complex things I've done so far in JK2 can be seen in my thread in the WIP section. With that stuff being in JK2, I don't have such amenities as a complete gentity_t. I did however manage to port my controller support to it just fine, and added PS3 support to boot.


    Concerning symbols - Every DLL compiled uses a set of symbols to link things together properly. Most DLLs link by addresses. A few link by "ordinals". These are assigned numbers, e.g. jagamex86.#10687. Very rarely, they link by the actual names of the functions. This is /incredibly/ helpful, since you can figure out how entire systems work. With enough painstaking work, you can reconstruct an entire SDK. That's a LOT of work though. I'd be tempted to do it though depending on how much of the Mac source is able to be useful.

    /me pesters @@redsaurus to give me the binaries in question


    Depends on what you mean by"cool" code edits anyway.

    Fighter and Circa like this
  3. I'm not talking about specific tutorials on how to use it. I'm more about how people go about the whole process. If there's a specific process that texture artists go through, I want to hear about it. Moreover, a lot of the tutorials on the web are quite awful in fact, and searching "PhotoShop texture tutorial" will usually bring up the same 20 or so tutorials, all of which are pretty bad anyway in terms of the desired effect, or explaining what to do. I'm more about achieving a specific look in what is happening, and I don't think any tutorial could really help, unless I knew more about how a texture artist works.

  4. I'm not sure how it splits volumes into nodes precisely, but what I do know is that yeah, patches aren't going to give you any issues like this.

    Side note since you mentioned _cs and _rs: you can make only specific brushes cast shadows on specific brushes this way. Just set _cs and _rs to be matching values higher than 1.

    JKG uses this for layered maps I believe (each layer has its own _cs and _rs values, so that the top layer doesn't cast a shadow on the bottom layer)


    Back on topic here: Yeah, just make stuff detailed and ignore patches, they don't cause splits.

  5. t1_rail isn't a good example. Try t2_rancor.


    Each map is separated into "detail" and "structural". By default when you make a brush, it's considered structural. What's the difference? Well, a structural brush is used in the PVS (potentially visible sets - the game divides the maps into regions which can be seen by the player. VIS/PVS can eliminate the effects of a wallhack if done correctly) calculations in order to prevent unnecessary details occluded by walls to render on the video card. Why are you getting the MAX_MAP_NODES error? Because you have too many brushes which are structural, which splits the map into way too many potentially visible sets.


    To change whether a brush is structural/detail, select a brush and do one of the following:

    Brush > Make Detail (Ctrl+M)

    Brush > Make Structural (Ctrl+Shift+S)


    Detail brushes not only allow your map to compile, but improve FPS dramatically in some situations. They also improve latency and keep ping low.

  6. OP updated with new screenshots.

    I also took the liberty of adding in a blood mod. You can disable the blood mod using "com_blood 0" or enable it for either the flechette ("com_blood 256"), the repeater ("com_blood 64") or both ("com_blood 320"). I'm working on eventually getting support for the saber as well, so you can choose whether you want blood or cauterized wounds.

    Note that this doesn't require any sort of PK3 swapperoo to change what guns you want (it's all in a cvar!), and it properly calculates for whether or not you're hitting walls, droids, etc. All of what I said is for SP, not for MP.

  7. You can use any music with JKA, as long as it's a stereo MP3 file with 44100 khz sampling rate. There's a few music mods around, but they're mostly frowned on as a lot of people just rip sounds from other games and movies and soundtracks and stuff, and more or less slap their name on it. But I suggest you take a look into figuring out how to mod this yourself, as it's incredibly easy to do. Are you interested in singleplayer or multiplayer?

  8. They're supposed to form a coherent map, not a hodgepodge of various scaled maps. The point that Pande is getting across is that there's no cohesion between the pieces. If he just saw your pieces as being out of scale, all it would have taken was a scale command.

    Case in point: someone else added something like 20MB of textures to the map after doing their section.

  9. Additionally, these NPC names are hardcoded to spawn with no weapon:



    Anything beginning with "elder" (such as elder_jarjarbinks)

    Anything beginning with "prisoner" (such as prisoner_jarjarbinks)


    All neutral NPCs will spawn with WP_NONE, regardless of class.


    These "enemy" types:


    Anything beginning with "protocol"




    therfiles likes this
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