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Posts posted by eezstreet

  1. JK2: HD ;)


    The code was officially released, yes. I've been talking with James for a long time, and he sorta randomly (sorta not) emailed me with the news after redsaurus/I bothered him about ModView source :P


    I'm talking with Raven to see if I'm allowed to publicly post the official JK2 script, and see if I can get the map source and carcass/behaved/stringed/assimilate source code.


    The official JACoders fork of the code is hosted on GitHub, and I will be committing my changes to SP

    within a few days (currently SP doesn't compile, but it's fixable).

    katanamaru likes this
  2. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




    Probably the best news for the JKA community in a long time.


    I must ask though from a non code modder, what will this potentially mean? In terms of the big scope of things.

    Improved graphics. All mods are required to be opensourced. ICARUS/Ghoul2 are open sourced. BehavEd and ModView can be ported to Mac now. The game can be ported to a variety of platforms. Bugfixes to the engine can be done. SP is able to be modded now, since it's open sourced too. Improved networking. Improved controller support. Improved sound systems. Basically anything imaginable. You can also distribute mods as fully-fledged games, provided there are no base JA assets in the game. There's a ton more, but basically think of this as a one-way ticket to code anything imaginable in the game. Literally.


    AWESOME! No more iojamp i suppose! Perhaps a tablet port might happen after all now. Would it make tablet porting any easier?


    Does this have anything to do with LucasArts closing down? Maybe they were the ones holding the grip on the source code all this time.

    Yes, it would. It'd also make it possible, since iojamp never fully supported the game anyway. And yea, Raven wanted to release the source code for a real long time, but LA never responded. Believe they got the clearance not too long ago for it, which prompted James Monroe to email me about it.

    Circa, Garyn Dakari and Link like this
  3. FAQ:

    • How do I compile this?
      • Follow the link to OpenJK, and compile it using your favorite compiler. I recommend you make a fork.
    • Can I make a game from this?
      • Sure, as long as you don't use any original JA or JK2 assets.


    The original version: "jedioutcast" is Jedi Academy, "jediacademy" is Jedi Academy for Xbox:



    • JA 1.01 full game source!
    • ModView
    • Lip-synching source files
    • png2tga





    James Monroe pull, 4/4/2013. Contains Jedi Outcast 1.02 full code:



    • JK2 1.02 code!! Full game source!
    • Assimilate
    • carcass
    • ibize
    • roq2
    • JK2Radiant
    • tga2jpg








    Delta_135, Tx606, Omicron and 7 others like this
  4. It'll probably have to be jailbroken / retrieved off of Cydia, since the App Store stuff is restrictive on things like this. Android however is not a problem. (Fun fact though- Cydia has a C++ compiler app, so you can compile it on the iPad and then run it. But again, performance would be terrible)


    In terms of language: you need to recode it in Objective C in order to run on iOS, but I think there's another option too. Android doesn't have language restrictions like that.


    The DirectX requirement can be ignored. DirectX is only used for sound and joystick stuff on Windows. Ideally you'd be compiling under a modified Linux build of the game.


    As far as being a code wiz though... Not really, actually. You basically just need to modify the Linux build of iojamp to work on Android. Obviously you'll need to know the basics first though.


    I saw someone mention something about processors: Yes, while the clock speed is a lot faster on the iPad than on the requirements, clock speed is /not/ an accurate measure of how good a CPU is. Case in point: the Intel I7 had about half the clock speed of a specific AMD processor (can't remember which specifically) but ran around twice as well.. It's really more about the FLOPS (floating point operations per second). The iPad 2 can handle 171 MFLOPS. By comparison, the Pentium III (which was new-ish in JA's time), was the first processor to break 1 gigaflop. That means that the iPad 2 can only handle 1/5th of the processing operations that are roughly required to run the game. LOL.


    JK2/JKA models have different levels of detail, right? What if you just lowered the model quality setting to very low in-game? I remember setting the polycount really low in JK2 and the player models almost looked like N64 models. I still think a high framerate could at least be achieved if the graphics settings were set to very low quality. 


    But look like utter dog poop. Also take into account that a LOT of modelers (a lot of the old ones anyway) didn't put LODs in their models. It's quite bad in Moviebattles and in Movie Duels especially, if I remember right.

    And no, there's still Ghoul2 to worry about, and EFX, the latter of which can't be controlled in how detailed it is. Have fun playing in a lugor server, lel.

  6. I agree that a significant portion of tablet "gamers" are more into casual games than 'hardcore,' but I think you are stereotyping the entire tablet community as casual game players. I'm a 'hardcore' gamer yet I've found a great deal of popular hardcore titles on the iPad that I actually have really enjoyed. Right now I'm mainly thinking of Square Enix's apps. I have Final Fantasy I-V, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, Chaos Rings, etc on there and all of them are great titles that I've enjoyed as a 'hardcore' gamer. The point is, I don't think all tablet gamers are exclusively interested in casual games. Many of them are, yes, but I think just as many are into the hardcore titles. Square Enix's titles have prooved to be very successful on tablets.

    Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger and Chaos Ring are all turn-based games, and don't require NEAR as precise action as say, Quake 3 or JKA. Then you have to account for the fact that there's sabers, force powers, inventory items, weapons, taunts, and I mean, there's just a ton of buttons there that you can't easily access on a tablet like that without cluttering up the screen. Square Enix isn't exactly what I'd call "hardcore titles" anyway (with the exception of their Eidos acquisitions)



    If Quake 3 for iPad didn't reinvigorate the community, (I don't know if it did for sure or not, I don't know where you read that), it was probably because it required a jailbreak to install. If iojamp was released on Google Play, no one should have to hack anything. Google Play sells emulators on it's store. I'm sure it would allow a ported open source engine. It would be completely open to people. Plus, since the source of iojamp is available, JA could be reworked to add community elements to it. It could even be linked to JKHub somehow. An easy way of downloading mods right to the tablet from JKHub would definitely give the JKCommunity that spike it deserves.

    Trust me, Quake 3 for iPad, Quake 3 for Android, and Doom for iPad and Android did nothing to reinvigorate the community. In fact I think Brutal Doom did a whole lot more...and that's a mod, not a port. Jailbreaks don't stop people either, since they're rapidly increasing in popularity and seen in fact as a cultural identity phenomenon due to what I believe to be a rise in hipsters, personally. [For the record, I jailbroke and made my own theme for my iPod before it was even cool, mmk?]


    iojamp is such a legal shitstorm anyway as it is, and that's what deters me away from working on it mostly. It's a ginormous legal gray area, but not as much as Black Rain, I suppose.



    This is probably the strongest part of your argument and the weakest part of mine. Yes, you can just play JA on the PC with a bigger screen with a Wiimote and keyboard. The iPad does have portability though. Also, the screen size in my opinion is OK on the iPad. On my mini, Quake 3 runs at 1024 x 768 which is the resolution I play Jedi Academy on my PC. Plus, if you played it on an iPad 4 with retina display (which has a resolution of 2000 something by 1500 something) screen size would not be an issue at all. It might even look better on iPad with that crisp, sexy retina display.

    Wiimote and nunchuks as well as lightbar (unless that's not needed) are certainly NOT portable, making your argument irrelevant.

    Also it might look shit with a stretched HUD and run even worse with a higher resolution. Just sayan.

    I'm sure you know a lot more about JK2's engine than I do, but you say the polygon limit has been doubled from Q3 to JK2. Does that mean JK2 and all of its models and geometry have twice as many polygons? The limit may be higher, but that doesn't necessarily mean there's twice as much geometry in JK2. Even if performance is slow on iPad, things could be optimized to increase FPS, right? Even if it was too slow to run on iPad, like you said, it could probably run on Android well enough. 

    Says so right here:

    "Technical details were given: the game would use id Software's Quake III: Team Arena engine. The GHOUL 2 animation system, seen in Raven's Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix, would be implemented. The polygon capacity of the engine had been doubled."


    As a former modeler for the JK community, and at one point for Quake...and a current game developer, I can speak pretty well for this.

    The quake engine in general has always, always had polycounts on the lower-end of the spectrum.  The counts in JK2 and JKA respectively, increased not just the limit, but used higher poly models, some higher than others.  In order to optimize it, you are looking at having to go in manually and reduce the counts on ALL of the models, which first of all, is basically a lost cause, because you aren't going to be able to do it cleanly.  And if you do that, you have to re-rig every single one to their skeletons.  With how few modelers and riggers there are left around here, I can't see you getting that done.  Then you have to have the maps optimized, which I couldn't begin to tell you what that would involve.  And presuming you get all that done, you still have to make it work on the device, and given that the JK games run on a MODIFIED Quake engine, there is no telling what speed-bumps lie there.

    Running iojamp would give a pretty idea actually as to how well it could handle it. I'd say to port iojamp first and see how that works out.

    Also, er...just run with a different model quality? Most models in base have LODs anyway. Most MODS however do not (start making LODs feggets)






    Now speaking as a (former) staff member, I feel obligated to point out, that while the MP-code is now open source, the game assets still have a copyright on them.  As such, regardless of IF you could do this and get it accepted to the Apple store or Google's Android Market, or whatever else you had planned...you would still need to copy the assets (be that something the end-user does from their own copy or not) it is still porting of copyrighted material,  and therefore is not something I think that JKHub can support as a cause.

    It isn't the same thing as "porting" in the evil sense. Calm down, sir.

  7. Maybe, but it isn't going to bring about any sort of substantial increase in the playerbase like you're hoping for. Porting iojamp to Android would be fine. You're looking at an extremely niche market here though.


    The A6 wouldn't offer any significant improvement over the A5, as it mostly increases the GPU portion of the processor, which is primarily irrelevant in this regard, since the processor is still too slow to keep up. You also have to consider that they doubled the polygon limit from Q3->JK2, and added in a new effects system, ghoul2, scripting, etc, which will affect the game's performance significantly.


    Nexus 7 would probably run better than the iPad version. iOS is very picky about how much memory that apps are allowed to use and it tends to crash out to the homescreen on even simple apps a lot of the time (ie, Safari, but this could actually be because Safari is unstable as shit)


    Why would you want to hook up a Wiimote or a keyboard to the tablet, which I myself can barely see on, when you can just hook it up to the PC, which has a bigger, better looking monitor? I guess you could hook either up to the TV though for output, but I still rest my case that it's pretty pointless to go through the tablet medium. And it's not like the Wiimote is an exclusive thing either, it's the next controller that I'm going to try and get support for in JK2:HD (I've already got both PS3 and Xbox 360 controller support taken care of).


    There are plenty of practical reasons to not port it at all either, such as the time or effort that could be put in something else. Tablets are definitely _not_ what the kids use to play a first person shooter or action game like JKA, they have consoles for that. Tablets control a wider margin of the market than they did 10 years ago sure, but they aren't used for action games, they're used for more simple games like Infinity Blade or Fruit Ninja. That's all aside from the fact that kids these days simply don't have the attention span to try and get iojamp working. Quake: Live and Quake 3 for tablets failed to invigorate new life for the game, so I doubt the same will happen here.

  8. We don't have the game engine anyway, and it's a moot point since it would never be approved to Google Play due to all the copyright problems therein. The game would suck anyway on a tablet, if it could even run (the iPad/iPhone, which are infamous for having such poor processing power, would probably explode as soon as you turned on dynamic glow or repeater orbs).

  9. blargh.

    I ask that anyone that uses code from these follow the general guidelines of the GPL, except where permission is given otherwise.

    Write access can be given to people who are interested in working on them, and aren't going to screw up my code :P

    More code dumps/repositories/revisions to current repositories will be made available whenever I write more code, honest. All code is in C, unless otherwise stated. All of them were written for windows, though redsaurus does sometimes maintain a Mac version in a few of these repos. All of them were written using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, unless otherwise stated. I only just recently started using VS2010 more exclusively, so my more recent stuff will be using that from now on. Please make sure to read this before PMing me. Thank you.

    If you use the code herein as a codebase for your project, or your project is a fork of it, I ask that you explicitly mention this in the project page and readme for your project, so that there is little confusion amongst players.


    Gunslinger's Academy [very limited write access]:



    JAMod (Unfinished):



    JAIRC (spior's version is probably better at this rate) - IRC client within JA:



    I honestly have no idea what this is:



    JK2: HD [very limited write access] [Partial C++] [VS2010]:




    How to download

    The majority of these are configured on what is known as a Subversion Repository (or SVN, for short), and they do not have a .zip version to download. No need to despair though, as I'm going to teach you something which will make team-based coding a lot easier, kiddies. (stealing/borrowing my code isn't team-based coding, though :< ) So without further ado, here goes nothing.


    First, you'll want some form of SVN client. I really recommend TortoiseSVN. Other clients work well too, but for the sake of this tutorial I'm going to be using TortoiseSVN with the Windows Explorer integration selected during the install. Your computer will need to restart in order for it to be fully installed. Do this.


    Next, you'll want to clear out a space on your harddrive where you want the code to be downloaded to. Say you want the code to be in C:/Projects/JAIRC. Navigate to that directory (and/or make it). Next thing you'll want to do, provided you installed TortoiseSVN, is right click and hit SVN Checkout. It'll bring up a dialog box where it asks you for a repository URL. For the project, it'll be under the Source tab (Following the example for JAIRC, it would be located here.)


    Below where it says "Use this command to anonymously check out the latest project source code:", you'll want to copy it and paste it into the repository URL text box, but before you hit OK, you'll want to trim it down, since that's tuned for the commandline (You're just trying to get the address.) tl;dr, change this (example):


    svn checkout http://jedi-academy-irc.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ jedi-academy-irc-read-only

    to this:




    Hit OK.

    It'll take a little while. Grab some coffee or something, you crazy programmer you.


    Once it's done, you're good to go. I suggest you read more into Google Code (for public projects) / Assembla (for one private project), and the way SVN/Git/Mercurial/SourceSafe/whateverthehell works. It's very fascinating, and it's great for any sort of team project. I highly recommend it as part of your programming training regimen.


    Oh, and when you change stuff in the code, the little green icons on everything will change to red. Easiest way to eliminate this problem is to delete all the .svn hidden folders in the code, saving space on your HD as well. I'm sure there's a option in TortoiseSVN for it too, but I couldn't tell you as I don't have my working PC operational yet ;)


    Credits/Fun Legal Crap

    The following coders/misc people deserve some sort of credit in some way or another, in no particular order: Raz0r, Scooper, Xycaleth, BobaFett, Didz, redsaurus, ensiform, Sir_General, spior, Deathspike, kingpin, Sheep, unic0rn, TheOneAndOnly, Tiger.

    Libraries used: libudisx86, libcurl.

    All code uses the SDK license, but I ask that people follow the general guidelines of the GPL unless they are given permission otherwise. This will prevent me from talking smack about you in IRC when you're not around getting upset with you.

    Fighter likes this
  10. I tried a while ago to fix the LA goggles, but there's something in the engine which disables them. Also for some reason they broke the bacta. :/


    EDIT: And if you must insist, my public repos are always on Google Code. I just ask that people follow the general guidelines of the GPL when using code from it, unless you ask for permission. Thanks. Here's the relevant ones that you're probably looking for:

    http://code.google.com/p/jk2-hd/       - JK2: HD

    http://code.google.com/p/jedi-academy-singleplayer-proxy/         - OLD version of the SP stuff. May still be working, but I have no idea.

    http://code.google.com/p/jamod-plus-plugins/      - JAMod / Unfinished

    Mandalorian likes this
  11. target_give uses the same code in SP as in MP.


    To use it, just target it, and then target a weapon entity. Be aware, that you have to account for the weapon's respawn timer too! (This means that if the weapon still needs to regenerate, it won't give it to the player). Doesn't matter what you use to target the target_give, it's the same as any old other entity.

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