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Posts posted by eezstreet

  1. As I've said once today already,

    You must learn to forward code engineer before you reverse code engineer

    if you've got coding down pat quite a bit and know the basics behind the game figured out, this isn't totally difficult, but I'm afraid you'd have to explain a bit further what you mean.


    Your best bet would be to pester @ about adding in that sort of thing as a feature to JA++ (which last I checked is more stable than JA+? Slider never fixes bugs anymore, so go figure)

  2. What would


    What would someone do that would be so so bad with this information that warrants it being hidden from other's learning it? Pretty impressive that things have been done I thought simply not possible and I was wondering - la_zoom - Broken. Is meant to toggle light amplification goggles, which have no shader in JA. - what shader/ files do I need to replace them and could I get them from jk2's demo?


    Hacking people's mods, for starters.

  3. If the videos are the same as the Xbox version, I can likely just use the originals, since I have the Xbox version's disc mostly decompressed. The majority of the assets are inaccessible, but I do have access to the videos.

  4. Just for reference, Galak only contains around 2k verts total (or so ModView claims anyway). Objects can have around 1k verts before they poof, and 32 objects per model. The GMan in Half Life 2 has around 10k verts, Alyx Vance has around 9k, and Barney has around 6k verts. With that in mind, it really shouldn't get in the way of things.

  5. I'm aware that the gamecube had different menus. If I did that, I'd want to get the controllers working in the menus first. If you give me some screenshots of the original menus, it shouldn't be too difficult for someone to photoshop them (but I'm a bit unable to atm because I need to reinstall windows on my main PC).

    There's also a hidden credits screen which was cut, and I'd like to put it back in.

  6. I agree with eezstreet... there are 32 facials bones (just counted them now in the 3ds Max skeleton)... and while it is true that the action animations use fewer facial bones because they're not needed for action/fighting... I strongly believe that ALL 32 facial bones (and any other missing bones...) need to be in the baseline root.xsi recompile.  That way for action animations... people can only weight their mesh to the lesser facial bones only in the original released .xsi files-- but they can make a separate cutscene cinematic character where the face is weighted to all 32 facial bones using a complete root.xsi-- thus allowing for greater facial animation details and a much greater cinematic cutscene improvement... this is what I plan and was hoping to collaborate on with you.


    Glad to see that someone sees where I'm coming from!

    Yeah, I was thinking about using versions of Kyle/Jan/whatever with higher poly faces and custom animations for the cutscenes. I've been reviewing the original script of the game and it seems like the game could greatly benefit from this. There's also a few unused cinematic sequences and missed opportunities because of the console/game limits of 2002. I believe that the game will need some hacks to allow for more animations, but that shouldn't be too difficult, hopefully. Just a matter of redirecting all of the animation-related functions to use my custom animation set. You are talking about doing this for JK2, yes?

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