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Posts posted by eezstreet

  1. OpenJK is compatible with all mods (Jedi Knight Galaxies is the only exception I think), and it does not require a CD in order to run. It does not however hand out mods, like you said. 

  2. Just a quick update:

    • Demos no longer require g_synchronousClients and can play back in AVI format (ensiform)
    • Game now compiles and runs on OSX and Linux (albeit without audio) (redsaurus, exidl, among others)
    • "damage", "altDamage", "splashDamage", "splashRadius", "altSplashDamage" and "altSplashRadius" added to weapons.dat parsing (eezstreet)
    • Massive memory issues fixed in SP (Scooper)
    • More...
    Sentra, zezeri, Tempust85 and 4 others like this
  3. False, Disney has nothing to do with the source getting taken down. Raven took down the source code from SourceForge on their own volition. It's probably best just to say "legal issues" for now, but it should be back up soon. In the meantime, OpenJK is strongly suggested over the original version, since there are no issues with it in terms of legality that we are currently aware of.

  4. Visual Basic isn't useful at all, because C++ and Basic are two totally different languages.


    Also, == is the same as the Is operator in Visual Basic, not And (And in Basic = & in C++). Just a heads-up.


    But no, C++ is really simple once you get the hang of it. The big confusing elements of it for beginners I have to say would be:

    • Templates
    • Pointers / Pointer Math (C++ is fairly unique for having 'em these days)
    • Arrays
    • Strings (the C kind anyway. the C++/STL kind are MUCH easier to work with)
    • Classes / inheritance (hard in any language)
    • Overloads, particularly Overloaded Operators
  5. Again, read my post, isn't going to happen without major restructuring of how SP works (I don't even know if the netcode still allows for remote stuff anymore. It DOES use packets/show signs of a networking system being there though...but yea, you'd have to get rid of all the badness in jagamex86.dll before that would become a thing.

  6. what do you mean exactly? Are you saying that the SP might use the network protocol for, idk, Co-OP games? if yes it shouldn't be a problem thought these hosted Co-OP should indicate their Co-OP mode just like others servers do for FFA, TDM and etc.

    Using the SP binaries to network stuff isn't going to be very physically possible at all due to the straight up HAX that they did to SP stuff


    JKG uses a bumped up version number and is therefore impossible to find on normal server browsers (including All Seeing Eye, which is integrated into OpenJK, btw). I recommend following their example. It's a simple cvar that needs changed ("protocol")

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