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Posts posted by eezstreet

  1. Copyright infringement is pretty cut and dry these days. With more knowledgeable lawyers, everyone loses.


    Let me provide you with two examples: the Starcraft project for Command and Conquer and the LOTR project for Skyrim. Both of those were C&D'd for copyright infringement on the original owners. There is also a Half Life 2 mod which restored cut content from leaked releases that was also C&D'd, and the original leaker (and one of the mods too) was sued a pretty hefty amount.


    There's also the workarounds for Blizzard's Warden software, and Diablo II private servers. Sued and Blizzard won. Even the mere discussion of Diablo II private servers were banned outright, despite them being a fantastic tool to build communities for mods.

  2. katanamaru: It isn't hard at all to find, just do ctrl+f and search for "transition". Off the top of my head, in SP it assigns ps->saberMove in bg_pmove.cpp and coordinates the actual transition in wp_saber.cpp. There's also a giant saberMoves table which assigns the next transition after an attack, among other things.


    mrwonko: k. We'd have to see how much of a diplomatic stance Raven takes. There's already a mod that is refusing to adhere to the GPL by not releasing source (it was funny because their response to someone telling them how the GPL works was "k, lets do a code exchange then. My source code for your source code")

    Stoiss likes this
  3. @@mrwonko: What about the Free Software Foundation? Can't they step in where Raven can't?

    GPL is considered a very invasive license. In my opinion, if you decide to modify the engine for your personal mod, and then claim "I used the SDK! I don't have to share source!" -> No, because at that point, you're using the SDK code as a library for your engine. And that should be enforced /regardless/ of whether or not you break base compatibility.


    Engine hacks based on what's in OpenJK aren't legal either, but there's like no chance at all of being able to prove it. However what /should/ be legal is making your engine hacks OpenJK compatible, but frankly why would you ever do that.

  4. Yes. Very much so.


    Crysis is a GPU intensive game because all those pretty sparkly effects are done on the GPU. Likewise, JA's sparkly "dynamic glow" (which btw drains FPS hardcore due to the process they used to render it, NOTHING to do with CPU whatsoever in this case) is done on the GPU. Multicore anything is all based on the CPU.

    Quake 3 does vertex transformations on the CPU. OpenJK is working to make those done on the GPU (like any modern game engine -- hint, Crysis -- does) Thus all you can probably expect to get from multicore support is probably better server performance/less server lag. And that wouldn't even really affect your end of the thing for the most part. Other thing you can do I guess is make the load screen prettier and not suck. But that's about it I guess.



    tip: generally you should try and research a topic a little bit before trying to suggest stuff that you don't know what you're talking about. And read the issue list for OpenJK before you call your ideas novel, seriously.

  5. What is this about stuff not being GPL compatible? We're not using JKA in Xvid, we're using Xvid in JKA. (Well, we're not, but we're talking about it.) There's nothing wrong with using a closed source library in a GPL project.

    Oh hey, xvid was released under GPL. Well, whaddaya know. Thought for sure it was released under zlib or something:



    If that's the case, I'm all for it. OpenJK should still include an option for uncompressed though in order to preserve quality.

  6. LucasArts has since lifted that ban I believe, but the qualifications for "New levels" is invalid when you're making a new game. Basically if you're making a new game, it's treated like that -- a new game. Doesn't matter if it's commercial or not. If you're porting from another game, you're essentially copying the assets from another game and making them part of your IP, which is illegal under copyright laws.

    However if you're making a version of JK which is also compatible with those assets, you can't legally distribute those assets with the game. That's pirating, which is illegal. While we can distribute an OpenJK asset pack, all that has to be distributed COMPLETELY SEPARATE from the game, unless we replace all assets. And due to Disney copyrights, you can't make a new game which has lightsabers or droids in it (as these are original LucasFilms copyrights, and even the Motorolla Company has to pay for the use of Droid in their cell phone products).

  7. tinny: those names are more incorrect than what they are now. The codeJK2 folder just needs to be cleaned out of the JK2 engine code. The structure is fairly simple:


    codemp/ - jamp.exe, uix86.dll, jampgamex86.dll and cgamex86.dll

    code/ - jasp.exe and jagamex86.dll

    codeJK2/ - jk2gamex86.dll code


    Calling it jk2sp/jasp/jamp would just lead to way more confusion, as people would be thinking that it contains jasp.exe ONLY code. Or whatever.

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