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Everything posted by DarthDementous

  1. you should only need one shader file for a single model. is the directory ModView is accessing identical to what the game accesses during run-time? I've had bizarre issues like things looking proper in ModView and then breaking completely in the game because it wasn't accessing the same environment. I have to put my files in a different directory because ModView has an issue reading long file-paths. if that's not the case, post the entire file so I can look at it in isolation to determine if there's a problem with what you're adding or what's in your base folder. EDIT: you can name an object anything for conversion to a .glm as long as it has the _0 at the end which is disregarded during compilation. EDIT2: just had another thought that the reason the rank might be unseen in game is an LOD error. sometimes I have issues with this in franken-steining when I delete all the LODs except for the highest quality one. the game will try to load a version of the mesh depending on view distance and if all it has to reference is high-quality then it might vanish in certain circumstances or just not load at all. a way to sort of test this is to place an .npc of Krennic and gradually get closer and note any changes.
  2. wow so this is all done with ICARUS? the thought of learning to code in JKA is intimidating but if scripts are that versatile I kinda want to check it out now.
  3. nice. only feedback I'd give is that the ported SWTOR hairstyle while accurate in shape, stands out as being cartoony. I'm not sure if you're able to re-do the textures of the hair to make it look more realistic since I'm not sure how the UV maps differ in SWTOR from JKA. until you can identify the individual strands it'll be impossible to match the hair color of grey tinged with brown that Krennic has in the movie. EDIT: I just realised something that I encountered when I tried to make my own Krennic was the cape. if you'll look at reference shots from the back, the cape extends to just above his soles and it has a triangular cut in the back. it looks like you've used Dooku's cape like I did and it's pretty ill-fitting for this kind of thing since its designed to be hollow, meaning any segmenting will look incredibly janky. plus the base textures aren't accurate to what I affectionately refer to as the 'bed-sheet cape' Krennic has, and from my experience anyway it was VERY hard to get rid of the distinct shoulder patterning of Dooku's cape - then again, I'm absolutely awful at texturing .
  4. damn that's a really accurate head model for Director Krennic. is that from Star Wars Battlefront or another source? EDIT: if it's Star Wars Battlefront, the hair is always absurdly detailed so it can move semi-naturally. the best you could do is use the lowest LOD if you can find it/if that's the system DICE rolls with.
  5. yeah honestly this is fantastic. I wonder why it's taken someone so long to realize the potential of adding in RPG game mechanics to JKA - that console was very slick and straight out of KOTOR!
  6. apologies @@dark_apprentice if I've somehow missed the link while browsing, but could you please upload the Han model that comprises of the Battlefront 3 head and TFU body? probably the best Han I've seen so far for JKA and would love to have it replace the one in mb2 that bears little resemblance to Harrison Ford.
  7. awesome! unless not that much has changed, which is of no worry - slow and steady is better than quick and rushed - could you please post some screenshots of Krennic?
  8. this is very cool, great to see coding being put to use in SP! it seems like after the NPC awakes there's a few seconds before he recognises you as a hostile threat. if this is intended to show that he's dazed and confused then maybe playing an animation like the cower one the Jawas do or something like looking back and forth before he immediately becomes hostile would seem more natural. a cracking sound to emphasise the knock-out punch would also be a good idea.
  9. wow that's a really cool NPC control system you've got there. only thing I'd suggest is having some kind of visual indicator for whether the follower is targeting NPCs or not in case you want to run stealth but have forgotten whether you set the command or not.
  10. here's a good reference picture for Krennic from the Visual Dictionary:
  11. now this is what I love to see in JKA modding. really pushing the boundaries of what the engine was intended to do and introducing new gameplay elements. this map gives me a major KOTOR 2 vibe, especially with the static shots of NPCs going about their business. excited to see this RPG element develop!
  12. woohoo, finally! now forgive me if I'm misunderstanding the point of a concept and you intend to add and refine details later on but one thing that immediately stands out is the hair colour which is more of a greyish brown - and the face. I believe one of the HS Imperial heads is closer but the only problem with that is his scalp is missing because it's meant to have a cap on it . I attempted something before Rogue One which I'm not completely happy about but it should give you an idea: https://www.dropbox.com/s/u241gs3gis61ms7/krennic_hair1.JPG?dl=0
  13. I remember a while ago finding Reborn Revan's model was next to impossible because the model table didn't include the name of his file, only vanilla Revan. anyone know if the model table has been updated, making porting that model a possibility?
  14. okay, the exact error is this when I use the regular jk3 .gla: "Bone number mismatch - gla has 53 bones, model uses 72. Maybe you're trying to load a jk2 model with the jk3 skeleton or vice-versa?" and when I load it with the JK2 .gla I get this error message: "KeyError: 'bpy_prop_collection(key): key "ltarsal" not found' location <unknown location>: -1" and the .glm doesn't load. am I missing something? I thought the base jk3 .gla had 72 bones?
  15. that's right. it's definitely the JKA skeleton but I can't remember if it was telling me whether it had 72 bones or if it was expecting 72 bones. if it's not too much to ask (as I don't have Jedi Knight Outcast), could you please provide me with the JK2 _humanoid.gla file/
  16. thanks, it seems it wasn't able to guess where the base folder is so I had to manually put in the path. however, I'm not able to import every .glm. like in ModView, for some models I get an error because it has '72 bones' which goes against the regular skeleton and in Blender it only loads the default skeleton with no meshes. any idea how to fix this? (for ModView as well preferably).
  17. essentially what the title says. I've a folder path set up for modding which is as follows: assets/base/models/players/ and I'm trying to import a .glm so that I may edit it. the error confounds me because in that directory I have the base _humanoid folder which allows ModView to open the models, and that seems to be working fine. is this an issue with the latest version? I'm unaware how new it is but I'd assumed that @@mrwonko's plugin suite would work versions 2.64+.
  18. @@Maui seems fairly straight-forward to me (provided it's not being triggered by something else). (Object -1?) has the attribute 'faces' that is foreign to the format, hence its throwing a compiling error. I'm unfamiliar for the requirements for .md3 but I've worked with .mdl and that requires you to remove a bunch of attributes that are specific to that format as well as adding in new ones depending on what it is being converted to. I haven't done this process in a while but if you've edited or added any kind of property to each mesh then you'll find the foreign 'faces' there. I don't know how to interpret the location it's giving so you may have to go through it piece by piece.
  19. doesn't decompiling a .bsp also remove all entity lighting? I've had that happen a few times and I wasn't sure if that was the intended side effect or not.
  20. nice! I love to see little mods like this that utilise asset modification as well as coding. plus any KOTOR content seems to fit like a glove in JKA. any plans on doing other force powers from KOTOR like force drain with the orange lightning?
  21. that's really awesome Pande. I don't know how compatible it'd be with every model, but maybe try taking a page out of SWG and allow for bits of Clone armour to be worn? most preferably parts from AshuraDX's model. I think Mandalorian armour would be quite viable as well, considering how the multitude of reskins out there mean there could be a lot of variation.
  22. that's because the custom models you have most likely come with NPC files, and seeing the sheer multitude of models and vehicles in the KOTF mod it's bound to be really close to hitting the NPC limit. I think OpenJK may increase that limit through modifications to the engine but I can't be sure.
  23. thanks, I'll continue testing the rest of the maps with my friend today. hmm, CM_InvalidBevel is definitely something that should've been caught while the map compiled and it's interesting that it only works on base and lugormod. is the 'CM_InvalidBevel' a yellow warning message (meaning the map can still be played and that might not be what's stopping it from loading) or a red warning? EDIT: friend crashes on trying to load the 'Kamino Facility' map but I load it fine. he runs Windows 10 and has a Nvidia GPU and i5 CPU.
  24. friend and I have been a lot of fun playing this mod (he's new to the game but he's learning quickly). we're currently going through all the maps on the server. it seems that 'tattooineduel' classed as 'Tatooine Outskirts' is the only map that the server doesn't want to switch to. it seems to crash and then the server automatically restarts, but every other map transition is instant. I've had that happen with a few of my custom maps and it's usually because there isn't the right spawn point for the mode. EDIT: Naboo Hills also doesn't spawn the following vehicles: - Naboo Starfighter - Swoop variations - Droid fighter
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