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Everything posted by DarthDementous

  1. @@Xycaleth I've done a year's course in Python so I understand the basic rudimentaries of coding. It'll just be understanding the varying syntax for C++ and the game specific commands that I'll need, but I'd prefer to experiment with that stuff first hand which is why knowing how to decompile the code to edit would be great. I'm sure once I understand how the compiling works I'll be able to fiddle around with tutorials like 'Creating a New Weapon for JKA'. If things do end up being too complicated I suppose I could always experiment with BehavED first because it does tie in neatly with mapping :3
  2. Hey, so I came across a wiki entry about JA Coders and it sounded like the perfect place to start a coding venture . Unfortunately its only available in archived versions because the site is now defunct and it refuses to let me access the enticing beginner tutorials that would no doubt be critical into kick starting this. Namely, compiling the code. Without that I doubt I'd get anywhere lol If @@Raz0r has copies of his tutorials that he could upload or a link to a new website like JA Coders I'm not aware of, I'd be very greatful. EDIT: I noticed that @@eezstreet also made tutorial contributions, in case Raz0r is inactive would you be able to help as well?
  3. I am completely and utterly into that idea for the mission, was actually thinking of something like that myself . Annoyingly, Movie Battles 2 would probably have the best map for the job because their Tantive IV is fairly large and almost reminiscent of the Star Wars Battlefront version. Best case scenario, if the author of the map gave us the source files then we could easily add onto it with extra rooms and what not but if it was made by Plasma his inactivity makes that very unlikely :\. As long as you tell me exactly what you need I can frankenstein some Rebels no problem. Also I do have some degree of mapping skill so I'm sure I could help out with small things and maybe if that goes well jump into a full scale project like my old Hrakert Station project.
  4. Hey, So I figure that EffectsED isn't reading the .shader files properly because its not making the textures invisible like they're supposed to be. I've got my stuff set up in C:/base/ with the three folders, effects, gfx and shaders but for some reason I'm still getting black boxes. I followed the instructions to set the default game path to jk2 then make modifications so I'm not sure what else needs to be done :\ Any help would be muchly appreciated
  5. Heh, that actually works to my advantage @@DT85 considering Revan Reborn's cape is indeed in a triangular shape. Took me ages to track down a cape that suitably had that shape because all the others are curved down in a uniform way. I'd say the only thing I could change (albeit with help) is the UV Mesh on the kilt as you can see it deforms quite awfully while running but I have no experience with UV Mapping otherwise I'd get right to it!
  6. Absolutely, I get so obsessed and focused that it starts to push me away from wanting to do it heh
  7. @@DT85 That's what I said at the start, although it does use elements of other JKA models - it is a frankenstein after all. The only way of editing I've done is a few color touch ups, reskinned the face (albeit not completely) and modified the kilt and cape to make it look tattered. Plus resizing and all that to get it to work with all the other pieces. I'm pretty sure RevanKnight used swtor revan textures from a screenshot and made it work with the UV mapping but the only down side of that is that it results in blurry textures. I don't really see the issue of there not being made-from-scratch things as its beyond my expertise and seeing as how this can't be released is just more of a showcase for those who are interested.
  8. Actually bad news, the spark that I once had for frankensteining has gone I may pick up these requests again if I get the encouragement or someone suggests something especially badass but as it is I can't bare to look at blender anymore Sorry guys...
  9. Ah, I don't appear to have Lord Starkiller on hand seeing as it is a ported model :\ If you could PM me a link I'd be grateful
  10. @@Jolly Time for some progress Special thanks to RevanKnight for providing me with the modified chest, cape, helmet and kilt textures. I just touched some of the seaming up with good 'ol Content Aware tool: The only issue I'm really having right now is that some of the textures are low rez, does anybody know how to upscale them or at least give the illusion of high resolution.
  11. @ That does sound like a pretty neat idea, what's with everyone wanting Anakin frankensteins all of a sudden I'll get right on it
  12. Hey guys, I'm trying to track down a file by the name of 'Battle of Hoth' which depicts the iconic Episode 5 opening battle between the rebels and the imperials around Echo Base. DGS site is down and the only links I've found are to PCGamemods :\ Help would be much appreciated.
  13. Hmm, so you want Anakin's head on Toshi's Luke with cape?
  14. @@Major_Tom I'm not one to normally turn down requests but that'd look pretty silly , dimensions wouldn't match I'm afraid no matter how much re-sizing is involved
  15. Here you go DerFurst (apologies for not being able to get the belt on, some error with unweighted UV Vertex prevented that): DL Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/f0u6egyb7uw8ws2/generalveers.zip?dl=0
  16. @@Jolly I haven't been able to post anything new since @@RevanKnight hasn't given me the new files yet to tinker with, until then I don't really see a point in posting updates if there are none lol
  17. Goggles would be able to be turned off. Haven't checked here for a while, good to see new requests! I'll get to work right away
  18. I'm very excited to see what comes out of this! I think I must realise that how it looks now is probably not going to be like that in Jedi Academy though , looks way to out of that engine's league. Unless this is what rend2 leads to, in that case I welcome our new rendering overlords.
  19. Ah I get what you're saying now @@Milamber, I'm afraid that's a bit past my expertise when it comes to rigging haha. Haven't really learnt the whole UV Wrapping Process yet as there hasn't really been a need so far. I've got new pics incoming for new textures from the wonderful RevanKnight so that might fix the ring deforming issues.
  20. @@DT85 Is right, the ring is textured on and is definitely not a model.
  21. But wouldn't that mean Shaak Ti would have a male body?? O.O
  22. @zeƒilus Here you go, look forward to seeing the final results - keep me posted! DL Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dh6ocxzba8ymtid/hanstormtrooper.zip?dl=0
  23. @@The_CrY I wasn't sure which particular body in the pack you wanted me to put it on but the model.glm contains all of them so if you want to replace the body a simple edit of the .skin files should suffice: DL Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/58vnloqtzlufyzr/tavion_femalejedibody.zip?dl=0 @@JAWSFreelao Awesome, I had a feeling that was going to be used to create TCW Anakin which is why I added in the kilt
  24. @@Circa Lmfao, let's just chalk it up to repulsors or some other kind of form of spaaace maaagicccc!
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