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    Eye of Terror
  • Modding Interests
    Texture Artist
    General Modding
    Jack of all Trades
    Skeleton Rigging
  • Gaming Specialty
    Moviebattles 2
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  1. To Do: Minor Mesh fixes. (100/100%) Adjust model weighting some more (80/100%) Leg Textures (100/100%) Shaders (0/100%) More skins. (0/100%) NPCs (0/100%) Almost there. Remaining tasks should be quick. Hopefully I can release this weekend or next weekend. we'll see.
  2. Small update, no textures yet. but made some decent progress.
  3. Thank you, should be fixed now.
  4. Imperial Pilot and Imperial Worker remake. Imperial Shock trooper Just a couple of my most recent projects, some of you may have seen the pilot already. No timeline for release as of yet. Will update post as projects are started or finished. Drive safe.
  5. 468 downloads

    About This File Jedi Academy E-5 Blaster Rifle Mod \\\\\\\\\\\ Contents \\\\\\\\\\\ zz_sad_E5 - The E-5 blaster battle droids use, replaces the E-11. \\\\\\\\\\\\ Notes \\\\\\\\\\\\ Figured I should release this separately from the battledroid in case anybody wanted just the E-5. Enjoy. \\\\\\\\\\\\ Credits \\\\\\\\\\\ Modeling - KhorneSyrup Textures - KhorneSyrup Special thanks - Dragoan THIS FILE IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY ACTIVISION, RAVEN SOFTWARE, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS™ & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY, LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS.
  6. Well, hello all. Been awhile. finally got some time to work on old projects these last few months and I am happy to announce the model is ready for release. currently pending approval. Thank you all for the encouraging words along the way.
  7. 792 downloads

    -NPCs- scouttrooper scouttrooper_officer scouttrooper_commando general_weir scouttrooper_nova scouttrooper_nova_officer -LODs- Not yet implemented. -Skins- Included are 27 skins not counting SP customization variations. -5 blue team skins -5 red team skins -Captain, Sergeant, Enlisted, Sniper, Grenadier and default for basic scout trooper and commando variants. -Nova trooper and nova trooper officer. -General weir -A variant of scout trooper with black marking, and a variant of commando with white markings. -Single player- I have not tested it in vanilla JKA. and would recommend not using anything but openJK or variants thereof, as this is a fairly model. I have included a handfull of custom colors for those of you not running a mod that allows RGB sliders for single player. -Credits- Special thanks to Ruxith for supplying the Icon backgrounds. thanks to Dragoan for working on this model with me very early on in the project.
  8. To my knowledge there are only two scout trooper models in existence. one really old one for JKO that was never finished to my knowledge and only ever released as a "beta" which was made by Slurpy_Commando from what I remember, and the one currently being used which was made by Monsoontide, Keshire and Duncan. other than that there have been a few kit-bashes of their model and Neomarz' clone trooper as well as several skins(which don't really count). but that's all I know of. Feel free to correct me if there are others that I missed. Thanks for the kind words and criticism all.
  9. Made a few changes. Figured I'd share them.
  10. Yes and no. I have no pictures to show right now, as I don't feel I've made enough progress, but I have remade the kneepads so they're actually not squares now. I'm working on the textures for the boots ( I hate feet ) which is a really big pain in the Islets of langerhans. Just trying to get it to look right. instead of derpy. When I finish with those I'll post some pictures. I still continue to hate feet.
  11. Another way is to have the player start with no weapons, and place the pistol infront of him with like count 10 If I recall correctly there was a way to strip them of all of their weapons via a trigger... But I'm not certain.
  12. I was thinking about your ammo problem, And Technically, you could make the player spawn ontop of an ammo box with the Key "count" and the value a negative amount. And that will do what you want. Sorry, really should have thought of that sooner XD
  13. I can help ya out with it if ya like, it's pretty simple to setup,I can also shoot ya a few tutorials for it. But as I said, I can help you with that If you would like me to, just shoot me a message.
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