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  1. BlindDaThief liked a post in a topic by Circa in B1 Battle droid Revamp   
    Wow. I did not think I'd see this project see the light of day. Not because of you, but because we rarely see projects like this make it past the first step these days. This is really amazing.
    Might have to update my old Prequel Conversion Mod with this model!
  2. ZeroRaven liked a post in a topic by Circa in B1 Battle droid Revamp   
    Wow. I did not think I'd see this project see the light of day. Not because of you, but because we rarely see projects like this make it past the first step these days. This is really amazing.
    Might have to update my old Prequel Conversion Mod with this model!
  3. Rmvsallen liked a post in a topic by Circa in B1 Battle droid Revamp   
    Wow. I did not think I'd see this project see the light of day. Not because of you, but because we rarely see projects like this make it past the first step these days. This is really amazing.
    Might have to update my old Prequel Conversion Mod with this model!
  4. Circa liked a post in a topic by Rmvsallen in B1 Battle droid Revamp   
    So I've pretty much finished all of the skins in the pack. Open the spoiler to see all of the other skins (I didn't want to make the thread 2 miles tall)
    Not shown are the customization options for the creator, which has every mesh shown here.

  5. Circa liked a post in a topic by Rmvsallen in B1 Battle droid Revamp   
    Update: about 90% of skins finished. Need to touch up a few for final passes, fix up a few sound clips. We're close.
    In anticipation I wanted to share the dumb things I found while looking up battle droid references that I found entertaining. Some of these you may already know, but I never paid that deep of attention!

    1. The commander droid from the movies are different from that of battlefront 2 and clone wars where they sport a yellow arm and sometimes a yellow back.
    I think this is for visibility purposes so you can tell it's a commander from the side or back for gameplay readability.
    2. These regular coloured battle droids don't have backpacks, but in the previous shot they totally do. So either battle droids can take those off or a shift change happened between obi-wan going ham on them.
    now there are OOM series battle droids that are more of a prototype which show up in galactic battlegrounds (the RTS age of empire star wars game) so it could be them.
    or it could just be the animators had a hard time slicing through meshes back on 1999 computers so they said screw the backpacks.
    3. I don't understand battle droid serial numbers. Sometimes there's just a big black rectangle in them which isn't in the trade federation alphabet/numeric system. Is it a placeholder? Is it a dash? I have no idea. It's worth it to note that only in the movies do these droids have serial numbers. In all the cartoons their backpacks are usually blank, probably to save on budget. Once in awhile they'll say their number or somebody elses.
    Bonus weirdness, I can't tell if there's any consistency to any of the numbers? Like the important commander droids have random numbers just like the rest of them. They aren't marked "OOM-9" on them or anything.
    4. Qui-Gon does not honor melee duel.
    5. This gungan punches this battle droid in the face for a solid 21 seconds. I can't tell if this shows us how weak gungans are or how hard it is to punch a robot to death.
    6. The low-polygon battle droids in phantom menace are way too close to the camera and look so round!
    7. This is another 1138 reference in episode 2, but it's not on screen for very long. Makes me wonder how often these droids show up in the background but are just too quick to make out.
  6. Circa liked a post in a topic by Rmvsallen in B1 Battle droid Revamp   
  7. Circa liked a post in a topic by Wettergren (Vet) in Creating a ROQ video   
    Anyone else having issues with creating a .roq video, but cannot find the right program to do so,
    the following can be used very easily, and with quite a lot of optional, but nice settings:
    - YTD (YouTube Downloader, by GreenTree Applications)
    In order to create a video, simply follow this step-by-step guide
    1 ) Open YTD and navigate to "Convert"
    2 ) Drag your video into YTD (most movie formats are accepted), I used an .avi file
    3 ) Click on "Convert to"
    4 ) Select "Manual Convert (...)"
    5 ) Click the red "Convert"-button
    6 ) When prompted to enter the input data, you are able to change some things, these being marked with Bold.
    YTD also gives some information on some of the abbriviations.
    The original code looks something like this
    You must now change it to the following:
    -s decides the height & width of the output (.roq) file (default size is determined by the input file). The size MUST be in the form of the ^2 (2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, going higher than 512 can create some unforeseen issues)
    -r decides the frame-rate, you'll normally want this to be 28-30 fps, but in case you have to compress the video size, you may want to go down to 15-20 fps (This obviously doens't work on videos that has a specific fps, like movies)
    -ab decides the audio-bandwidth, this will also decrease or increase the file size
    -ar decides the sound frequency, in order to create a .roq video, this value MUST be 22050 Hz
    .roq decides the file output, in this case, it MUST be .roq
    7 ) Now click "Okay"
    8 ) This bit might take some time, depending on your file size, for comparrison, my video was 3:25 long, and had a file size of 99.9 MB, it took roughly 30 min. to convert
    9 ) Enjoy ?
    9a ) a note on the 512x512 dimensions, the movie will be stretched by JKA itself, so don't worry if you open the .roq file in VLC and think it looks wierd ?
  8. OCD2 liked a post in a topic by Circa in The Mandalorian Mod Contest   
    Modding is a complicated profession. I don't like doing contests this close together, but this one was requested a lot too and it's probably best to start it now while the show is airing and hype is strongest. You'll have more time than ever to work on this contest, so I better see a ton of participants! 
    The hit new Star Wars television series, The Mandalorian, has taken the world by storm in popularity and as Star Wars fans here at JKHub, naturally taken us as well. As usual, new official Star Wars content comes out and the modders race to adapt characters, locations, and weapons into our favorite games Jedi Outcast and Academy. Though activity is undoubtedly at an all time low this year around here, that doesn't mean people aren't hard at work on their various projects. There have already been a handful of cool Mando-related mods made after last year's debut of the show.
    This contest is just like the others. Create your own mods for either JK2 or JKA that have something to do with The Mandalorian, any season. It can be maps, models, skins, animations, mini-mods, etc. If it goes in our Files section, it can be submitted. That also means no ported content allowed, of course. Here are the rules in bullet form, as per tradition.

    All submissions must be related the The Mandalorian series. You can only enter your own creations. You may team up with another modder. Any external content you did not make must be explicitly referenced in the description and readme file. You may enter more than one file. You may enter files that were created previous to this contest, as long as they abide by the rules. Any content is welcome, including skins, models, maps, weapons, menu mods, etc. Just make sure it abides by the rules. Files can be for Jedi Academy and/or Jedi Outcast. We will assume files are for JKA unless specified otherwise. If a large number of mods are submitted, more than one winner may be chosen. The deadline for submitting content is February 1, 2021, after which a poll will be opened. The poll will be closed by the morning of February 6, 2021. Awards
    We are still waiting on a few things to have the awards system built into the forum software. I don't expect it to be there even by the time this contest is done, and I really apologize for that. I will do what I can to maybe come up with some temporary alternative in the meantime. I think having a badge on your profile for contest winners would be really cool, and I'm sure y'all would agree. Once it's implemented though, all previous contest winners will get their respective award, so don't worry.
    How do I submit my mod?
    Our goal is to make it as simple as possible for everyone involved. The way you submit your file for this contest is to upload them as normal files in our file section, but using the category called Contest Entries.

    Click the button below, and submit your mod as you normally would. The category should be set to The Mandalorian Contest already. If you don't enter it there, your file won't be entered until you do. If you realize that you didn't do that, PM a staff member and we can change it for you. Good luck and happy hunting! 
    VOTE FOR THE BEST MOD | See all entries
    WINNER: Din Djarin by Doughnuts

    View full article
  9. Circa liked a post in a topic by Noodle in The Mandalorian Mod Contest   
    This is the way!
  10. Circa liked a post in a topic by OCD2 in The Mandalorian   
  11. Milamber liked a post in a topic by Circa in An Issue With my Model   
    Sounds like a very simple skin file issue. I recommend reading up on basics of skins before jumping straight into frankensteining models in Blender, assuming that's what you meant.
  12. Circa liked a post in a topic by Morabis in Site Down?   
    @Raz0r @Circa
    Hey. I made a mirror of the original site on here:
    Added the 'recent' builds (05.30.19) to the download section. 
  13. Circa liked a post in a topic by Ruxith in Ruxith's Repository   
    (Yes this has already been released, but I just wanted to put everything I've made into one place. once i've posted the released ones i'll start showing somw work in progress and release some of my old ones!)

    Now for Athena's reskin of Milamber's Chaosknight. This was a personal skin for a member of |EFF|, an adaptation to Milamber's model with tribal patterns and glowing eyes... All the good stuff! When the JKGalaxies files were made publicly available and Pande made a topic about it, I had a look through them and found some cool looking female heads. We were initially going to go with a hair piece from it too, but it was very fiddly when it came to weighting and the appearance in-game with what's achievable via shaders, so Milamber worked with us and re-vamped the jedi_hf hairstyle to give a better looking ponytail and put it onto the JKG head.The three of us were always a good team! (just not on GTA, Mil sucks ?)
    Any issues with the ponytail are unavoidable due to the transparency, it's as good as it's going to get with shaders. Besides that there shouldn't be any issues with the skin, apart from it being 20mb for one option with team skins lol.. I might reduce the quality at some point to lower the filesize.
  14. Circa liked a post in a topic by Ruxith in Ruxith's Repository   
    Let's start things off with the Nautolan species skinpack I released the other day. Here we have the infamous Kit Fisto, with some skin variants - a sith version, a reskin by Omicron and an RGB version. Sounds, custom icons and shaders are included.
    The weights aren't perfect, unfortunately I haven't put any time into fixing them yet, but they work for now.
  15. Circa liked a post in a topic by Ruxith in Ruxith's Repository   
    About time I joined the bandwagon of topics where we post all our fancy mods, now that I've delved back into my Jedi Academy folders; a hole I didn't want to return to as it's a huge mess of files accumulated over the years ?
    Anything shared to download in this topic will be either what I've created over the years, or any ported models / "unreleased" files I have found from other creators, which I feel might be better shared than kept to myself (of course if I am asked to delete anything by them then I will be happy to do so for respect of them). Anything created by me will be dealt with as if it were an uploaded release on the Hub, with credits, promo pictures etc. If anyone gets missed in the credits please drop me a PM and I will add you to the files, I never want to claim anything is done by me that isn't. 
    All releases posted will be added to this post (the first one), and also provide a link to a folder containing everything released up to date once set up. Some files may be updated once released, and I'd love to collaborate with improving anything which gets posted/projects you may be working on! 
    It's worth noting that I don't expect people to ask permission to use or modify any of my creations, but please include me in your credits, be respectful to the original authors.
    Released files:
    Prequesite files:
    Species MENUS.str file
  16. Circa liked a post in a topic by Lancelot in Star Wars: The High Republic   
    I think you've already answered your question.
  17. Circa liked a post in a topic by minilogoguy18 in HUMANOID SKEL PLAYER: Kyle Katarn   
    Figured I'd give some update on this here, I tend to forget about ol JKHub, I did another restart on his face, 3rd times a charm.

    Making some hair for him right now, took a while to feel like I got the face right.
  18. Smoo liked a post in a topic by Circa in Halloween Contest 2020   
    I'm just adding to the existing thread this time, to not add too much clutter with 3 threads per contest, considering the current activity. This doesn't mean I don't think the winner deserves his own post! According to the poll voted on by you guys, the winner is...
    and his Nightsister Zombie.
    This is most impressive, considering Noodle's hard drive crashed earlier in the month and he had to essentially start from scratch on this with only a small amount of time left. Very nice job and I hope you continue to work on it as you find the time! I love when contest entries use existing Star Wars lore to fit the theme. Anyone that doesn't know about the Nightsister zombies should definitely watch the Clone Wars, or at the very least play Jedi: Fallen Order. Dathomir is safe to nobody!
    We used to hand out custom made signature images for winners, but we planned to have something more integrated in the forum software for these things, but that didn't happen in time for this contest. Just know what all past winners will receive theirs as that becomes available. I'm thinking it'll be some kind of badge on your profile that says what contest you won, but we'll see how it works out. For now you can put that image above on your "About me" section if you want!
    Very nice job to the other contestants, all entries were extremely well done! Hope y'all have a good and safe Halloween ?, and be on the lookout for the next contest! 
  19. Mandalorian liked a post in a topic by Circa in The Mandalorian   
    Okay, so first episode of Season 2 was extremely good. Spoilers:
    So excited for this season.
  20. Circa liked a post in a topic by OCD2 in Work in progress: New Republic Prison Ship from The Mandalorian   
    Height and width to scale for the main corridors / lanes and columns rebuilt to scale.   
    Most of the time I had available to update was spent calculating the scale and measuring the various distances and column pieces to rebuild.
    Column spacing still needs to be set to scale lengthwise.

  21. {JoF} Atlas liked a post in a topic by Circa in Halloween Contest 2020   
    I'm just adding to the existing thread this time, to not add too much clutter with 3 threads per contest, considering the current activity. This doesn't mean I don't think the winner deserves his own post! According to the poll voted on by you guys, the winner is...
    and his Nightsister Zombie.
    This is most impressive, considering Noodle's hard drive crashed earlier in the month and he had to essentially start from scratch on this with only a small amount of time left. Very nice job and I hope you continue to work on it as you find the time! I love when contest entries use existing Star Wars lore to fit the theme. Anyone that doesn't know about the Nightsister zombies should definitely watch the Clone Wars, or at the very least play Jedi: Fallen Order. Dathomir is safe to nobody!
    We used to hand out custom made signature images for winners, but we planned to have something more integrated in the forum software for these things, but that didn't happen in time for this contest. Just know what all past winners will receive theirs as that becomes available. I'm thinking it'll be some kind of badge on your profile that says what contest you won, but we'll see how it works out. For now you can put that image above on your "About me" section if you want!
    Very nice job to the other contestants, all entries were extremely well done! Hope y'all have a good and safe Halloween ?, and be on the lookout for the next contest! 
  22. Kitsu-NeshKaa liked a post in a topic by Circa in Halloween Contest 2020 Poll   
    The time has come! Voting for your favorite spooky mod starts now. I'm a little surprised we only got 4 submissions, considering the amount of requests I got from people to do this contest. If y'all don't participate, contests are a lot less likely to happen.
    Luckily we got a nice variety of types of mods. I highly recommend downloading them and trying them out before making your decision. I know most won't do that, so if any authors of these mods want to update their mod page with more screenshots/gifs/video, feel free to do so.
    The contestants are:
  23. z3filus liked a post in a topic by Circa in Halloween Contest 2020   
    I'm just adding to the existing thread this time, to not add too much clutter with 3 threads per contest, considering the current activity. This doesn't mean I don't think the winner deserves his own post! According to the poll voted on by you guys, the winner is...
    and his Nightsister Zombie.
    This is most impressive, considering Noodle's hard drive crashed earlier in the month and he had to essentially start from scratch on this with only a small amount of time left. Very nice job and I hope you continue to work on it as you find the time! I love when contest entries use existing Star Wars lore to fit the theme. Anyone that doesn't know about the Nightsister zombies should definitely watch the Clone Wars, or at the very least play Jedi: Fallen Order. Dathomir is safe to nobody!
    We used to hand out custom made signature images for winners, but we planned to have something more integrated in the forum software for these things, but that didn't happen in time for this contest. Just know what all past winners will receive theirs as that becomes available. I'm thinking it'll be some kind of badge on your profile that says what contest you won, but we'll see how it works out. For now you can put that image above on your "About me" section if you want!
    Very nice job to the other contestants, all entries were extremely well done! Hope y'all have a good and safe Halloween ?, and be on the lookout for the next contest! 
  24. OCD2 liked a post in a topic by Circa in The Mandalorian   
    Okay, so first episode of Season 2 was extremely good. Spoilers:
    So excited for this season.
  25. MagSul liked a post in a topic by Circa in Halloween Contest 2020   
    I'm just adding to the existing thread this time, to not add too much clutter with 3 threads per contest, considering the current activity. This doesn't mean I don't think the winner deserves his own post! According to the poll voted on by you guys, the winner is...
    and his Nightsister Zombie.
    This is most impressive, considering Noodle's hard drive crashed earlier in the month and he had to essentially start from scratch on this with only a small amount of time left. Very nice job and I hope you continue to work on it as you find the time! I love when contest entries use existing Star Wars lore to fit the theme. Anyone that doesn't know about the Nightsister zombies should definitely watch the Clone Wars, or at the very least play Jedi: Fallen Order. Dathomir is safe to nobody!
    We used to hand out custom made signature images for winners, but we planned to have something more integrated in the forum software for these things, but that didn't happen in time for this contest. Just know what all past winners will receive theirs as that becomes available. I'm thinking it'll be some kind of badge on your profile that says what contest you won, but we'll see how it works out. For now you can put that image above on your "About me" section if you want!
    Very nice job to the other contestants, all entries were extremely well done! Hope y'all have a good and safe Halloween ?, and be on the lookout for the next contest! 
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