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Progress Report: April 2021

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April showers bring May flowers. April development gives you....a progress report in May. Idk.


This month, there has been significant progress made on our 6 new Force Powers. Below is an overall completion status:

- Force Stasis: 100% working and functional, integrated in the Jedi Outcast campaign and ready for deployment

- Force Destruction: 100% working and functional, integrated in the Jedi Outcast campaign and ready for deployment

- Force Fear: 100% working and functional, datapad description needed to be written

- Force Grasp: 100% working and functional, ready for deployment

- Force Blast: 100% working and functional, needs proper effects and stat tweaking

- Lightning Strike: In Progress



Like all other force powers currently in the game, the new force powers can be leveled up to be much stronger as you grow in strength with the Force. Below are the current force power levels and their overall descriptions. Please keep in mind that these power levels are subject to change pending beta tester feedback and are not final:


Level 1: Freeze your target in place for 5 seconds. Common Jedi and Sith have a 5% chance of being affected, while powerful Jedi and Sith are near-immune

Level 2: Enemy is frozen in place for 10 seconds. Common Jedi and Sith have a 50% chance of being affected. Powerful Jedi and Sith have a 5% chance of being affected.

Level 3: Enemy is frozen in place for 15 seconds. Common Jedi and Sith will be affected. Powerful Jedi and Sith have a 10% chance of being affected.

Other Details: Stasis can be used on as many targets as you want, but can only cast it on a single enemy. You, as the player, will only have a 33% chance of being affected by the power at any given time.


Level 1: 20hp of damage to an enemy and those within its blast radius

Level 2: 40hp of damage to an enemy and those within its blast radius

Level 3: 60hp of damage to an enemy and those within its blast radius

Other Details: While functionally identical to Force Destruction, blast causes significantly less damage, but will move faster and cost less to cast. Damage may be scaled back further.


Force Grasp directly mirrors the power levels of Force Grip, only that it will not cause damage and costs significantly less force to use.


Level 1: 50 hp of damage on a direct hit, less to surrounding enemies

Level 2: 100hp of damage on a direct hit, less to surrounding enemies

Level 3: 150hp of damage on a direct hit, less to surrounding enemies

Other Details: Enemies killed by this power have a 33% chance of being vaporized.


Level 1: 50% chance to affect most enemies, all Jedi and Sith are immune.

Level 2: Most enemies will be affected, common Force users have a 5% chance of being affected. Powerful force sensitives have a 1% chance of being affected.

Level 3: Most enemies will be affected, common Force users have a 50% chance of being affected. Powerful force users have a 5% chance of being affected.

Other Details: Force Fear will cause enemies to lash out against anyone, be it their allies, enemies, or even you.



Q: Will these force powers be available in the campaigns
A: As of right now, Force Stasis and Force Destruction will be unlocked naturally during Jedi Outcast's campaign. The powers are also programmed to appear in Jedi Academy, but a menu has not been made at this time.

Q: What is the point of Force Grasp if I already have Force Grip?
A: We're fully aware Grip will be the more popular Force Power. Grasp is intended to allow players to use a more "Jedi-like" version of the power either for more options in combat while playing as a Jedi or for roleplaying.

Q: Force Destruction's damage is so high, won't NPC's with destruction be super OP now?
A: Force Destruction's damage is incredibly high for the player's use (also justifying the extremely high force cost of 70), NPC's who use it, the damage will be scaled back significantly depending on your game's difficulty setting, ranging from 10hp to 30hp of damage.

Q: Isn't Force Fear just level 3 mind trick?
A: In a way, yes, but your victim will lash out against anyone, be it their allies, enemies, or even you. While it may provide you with an advantage in combat against multiple enemies, the victim may still target you given the power's overall unpredictable nature (to simulate actual insanity/fear). In a one-on-one fight, the power will be virtually useless.

Q: How many enemies can I affect with Force Stasis?
A: The power will affect one target at a time, but you can affect virtually as many enemies as you want.

Q: What about Force Judgment?
A: That's just Force Lightning but recolored #ChangeMyMind

Q: Can NPCs use these powers against you?
A: NPCs will be able to use most powers, NPC's however will not use Force Fear against you, but can use it on other NPCs.

Q: How much of a threat is Force Stasis to me as a player?
A: Force Stasis can very much be used against you, however you only have a 33% chance of being affected at any given time.

Q: You said before that Force Fear would make the victim commit suicide, what changed?
A: To prevent the power from being OP and to avoid controversy among those who work toward Suicide Prevention.


May 4th is rapidly approaching, and you may be looking for some exciting news or even a new update from us. The truth is that we do have something planned for May 4th, a small gift from me to all of you as a show of thanks.

While this gift is currently in progress, it is highly unlikely that it will release on May 4th, and I will work to have it released as quickly as possible.


After the last force power is added, work will be done on debuffing Force Absorb. Once that is done, work will be underway on a full Father vs. Son remaster with 8 extended endings as well as some new weapons, which I'm very much looking forward to bringing all of you.

We also have some updates to some characters currently in the mod, Ben Solo will be fixed with his saber bug, and the others are currently being reviewed. The Bad Batch are being given full overhauls to look more realistic instead of their current TCW-style appearances.

Thank you for following the development of Star Wars: Galactic Legacy, and may the Force be with you.

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