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Everything posted by Circa

  1. Circa

    Secret Santa 2016

    A LUMP OF COAL FOR YOU, SIR. On that note, Secret Santas have been assigned! Good luck to those creating gifts. Remember to get them in to the Secret Santa account by December 23rd. Just reply to that PM. Try to keep who you have and what you're making a secret! If you want more info from the person you're making it for, PM Santa and he will ask for you.
  2. Secret Santas have been assigned! Good luck!

    1. Bek







      You know your assignments, good luck.

    2. swegmaster


      Okay we got the penguins, now wheres Delta Squad?

  3. Any last second entries for Secret Santa?

    1. Ramikad


      Han will have that shield down, we've gotta give him more time!

  4. If you're a modder but haven't signed up for secret santa, do so by tonight! See the latest news post.

  5. But he is working on the project again. And his Kyle was nearly done.
  6. If @@DT85 gets around to finishing his: https://jkhub.org/topic/2555-character-kyle-katarn/page-5
  7. Circa

    Secret Santa 2016

    JKHub is already a service for the JK community, by the community.
  8. That's exactly what they've done. They refer to the EU as "Legends" which is basically the equivalent of "myth" - plus what Noodle said above, they're myths until they're stated as truth. I also agree with what eez said. I've read a decent portion of the EU growing up. Though there are some gold stories in there, there's some insane stuff that happens. No quality control was done, and everyone assumed if it was in writing, then it was canon. It was a mess. They're not saying "oh pretend the EU doesn't exist" - they're just saying that none of it is "official" until they say so. Also, stop blaming Disney for this decision. It was Lucasfilm's decision. They have a group dedicated to determining canon. Not Disney. ----------- Anyway, I'm pumped for Rogue One. Tickets are up for sale!
  9. Nice. I look forward to tinkering with it.
  10. Circa

    Secret Santa 2016

    No. This isnt the thread to ask such a question anyhow.
  11. Circa

    Secret Santa 2016

    Well i think the mindset for everyone should not be "what can someone make or not make for me" but rather "what can i make for others?" Thats kinda the whole point of this event, is to just have fun with it and not request things you'd normally put in the request section. You dont have to make a list, but instead wait to see what someone comes up with for you.
  12. Circa

    Secret Santa 2016

    It's that time of year again! The holidays! Every year we try to put on some kind of event related to Christmas, since that's the majority of what people celebrate around here. If you celebrate something else, you can still get into the spirit of giving by participating in this year's holiday event! Secret Santa is back! We've done a Secret Santa event in the past (maybe a couple times?) and it went well, so we're trying it again this year! If you're unfamiliar with how Secret Santa works, basically you get the name of a person participating and you must create a mod or graphic of some kind for that person. They can choose to provide a list of items they want, and you can choose to make something from that list or not. Some more details below. The rulesYou must be a registered member.You must be able to create a mod in JKA or JK2 of some kind or a graphic (signature, wallpaper, etc), even if it's something really simple.You must sign up, by sending a PM to the Secret Santa account, saying you're participating and/or a list of what you want.You must have the time and motivation to complete your gift on time.You must sign up by December 1st.You will receive a PM from that same account containing the person and their list, on December 2nd.You will have until December 23rd to submit your gifts to the Secret Santa account via PM, once again.You will receive your gift on Christmas Day, December 25th.What should you ask for? It's better to make a list of simple things that people can make, not things that you've been spamming the requests forum with. If you put "make me JK4" or "i just want rend2" obviously that won't happen. Here are some examples:a forum avatar or signaturea mod of Rosh saying everything backwardsa JKA-related wallpapera giant toothbrush saber modela mod that replaces the chat icon with a Christmas wreatha simple code modWhat should you NOT ask for?JK4 (seriously people...)rend2a new playermodel of some charactera huge map (small maps might be okay, depends)some kind of mod that involves heavy codinga mod that makes "Circa" replace every mention of "Rosh"Bottom line: don't ask for something that would take months or years to make. If you don't have time to make something elaborate, your secret santa won't either. If you fail to make your gift, you force the staff to scrounge up something last-minute, which isn't cool, so please make sure to make something. Also, no physical or monetary gifts or address exchanging for this. Mods and graphics only. And again: you can only participate if you can create a gift too. If you can't you will be denied entry into the Santa zone. That should cover it, so if you're up for it, sign up and get your list in! Click here to view the article
  13. Circa

    Secret Santa 2016

    It's that time of year again! The holidays! Every year we try to put on some kind of event related to Christmas, since that's the majority of what people celebrate around here. If you celebrate something else, you can still get into the spirit of giving by participating in this year's holiday event! Secret Santa is back! We've done a Secret Santa event in the past (maybe a couple times?) and it went well, so we're trying it again this year! If you're unfamiliar with how Secret Santa works, basically you get the name of a person participating and you must create a mod or graphic of some kind for that person. They can choose to provide a list of items they want, and you can choose to make something from that list or not. Some more details below. The rules You must be a registered member. You must be able to create a mod in JKA or JK2 of some kind or a graphic (signature, wallpaper, etc), even if it's something really simple. You must sign up, by sending a PM to the Secret Santa account, saying you're participating and/or a list of what you want. You must have the time and motivation to complete your gift on time. You must sign up by December 1st. You will receive a PM from that same account containing the person and their list, on December 2nd. You will have until December 23rd to submit your gifts to the Secret Santa account via PM, once again. You will receive your gift on Christmas Day, December 25th. What should you ask for? It's better to make a list of simple things that people can make, not things that you've been spamming the requests forum with. If you put "make me JK4" or "i just want rend2" obviously that won't happen. Here are some examples: a forum avatar or signature a mod of Rosh saying everything backwards a JKA-related wallpaper a giant toothbrush saber model a mod that replaces the chat icon with a Christmas wreath a simple code mod What should you NOT ask for? JK4 (seriously people...) rend2 a new playermodel of some character a huge map (small maps might be okay, depends) some kind of mod that involves heavy coding a mod that makes "Circa" replace every mention of "Rosh" Bottom line: don't ask for something that would take months or years to make. If you don't have time to make something elaborate, your secret santa won't either. If you fail to make your gift, you force the staff to scrounge up something last-minute, which isn't cool, so please make sure to make something. Also, no physical or monetary gifts or address exchanging for this. Mods and graphics only. And again: you can only participate if you can create a gift too. If you can't you will be denied entry into the Santa zone. That should cover it, so if you're up for it, sign up and get your list in!
  14. Try the RPmod animations: http://circa.im/files/jka/RPMod_Animations.pk3
  15. ^ this I've been wanting it fixed in OpenJK to allow those stances/anims to not be split, but I dont think my request was deemed worthy of fixing. Hopefully it'll be fixed in JKE but who knows.
  16. If you think Daisy Ridley or Felicity Jones are bad actresses, you clearly have some other crazy weird reason for thinking so, other than their acting. They are both great. And if you have that opinion simply because they are women, I feel really bad for you and how you were raised.
  17. Read this tutorial: https://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/8-installing-a-mod/
  18. Good lord. If anyone knows the tiniest details about Stormtrooper and Clone troopers from each film, its Barricade.
  19. The JKA demo is just a mission or two from the game, so you'll just be playing things twice. You'd be okay to skip it, imo.
  20. Hey! Good to see you around here. Here's what I suggest, in order. Play through Jedi Outcast SP without any mods or cheatsPlay through Jedi Academy SP without any mods or cheatsCheck out our file section for mods (there are a ton - more than KOTOR)Mess around with all those mods and cheats in SP, it can be super fun and addicting sometimes. I spent most of my JKA career playing JKA SP, both playing with mods and making themVenture into JK2 MP and play it a bit, in both Saber-only servers and all weapon servers, if possibleVenture into JKA MP and play it a bit, doing the sameDecide which game's MP you like betterIf you like MP enough, join a clan or get someone to start teaching you the basics of sabering, if you're into thatFeel free to PM me or add me on Discord if you want help any of the above steps.
  21. Because the file is 8 GB and let me quote a wise figure of our time by saying: But really, I just started the download, so it'll take a while to download and then approve. I'm assuming you have a ton of content you didn't create, so we'll need to verify you have everything credited and such.
  22. The buildbot is probably down again, it happens often. There's definitely no bias towards Linux. If you have a semi-recent build of OpenJK, you're probably fine by not updating right away. There hasn't been too much going on, as far as I know. (i'm not a dev, just a user) Not sure who's in charge of the buildbot though. @@Xycaleth @@ensiform @@Raz0r may know
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