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Everything posted by Circa

  1. I'm usually not a fan of climbing maps, but the quality and atmosphere of this one is great. Good job Art!
  2. o.0 How else would you compare them, without comparing visuals? How would you propose it be tested, then?
  3. Not saying they don't mostly work but some animations don't work properly.
  4. JK2 models in JKA don't have the left hand tag. Just try using dual sabers with a JK2 model in JKA, and you'll see. Especially if you do that obnoxious kata.
  5. Well I opened all the vanilla sabers in Blender to check out the postitions. Seems like they are pretty inconsistent themselves. The katarn saber is drastically shorter than the rest of them, which explains why custom ones appear shorter, even if you don't have the saber in your base. I figured the default was 40 since all the vanilla hilts were 40. Staff lengths are definitely shorter, yeah. In their .sab files it says 32. A possible solution would be to hardcode a length somehow starting from the playermodel's r_hand tag? Or a skeleton bone. That way it would be the same for anyone, no matter the hilt being used. As in, make the damaging portion be the same, and the cosmetic blade be separate. So you could have a length of 10 but still get the reach of 40, or a length of 80 and still have the length of 40. Otherwise the tag/position issue is going to always be a problem. Or change how the playermodel holds the hilt model. Instead of using the origin of the model, have it hold the model a certain amount of units below the blade tag. Not sure if that would be a thing you could do server-side or not. And before someone comes saying "Just use the vanilla models if you care so much!" - we do exactly that. I switch to a vanilla model when I'm dueling, but its nice to use my own saber model that I made. I'm sure others would agree.
  6. This happens with any custom saber, no matter the setting in the .sab file. The one pictured above is set to 40. I even tested the vanilla Luke saber, since it's not available in MP by default. I set the "notInMP" to 0 to test it. Still shorter as well. Might be the tags, I can test. It will be a pain to go through all the custom sabers used on my server to adjust the tags to match the vanilla ones, but I'll see if that's the issue. If that's the case, how would this mod I made affect things: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2201-fixed-saber-hilts/ I only have these in my base folder, not on the server. They don't seem to affect anything. I made that mod because the tag where the player holds the hilt is at the bottom, which is completely unnatural.
  7. Try this: http://circa.im/files/jka/km_BH_MP.zip
  8. Well, I can make it work with MP, but keep in mind that the bots will also be using those animations with normal sabers. There's no way around that issue.
  9. So anyone that has played JKA MP and used mods has noticed that when you use a custom saber model, that's on the server and in your base folder, the blade length is shorter than using a vanilla saber. It's slight, but it can make a difference and give you a disadvantage. For awhile I just assumed it was cosmetically shorter but perhaps was hardcoded to all be the same length, no matter what, to avoid such disadvantages. But further testing has shown that's not the case. Is this fixable server-side? The length of all sabers should be 40, as shown in the .sab files. Here is a screenshot showing the difference. Its not the perfect comparison due to not the exact same angle, but in-game you can see it a lot better. vanilla saber: (single_9) Custom saber hilt: I could make a video if it's needed, but maybe you guys already are aware of this? Edit: to be clear, this is an issue with JKA, vanilla and OpenJK. Not specific to either. Its something I think should be fixed in OpenJK.
  10. this one? https://jkhub.org/files/file/1641-%7B%3F%7D/
  11. A SP animation mod should work for MP depending on how it is implemented. If its only available for a certain NPC, you just have to rename the .gla and animations cfg to _humanoid.gla and animations.cfg.
  12. I played it as a kid but I was never a fan of it. I preferred the TPM game and Jedi Power Battles, though those were for PS1.
  13. Yes, that will definitely be a thing, probably out of the box with JKH 2.0. I had tried doing that here a few years ago but this custom theme is so custom I was terrified to do too much. Internet Explorer won't be supported. If you're still using that ancient browser, stop. Making a site responsive can be tedious but it's worth it in the end. 80% of my personal browsing on here is from mobile. I want it to be a thing more than anyone else, I'm sure.
  14. This is amazing. Everything you do is such great quality. Love it!
  15. Running as admin? Maybe even run in compatibility mode as Windows 7 or XP.
  16. Well first of all, MB2 is just Jedi Academy. There's nothing special about the models for that mod. Second, you can find hundreds of tutorials on modeling characters in 3ds Max on the internet. The only things relevant to putting them into JKA will be after you finish making the actual model. You only need to worry about that when you get to that point.
  17. Topic moved to Jedi Knight Discussion forum.
  18. .warnbox { background: #e3f6e5 url( images/icons/exclamation.png ) no-repeat 9px 10px; border: 1px solid #b4e3b9; color: #475949; } Topic moved to Mod Requests forum. Moved because you're asking for someone to do most of the work, from the sounds of it. If you're actually wanting to learn to model, you'll need to start looking for tutorials in both our tutorial section and on YouTube for modeling in general for the program of your choice.
  19. I approved your edit literally an hour after you submitted it...
  20. Make sure you're pointing it to the base folder, in the Ghoul2 properties when trying to import the glm. Should be in the bottom left after you select that you want to import a .glm file.
  21. Yeah, I had looked at that bottom one you linked, but it's Windows only, and my server is Linux. Definitely a good option if you are running a Windows server though.
  22. My clan does an instagib event every month or two, which is open to anyone that wishes to join. I could post here next time we do one. We switch to the Instagib IV mod, which only supports disruptors and CTF mode. Would love to have someone make a simple mod like that but also includes options for any weapon and gametype of choice, like I think other mods like jaPro do. I'd rather not mess with big mods like ja+ and japro when I only want this one feature for one event.
  23. Done. Let me know if it needs changed. Definitely make a pinned topic explaining what info and requirements people need to apply.
  24. I'd be up for creating a little mini website for the project too that maybe shows some cool images and videos and links to certain things like this forum, etc. That's something I offered to do for OpenJK, which they desperately need to this day.
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