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Everything posted by Circa

  1. For anyone with this issue looking at this in the future, make sure the base path is the same as where you are importing from on the left hand side of the window. Otherwise it won't find the gla files. The plugin doesn't usually find it itself, you'll have to enter it manually every time. For example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Jedi Academy\GameData\base
  2. As an avid Mac user for professional and personal uses, I recommend anyone with a Mac to put in the effort to either run Windows 10 via Bootcamp (dual-booting to run both macOS and Windows), or invest in a decent PC build for your gaming purposes. This of course relates to beyond Jedi Academy, but if that's literally the only game you play and ever plan on playing, you can build a PC to run it extremely cheap. Here's a good starting point for building your PC (although I'd go with an i5 instead of an i3 minimum in 2020). Just my two cents. Sad to see support go though, and hopefully your team member returns.
  3. What are the instructions? I don't have KOTF and can't now that I'm on 10.15 Catalina, but if KOTF installs similar to OpenJK then I may be able to assist if I see what the instructions are.
  4. All models you download or just specific ones?
  5. Topic moved to Modding Assistance. Please post modding questions in the modding forum in the future. ?
  6. 27 pages later, I wouldn't mind you guys having a Mod Project Forum. PM me if you do.
  7. Then go play those games. That's such a shitty way of looking at games, to be honest. Every game that has ever existed has borrowed from past games, inspired by what other developers have done. By your logic, you should only be playing the games that did those specific things first. It's like saying any FPS game made after Doom shouldn't be bothered with. The exploration of this game was the best part about it to me. We've never had a Star Wars game with those elements before, and it was the core part of the whole plot: exploring to find answers.
  8. It should work fine. What doesn't work about it?
  9. Sounds like you're trying to force the game to be something it's not. Play it on a difficulty that you will enjoy, don't compare it to other games so much. All of those sections you listed are elements seen in so many games over the history of gaming, and they were great in this game too. Not sure what you want me to say about them, they are pretty standard for action adventure games.
  10. You can lower the difficulty at any time. If you choose to put yourself through a frustrating experience, that's on you. Not sure what sections you're referring to.
  11. Welcome! Always be careful not to edit your game files themselves, but create new ones in PK3 files to override the game files. Any mod you download here will give you examples. Best advice I can give to new modders is find a mod here that does something similar to what you want to do and look at how they did it and learn from it. That's how I learned how to do 80% of what I know. Then of course don't hesitate to post new topics in the Modding Assistance forum.
  12. I suppose I'll give a little review of it. Overall I really liked it. I generally hate games with dodge/roll combat and enemies with giant health bars, but I played it on the lowest difficulty and it wasn't bad at all. A lot of the bosses were still difficult but not to the point where I was having a bad time like if I were playing Dark Souls. The story is pretty good. You basically go on an investigation adventure, which is always a good time to me. It had a lot of little easter eggs here and there about the overarching story of the Empire but it did really well at keeping out of the trilogy storyline. That's one thing that really drives me crazy with a lot of Star Wars content, they try too hard to relate it back to Luke's story in the films and ends up being too close to those events. A big example of that is The Force Unleashed, which this game is already compared to in a lot of ways. I'm glad Fallen Order didn't really have that problem. My main problem will have spoilers: The character development and writing was really well done. Each character is really unique and I didn't hate anyone really. Greez was a great character who grows to care for his crew. Seeing Dathomir was epic. A planet we've never seen in a game before and felt just like it did from Clone Wars. Seeing Ilum and the crystal cave was really cool (plus that really cool easter egg that I'll mention later). Kashyyyk and the Shadowlands returning from KOTOR was awesome (they even made Tach monkeys canon!), though the Wookiee models were pretty bad looking, graphically. The new planets were really cool and felt like they definitely belong in Star Wars. Combat was fine. Like I said, not a fan of that style of combat system because it gets really boring after awhile and doesn't feel immersive. However I think they did it well enough to make it enjoyable and not stale. My main complaint of the mechanics is that it would delay between dodging and attacking sometimes, which made it hard to react quickly. I found myself yelling at Cal to ATTACK after dodging but he wouldn't do it fast enough. The force powers were perfect, in my opinion. Nothing was overpowered or made you feel like a god. It was extremely grounded in what we see in the films and was relative to what a Padawan could probably re-learn and learn in a matter of months. I think the craziest one was the repulse ability and even that was very simple compared to the TFU repulse. My favorite easter eggs were ones that related to the Clone Wars and prequel era. The crashed Venator on Zeffo was one of the coolest parts of the game, especially if you hunted for all of the collectibles. You find out what happened to the Jedi general and Padawan on that ship when Order 66 was executed. The force echoes are a really cool feature in the game, and they shine in this ship wreck. The best easter egg though, by far, I'll say in a spoiler tag: The big question a lot of people have, especially in this community, is whether or not Jedi Fallen Order compared to Jedi Outcast or Academy or even The Force Unleashed. My answer is mostly a dismissal of the question entirely. It's a completely different genre of game. It's much more similar to The Force Unleashed overall, but still very different. I played the new God of War a few months before playing this game, and that's essentially what this is: a Star Wars God of War. Nearly every mechanic and design choice is the same, save for one: the meditation save points, which are straight from Dark Souls (and probably the worst and outdated feature, in my opinion). I know a lot of you are strictly PC players, so you haven't played God of War, but if you ever get a chance (and you should, it's stellar), you'll definitely see where they drew inspiration from. This game shouldn't be compared to Jedi Academy, at all, if we're being fair, outside of lore. There's no doubt that Jedi Academy has the best lightsaber combat mechanics to this day, but this game didn't even attempt to copy it, and I think that's good for what they went for in the end. I'd rather have any future Star Wars game that attempts to copy Jedi Academy actually be a Jedi Knight sequel or remake, rather than a new series. That's what makes the JK series so special.
  13. Did this start happening recently? Are you sure you're in singleplayer and not multiplayer? There are different commands for MP.
  14. I love it when Noodle noodles around. This thread is a hidden gem. Hopefully people start contributing again as well!
  15. What versions of Radiant have you tried? Does the most recent one have the issue? I think the most recent one is 1.6.6.
    The blue looks a bit too saturated compared to the reference, but still good job.
    Well damn. Looks really good. Might have to do a quick SP playthrough with this soon.
  16. Plenty of mods add support for custom resolution, but if you want just a replacement for jasp.exe, just get OpenJK. However, most of that stuff in your autoexec don't need to be there, because they will save in your jaconfig.cfg just fine. Or should. Only one that won't is helpusobi 1. My recommendation is to switch to using OpenJK. Also make sure you run either base JKA or OpenJK or any other version as administrator.
    Looks cool! A brighter screenshot would be nice though. ?
  17. Are there specific tutorials you know are outdated? Some of those tutorials were made by people that are still around and could update them if needed.
  18. The drama in this thread was extremely mild, but I figured I'd step in and clean it up a bit to avoid any further derailing and name calling. Omega canceled his project, it sucks, but his decision. @Omega If you plan to actually abandon the project and need me to close this thread, let me know. Otherwise, let's just accept the outcome and move on. We also all need to be respectful to people creating mods. Just because something isn't completed soon enough for you doesn't give you the right to bash them or literally demand for it to be finished. Everyone has a life outside of this game, all mod creators create for free in their free time as a hobby and for their own reasons. Nobody owes anybody anything in this community. If something you were looking forward to isn't completed or released, move on. That's been the process since 2003, and happens less nowadays than it used to. Let's all be nice to each other.
  19. Because anyone can come back years later and say they didn't give permission. Just because contact was attempted to an old email address from 2003 doesn't technically give us the right to host their content. We've only had people complain a handful of times, and of course we respect their wishes by removing content if they request it. But it's still a grey area. Artists have the right to defend their works, even in modding communities. That's just my personal take though, obviously our rules are there for best intentions.
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