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Everything posted by Circa

  1. Those changes/additions don't seem drastic enough to even be considered as a whole new game, in my opinion.
  2. 'Twas also linked by therfiles above.
  3. Wow. If I had known about that tool a few months ago. I did it the hard way and replaced every letter in photoshop in the base png. Searching "font" doesn't bring that up because it doesn't have the singular word font anywhere. I just updated that so it should show up now. That would have been nice.
  4. [sharedmedia=downloads:files:1492]https://jkhub.org/files/file/1492-softimage-jedi-academy-character-skeleton/ The number is in the file's URL. Although if it's your own file you can just go to "My Media" and go to files in the post box.
  5. I actually had started making a new one but I made it too light so I will have to start over. To answer your question, I don't know of any standalone mods that do it yet.
  6. You won't get many responses (or any) without explaining the mod more. Especially for someone not known around here very well.
  7. I love the shorts! I need to stop...
  8. Well, ported models are illegal and won't be hosted on this site. Hence my request for an original model. There would be ample opportunity to improve the KOTOR model that way anyways if it was done.
  9. Circa


    Welcome to JKHub!
  10. Which year of 3ds Max should I download?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Circa


      I still don't have an answer. :P I just did 2014.

    3. Tempust85


      If you're wanting to still export out character models or animation for JKA, Max 2011 is the last supported version. I plan on trying to get archangel's plugin to work with 2014, but the changes to the Max SDK are fairly drastic.

    4. Circa


      Alright I'll see if I can get 2011 too and if you get the plugin for 2014 working then I'll go to that.

  11. Circa

    Corran Horn

    This reskin is based off of other pictures.
  12. [sharedmedia=tutorials:tutorials:43] [sharedmedia=tutorials:tutorials:39] Take your pick.
  13. Good point. Though I would love to see an excellent and accurate Darth Revan model still. The current one isn't very good. And I saw you had an interest in making one.
  14. Exactly. But I think it could have been better if it had online multiplayer like JA. Imagine if JA didn't have MP. It would have been one of the worst rated games ever made probably. I would still love it, not because of the story, but the gameplay. But most people like this game for the MP.
  15. More hilt makers are welcome to contribute. Whomever made those hilts for the White Elephant, we'd love to have you submit those and make more for this!
  16. Yes, it's mostly cosmetic. It won't interfere with yours at all. I might release a beta version separate of the Gold Pack soon so I can get more feedback.
  17. I doubt it will have any saber fighting at all. If they do, they'd be smart to keep it at a minimum. Most people hated the inclusion of Jedi and Sith. It left the game a bit unbalanced, even if it made it feel accurate with the Star Wars battling atmosphere. I think JA will be just fine. We were worried TFU would steal the community, but it didn't at all. It's when a Jedi/saber based game revolved around online multiplayer (a new JK) comes, that's when the community might suffer. And especially if it's moddable.
  18. He means pictures of him. Like above.
  19. Agreed. Even though this part of Bespin is the Cloud City streets, I feel like the color scheme is puke-worthy. One of my gripes for JK2.
  20. Well it all depends if Battlefront will be all that moddable. Most games these days aren't. It's being made by DICE, so I'm kind of assuming it won't. Plus, JA has the most unique gaming style of the Star Wars games, with the best saber system. This motivates a lot of people (including myself) to stick around and keep modding for it.
  21. Yeah, just think of all the prequel related mods made during the "glory years". They were the most made mods, and also the most loved/appreciated/downloaded ones. Especially the Hapslash models and @'s map packs. I'm excited to see some new movie content flow through here. Maybe we'll even get some old modders to return just to make movie related mods.
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