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Everything posted by Circa

  1. Oh. My. This is sick. Nice job!
  2. I voted for 4 actually.
  3. All you 6 haterz are getting beat. Step it up.
  4. It would be great to have these models, I agree, but posting it over and over won't help. It's very unlikely that anyone will take this up, as it would require a lot of work.
  5. I was wondering where I had heard the music from. Makes sense now.
  6. That would defeat the purpose of this wouldn't it? Plus it's not possible to do that currently.
  7. @@ChalklYne do you want the repulse sound to have the "charging" sound mixed in? So it would be the charge, then the repulse in one MP3. Not sure how you were implementing the repulse.
  8. I do hope people realize that this is the one we are discussing. Not Gir's or Pande's.
  9. I'm surprised too, with all the hate that it's been getting. Odd.
  10. Funny story: when I first played both JK2 and JKA, I didn't even know about the Quick Save feature. I went through them both a couple times with only checkpoints. It sucked. Once I figured out how to quick save, I felt really stupid, but also felt accomplished.
  11. Was in the first post.
  12. I think it looks great on that map, which is what it was made for. Unfortunately it's also used by the Tatooine maps, which doesn't look as good.
  13. The things that people spend money on. Crazy. This sounds cool, nevertheless.
  14. Feel free to ask any questions though. And you can also take advantage of the link that eezstreet posted as well.
  15. He means the wiki. You can add your own pages to the wiki. You just need to set the page to the Active Clans category.
  16. Yeah, I realized afterwards that the green I used for the side stuff was a little too bright compared to the bottom. I can't really change the bottom easily because those numbers are used for other things in the game I believe. I could be wrong though. I'll keep working on the edges. They look worse than they are with that darn TGA. For some reason the battery changed on it's own. Not sure what happened there. The artificial glass texture isn't in mine for some reason. I made the foreground black because of the movie version, but also I felt like it needed a less prominent feel since it's the least important part of the binoculars. I could give it a subtle black texture though. I'll mess around with it. The rounded rectangles are actually there, you just can't seem very well in that image. You can faintly see the bottom right and left corners of them. They are the same as the original texture though. My PNG version will have new ones.
  17. I'm in the process of recreated a few of the base textures for this mod. Both recreating and improving in different areas. First up is the binoculars. They look awful in JK2, especially on larger screens, due to stretching those tiny textures. @@eezstreet wanted them to be more kin to the movie as well, so I used that as a big reference. My main goal however, was to get rid of that ugly foreground texture. This is obviously a WIP. Still some work to be done. Original: Movie Reference: Mine: I also will need to figure out how to use OpenJK JK2 mode to test my PNG version. JK2 doesn't support PNG format like JKA does, so I had to suffer through getting a TGA version working. So this one has a few odd looking edges that won't be there for sure already.
  18. Whoa, 7 took off! Interesting.
  19. Excellent job on these!
  20. That video was posted here not that long ago I believe. It's all very subjective.
  21. Any mod forum leaders not want others to be able to start topics in yours?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Circa


      Okay. By the way, I have your forum set up with the sections you requested. What threads would you like moved into them? We can discuss on Steam later if you'd like.

    3. eezstreet


      Just the JK2:HD one.

    4. Tempust85


      I'd like a special power to rename a topic someone else creates in DF2 Mod incase it's not named correctly

  22. I wasn't aware that ROQ was lossless. Probably because all the ROQ videos I've seen are horrible looking.
  23. Slightly off topic, but why not support MP4/MOV files instead? That's what most modern games use. Have I missed the reason, as I know it's been discussed before.
  24. I'm going to look into that.
  25. A recoil effect? That would be nice.
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