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Everything posted by Circa

  1. Haven't we discussed this before in another thread? I tried to make it work in SP but I couldn't quite get it to work.
  2. I thought it looked cool back in the day and didn't expect it to be released or finished. It released during my hiatus so when I returned, it had already been exposed for what it is. It would be been a great mod if he went about it correctly.
  3. Welcome to JKHub! Sounds like a really cool idea!
  4. Poll is now closed. Picture number 4 is the winner! We will get it set up soon. Thanks for participating.
  5. Straight from IPB: http://community.invisionpower.com/topic/395822-notify-about-new-comment-in-own-files/ Not possible in the current version, but I guess they might be adding it in 4.0. It's unclear whether or not we will be upgrading to 4.0 when it releases, however. Just go through and follow all your files. That's what I do.
  6. You can follow your files, and then you'll get a notification. You might need to set your preferences to give you those notifications though.
  7. Poll will end at 11:59 PM EST.
  8. Not a video, but is pretty dang interesting. https://twitter.com/HistoryInPics/status/427563603164950528
  9. I took the one you had before I think and made it a lot more loopable, zoomed in, and slowed it down. Perhaps it's a little more like what you want? Okay I've been sitting here waiting for it to upload, but the upload speed at my house is horrible. I will edit this post with the link @@Szico VII. EDIT: https://www.dropbox.com/s/l970j96odbzo39e/rain_on_window_slow.mov
  10. Would be cool, but such a hook does not exist for IPB.
  11. Bam son. You can thank @@ChalklYne and @@CrimsonStrife for that, which was implemented a few months ago.
  12. Yes, but that's not even worth it when I can just play normal JA in native, with widescreen and everything. I only use Wine as a last resort.
  13. No Mac versions. Though I did forget about that page.
  14. I was just thinking about starting a thread like this. I was curious when it would happen since most people won't want to take the time and effort to compile it and whatnot. Or to even learn how. I look forward to a first release. Even if it's labeled beta.
  15. This is no longer Edward Thatch Blackbeard. This is stereotypical pirate Blackbeard.
  16. @@Szico VII Oh wait, you want rain on a window? That's a bit specific. Well, I just made a rain one for you anyway... I can control the density, brightness, and fog if you still want it and want it changed. I'll probably have to remove the fog for it to work for you anyway. https://www.dropbox.com/s/djunfsat7014l80/Rain_Loop.mov
  17. I'm assuming you looked on YouTube? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6HGsGSiC64 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=916W_uVka5w
  18. Well let's try getting the base game working first. Did you make sure your base folder was clear of any mods? Remove any PK3 files from your base folder that don't have "assets" in the name.
  19. *peaceful music* TROMP TROMP TROMP *peaceful once again* Very nice! Looks so good!
  20. Ah, didn't read the part about MP. Yeah, not possible without coding.
  21. I forgot how ugly the datapad is in JK2. That'll be fun.
  22. Once I get that to properly test this in-game, I should have the binoculars out of the way and I'll move on to the goggles. Feel free to suggest any other elements you want me to take a stab at.
  23. I'd prefer a Mac version. Don't hate me. I have one that @@redsaurus sent me awhile back, but I doubt it has jk2 support.
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