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Everything posted by Circa

  1. Why am I asking myself all these questions? I'm being shot at right now. But really, you're right. The balance thing is kind of how JK2 and JKA handle the force powers. You gradually earn more and your current ones get more powerful to balance it out a little and let the player learn to use different strategies.
  2. That's odd... Are you sure you didn't register when JKHub was first starting? It's strange that someone would do that so early on. That was before JKHub went public. The account uses your email from your old readmes.
  3. But it doesn't match. :wacko: Would look better with no green rectangles around the words.
  4. That would depend on if you want all the games or not. The Star Wars bundle is $99, which is a good deal, but not if you only want a select few of those games. You just missed a great deal they had on the JK series a few weeks ago. Was only $7 or something. They have weekend sales and holiday sales that you could wait and see if they include any of those games in it.
  5. I always hated the bowcaster in JK2/JKA. I hate how it charges and shoots the 3 bullets. I always would use alt fire.
  6. Not sure. You might be better off either recreating the images yourself or trying to go in-game and take a screenshot.
  7. Of course, but that would take more steps, wouldn't it? Original post states he has no disk drive.
  8. It's not just that post in particular, it's the other ones like it as well, not just this thread. Not that big of a deal though. Botdra may have dramatized it a tad more than it needed to be. Moving on though.
  9. @@Pande no, not forcing. But it is a standard unfortunately. I'll probably have to get it eventually though, unless a studio I'm working at uses something else, which would surprise me. But yes, I'll never stray away from Logic if I can help it.
  10. Another article on a new character, Ezra. http://www.tvguide.com/News/Star-Wars-Rebels-Ezra-1077773.aspx
  11. Perhaps these will come in handy as well. https://jkhub.org/files/file/43-kotor-map-objects/
  12. Happy Valentine's Day guys/gals. Go kiss a stranger right on their mouth hole.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Omicron


      Yes you are. Yes you indeed are.

    3. Tempust85


      Does this include those of the same sex?

    4. ChalklYne
  13. Of course! The Jedi Academy folder is in the Steam folder. Steam/steamapps/common/jedi academy/gamedata/base
  14. @@Archangel35757 Sorry for those other files that weren't ready to be approved. @@Szico VII was on a roll.
  15. Too soon guys. @@eezstreet that is extremely disturbing. He is an interesting creature.
  16. Could just use the burn tool and make the hair black. I think that's his canon hair color when he was young.
  17. @@Pande I use Logic Pro. Though I've been needing to buy Pro Tools for my major, which I will be getting soon. Plus, it's an industry standard and is what we use in our school's studios. It will make working on projects a little easier so I don't have to book studio time. It's a limitation in terms of convenience I suppose. If I start a project in Logic and send it to someone that uses Pro Tools, they wouldn't be able to open that project file. They'd get all the audio files and MIDI files, but not the project, which has all the important info. Unless there's an easier way I don't know about?
  18. That moment when the professor writes “Big D” on the board. He meant “big dipper” but obviously students are not laughing at the big dipper.

    1. therfiles
    2. Bacon


      stupid kids. It is just called "The D" Big D sounds more of a pimp name then what it actually be funny.


    3. Tempust85


      This made my wife chuckle.

  19. I'm going to anyway. It's bothering me a lot. I'm sure others would agree.
  20. Welcome to JKHub! I'm shocked and glad to see you here! I can always change their username so you can use it. That user registered in 2012 and hasn't been on since that day.
  21. The one thing I dread most every week is my 4 hour night class.

    1. therfiles


      Yuck! Doesn't sound like fun. What are you studying?

    2. Circa


      This class is Astronomy. The last 2 hours are supposed to be the lab, but the professor (an 80 year old guy) is not really doing that. Lectures and labs the whole time!

  22. Sounds like a cool idea. Unfortunately, there isn't much we can do in that regard. We are limited greatly to the forum software's functions. The best answer function is a built-in one. I can look into it further though.
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